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She's been being sick since Monday night and is in unbearable pain - stomach and back.  Has been docs and fobbed off with anti sickness pills.  Anyway my sister (a midwife) has taken her to hospital tonight and she's being seen to now.  Current news is they think she may have diabetes (??) and have taken blood, etc. Wee like tar! She had a baby nine weeks ago ... I'm on pins waiting for news cos she's been feeling so ill for days now

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Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

Oh I haven't been on this week until now so haven't heard about this.  No one else in the family has had it though ... She's only 19 and as I said is a new mum.  Hope it is just a virus, although they can be bad enough themselves


Ducks's boy is 20.   And no, no one else has had it, in his family or around him.


Its just really really odd..    your niece is the third person now that I have heard of that have very similar sounding symptoms

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

Oh I haven't been on this week until now so haven't heard about this.  No one else in the family has had it though ... She's only 19 and as I said is a new mum.  Hope it is just a virus, although they can be bad enough themselves


Ducks's boy is 20.   And no, no one else has had it, in his family or around him.


Its just really really odd..    your niece is the third person now that I have heard of that have very similar sounding symptoms





My granddaughter was in hospital for four days last month with the same symptoms, three others were in with her too....  she was in awful pain and walking like a 80 year old... never found out what was wrong with her, and it's taken up until last week for her to be something like back to normal. Hope Ducky's son and your niece recover quickly 


her symptons,


Violent tummy and back pain...aching limbs, temp and horrendous headaches  oh, and she had a rash for a couple of days on her tummy...


dunno YR... 


but if stomach pains really means writhing in absolute agony...   as Ducky's son has been (for a week now.. bless him)..   then maybe.


Or maybe its one of those things that is hitting some younger people the hardest...  



I know what Ducky has been through this week..   my sympathy goes out to anyone suffering from this...  or watching a loved one go through this xx

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Violent tummy and back pain...aching limbs, temp and horrendous headaches  oh