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The friends and family of the Big Brother housemates nominated yesterday, but  who did they nominate and what were their reasons?


Needless to say, the remarks made by the relatives of the housemates  certainly shook the house up.

See what went on below, and tune in to Big Brother on Channel 5 tonight for  the fallout.

Adam’s mums’ first nomination is for Ashleigh. Her reason for this nomination  is that Ashleigh knew about Caroline sabotaging the shopping task and played a  part in it. “It made everyone in the house suffer” she declares. Her second  nomination is for Becky and says: “She is dropping little bits of poison by  stirring and gossiping. The effect she has had on the house is not a good  one”.

Deana’s friend’s first nomination is for Conor. She says that “It’s no  surprise” because “he hasn’t given her friend a chance or made an effort”. Her  second nomination is for Ashleigh and brands her as “two-faced”. “She is another  person that has not given Deana a chance before getting to know her” she  asserts.

Conor’s girlfriend nominates Deana. “She needs to stop bringing her name into  the controversy” she tells Big Brother. Her second nomination is for Luke A and  claims that he is “playing a game and just wants win”. She believes he has “sabotaged” tasks in order to appear more favourable to the public.

Scott’s sister’s first nomination is for Deana branding her; “lazy” and “bitchy”. Her second nomination is for Luke A because whilst he accused Becky of  bitching about fellow housemates, he spoke behind her back after the pair had  made-up.

Becky’s sister nominates Luke A and says: “He is boring, sly and sneaky”. She  continues to tell housemates that Luke A has said that her sister “respects him  as much as she respects her bmi”. On hearing this, Becky brands Luke A as “nasty” and “disgusting”. Her second nomination is for Deana because: “whilst  there are soldiers fighting in Afghanistan”, Deana, Luke A and Adam refer to  themselves as “soldiers”. In addition to this, she also brands Deana as “Lazy” and does not think that she is having enough fun in the house.

Luke S’s mother nominates Luke A: “He is jealous of Luke (S)” she claims. Her  second nomination is for Adam and labels him as “spiteful”. This is in reaction  to Adam allowing Luke S to stand on the blocks for hours during the ‘Standing on  the Shoulders” task, aware that all Luke S would receive is a coffee  machine.

Ashleigh’s dad nominates Adam. His reason for this nomination is that Adam  hid cigarettes from Ashleigh when Big Brother provided them after Caroline  sabotaged the shopping list. Also, he was unhappy that Adam had prevented  housemates from entering the store room as he threw chocolate on the floor. His  second nomination is for Luke A. “When Ash was saved, he didn’t even give her  eye contact. He has taken this way too seriously” he says.

Luke A’s wife is the last to nominate. She nominates Becky and brands her “angry” and “bitchy”. Her second nomination is for Ashleigh because she is  two-faced. “She told Luke (A) that she loved him and then she went straight back  to Becky to bitch about him. Luke (A) trusted her” she says.

Ashleigh, Becky and Deana received three nominations each. Luke A received  five nominations. Sara was the only housemate to receive zero nominations. This  week Ashleigh, Becky, Deana and Luke A received the most nominations and will  therefore face the public vote.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

This has been the worst BB for me,the sooner it ends the better.There is some outrage Lee over the FB page set up by family/fans of Conor( they thought it was private)Conor is in the house so he can't be blamed for what has been written but I read on DS and TIBB that it has been reported to the press.

Originally Posted by erinp:

This has been the worst BB for me,the sooner it ends the better.There is some outrage Lee over the FB page set up by family/fans of Conor( they thought it was private)Conor is in the house so he can't be blamed for what has been written but I read on DS and TIBB that it has been reported to the press.

It has been bad Erin I agree....What he said was rude crude and nasty,no doubt about that,imo it spiralled out of control when some viewers exaggerated  what was said,put their own spin making it as negative and as horrific as they possibly could,if something is wrong,offensive ,nasty,then surely there is no need to add to it.I don't agree that any of that was purely as a result of what he said,nor do I agree with what has subsequently transpired,all wrong on so many levels. 

Originally Posted by erinp:

This has been the worst BB for me,the sooner it ends the better.There is some outrage Lee over the FB page set up by family/fans of Conor( they thought it was private)Conor is in the house so he can't be blamed for what has been written but I read on DS and TIBB that it has been reported to the press.

I saw that on facebook the "Team Mackers "site .A lot of them have posted vile racist comments about Deana,"Images" of blowing her head off etc.Mocking Luke A's  transgender etc.The idiots didn't realise folk could access it and it's now been reported to Face book,the police and the press.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Becky`s sister sounds as stupid as her. Afghanistan comparison, oh dear  

Total dumb bitch...same as BMI challenged becky.

Someone pointed out that when LukeS called her Private BMI she laughed.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Becky`s sister sounds as stupid as her. Afghanistan comparison, oh dear  

Total dumb bitch...same as BMI challenged becky.

Someone pointed out that when LukeS called her Private BMI she laughed.

Yes she did, but then he's her supposed friend    Seeing as she's mentioned to a few she's not bothered about her weight then she's not bothered about her BMI, oh except that it was Luke A that said it! nuff said

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Becky`s sister sounds as stupid as her. Afghanistan comparison, oh dear  

Total dumb bitch...same as BMI challenged becky.

Someone pointed out that when LukeS called her Private BMI she laughed.

Yes she did, but then he's her supposed friend    Seeing as she's mentioned to a few she's not bothered about her weight then she's not bothered about her BMI, oh except that it was Luke A that said it! nuff said

She doesn't mind her supposed friends taking the p*ss out of her weight. She is comfortable with her weight as she has constantly protested. She did, however, come up with the brilliant smokescreen for her fury and hurt by fuming that her family shouldn't be made to feel bad about it on her behalf. 

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Have to say I'm with Becky's sister on Deana's *Soldiers* tactics,to me it also says she see's the other HM's as enemies,not good imo, opponents in a gameshow yes,enemies no,

Exactly how I see it too.


I have a son in the forces and it didn't occur to me to relate this to him. Maybe we shouldn't sing 'onwards christian soldiers' anymore. I think it's quite apt. The nasties are the enemy now.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I have a son in the forces and it didn't occur to me to relate this to him. Maybe we shouldn't sing 'onwards christian soldiers' anymore. I think it's quite apt. The nasties are the enemy now.

As time goes on it seems they're ALL nasty,some more than others granted,some more skilled  more experienced at masking some of their nasty traits but it's there.


I've said it before but i find it highly suspicious that Beckys sister could mention what Luke A had said about her but Deanas friend didn't mention the worst thing Conor had said about Deana surely that would have been high on the list of why she was nominating him


Originally Posted by Aimee:

I've said it before but i find it highly suspicious that Beckys sister could mention what Luke A had said about her but Deanas friend didn't mention the worst thing Conor had said about Deana surely that would have been high on the list of why she was nominating him


So if there is a conspiracy that would mean F&F are in on it too,why would any F&F be willing to take part in anything be part of any cover up which is non beneficial to their family member/friend yet beneficial to another HM.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I have a son in the forces and it didn't occur to me to relate this to him. Maybe we shouldn't sing 'onwards christian soldiers' anymore. I think it's quite apt. The nasties are the enemy now.

As time goes on it seems they're ALL nasty,some more than others granted,some more skilled  more experienced at masking some of their nasty traits but it's there.

I had a boyfriend once who, in the end, irritated me so much, that I couldn't bare the way he stirred his tea. My nastier side certainly came out then.


I expect there's a 'bunker' mentality by now.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I've said it before but i find it highly suspicious that Beckys sister could mention what Luke A had said about her but Deanas friend didn't mention the worst thing Conor had said about Deana surely that would have been high on the list of why she was nominating him


I suspect as the noms were done on the Friday/Saturday , so pre-recorded, high editing was going on! I couldnt imagine BB letting them do live noms could you ?  I imagine Deana,s friend was bursting to say, but either blocked from doing so , or edited. Just my humble opinion tho..


Thats what i thought skylark, either editing or they used the water shed excuse..even though it went out at 10pm..


I was most annoyed at Sara's mum..she called Scott a rapscallion and did'nt even know what it meant..she did'nt know who to vote for, so why was the woman there..

Originally Posted by stonks:

Thats what i thought skylark, either editing or they used the water shed excuse..even though it went out at 10pm..


I was most annoyed at Sara's mum..she called Scott a rapscallion and did'nt even know what it meant..she did'nt know who to vote for, so why was the woman there..

I thought Sara's mum was hilarious tbh,she'd be a better HM than some of that crew in there.


Awww poor Luke A really does need approval to feel like a good person

That'll be his female side coming out LOL

he sets himself high standards to live up to wen he knows the others have behaved much  worse.

I really like Luke A and see him as a good guy on the whole.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I've said it before but i find it highly suspicious that Beckys sister could mention what Luke A had said about her but Deanas friend didn't mention the worst thing Conor had said about Deana surely that would have been high on the list of why she was nominating him


I suspect as the noms were done on the Friday/Saturday , so pre-recorded, high editing was going on! I couldnt imagine BB letting them do live noms could you ?  I imagine Deana,s friend was bursting to say, but either blocked from doing so , or edited. Just my humble opinion tho..

IMO if their F&F weren't happy how their noms were edited we'd have heard something by now.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Thats what i thought skylark, either editing or they used the water shed excuse..even though it went out at 10pm..


I was most annoyed at Sara's mum..she called Scott a rapscallion and did'nt even know what it meant..she did'nt know who to vote for, so why was the woman there..

I thought Sara's mum was hilarious tbh,she'd be a better HM than some of that crew in there.

She would, she has a sense of humour, sadly lacking in the BB house

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I've said it before but i find it highly suspicious that Beckys sister could mention what Luke A had said about her but Deanas friend didn't mention the worst thing Conor had said about Deana surely that would have been high on the list of why she was nominating him


I suspect as the noms were done on the Friday/Saturday , so pre-recorded, high editing was going on! I couldnt imagine BB letting them do live noms could you ?  I imagine Deana,s friend was bursting to say, but either blocked from doing so , or edited. Just my humble opinion tho..

IMO if their F&F weren't happy how their noms were edited we'd have heard something by now.

They have probably been told to sign something, on fear of death! It will all come out in the wash, i imagine!

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Thats what i thought skylark, either editing or they used the water shed excuse..even though it went out at 10pm..


I was most annoyed at Sara's mum..she called Scott a rapscallion and did'nt even know what it meant..she did'nt know who to vote for, so why was the woman there..

I thought Sara's mum was hilarious tbh,she'd be a better HM than some of that crew in there.

She was really upset on Bbots lastnight..

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Where exactly does Luke A stand after all of this?

Hopefully he hasn't lost too much support over his comment. I've seen some hm's say they regret what they've done/said but personally I don't think any of them have been as genuine in their regret as he was.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Where exactly does Luke A stand after all of this?

Hopefully he hasn't lost too much support over his comment. I've seen some hm's say they regret what they've done/said but personally I don't think any of them have been as genuine in their regret as he was.

Yea like hate filled Conors forced apology,his lip curling sneer when deanas friend appeared on the plasma tells me all I need to know about this cretin.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Where exactly does Luke A stand after all of this?

Hopefully he hasn't lost too much support over his comment. I've seen some hm's say they regret what they've done/said but personally I don't think any of them have been as genuine in their regret as he was.

Yea like hate filled Conors forced apology,his lip curling sneer when deanas friend appeared on the plasma tells me all I need to know about this cretin.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Where exactly does Luke A stand after all of this?

Hopefully he hasn't lost too much support over his comment. I've seen some hm's say they regret what they've done/said but personally I don't think any of them have been as genuine in their regret as he was.

Yea like hate filled Conors forced apology,his lip curling sneer when deanas friend appeared on the plasma tells me all I need to know about this cretin.

He sneers or laughs every time he hears something he thinks is negative about Deana, he loves it!!! When one of the f&f's said something negative about Deana he was punching his hand with delight and laughing. What on earth has Deana ever done or said to him that makes him hate her so much, mystery to me.

Yellow Rose

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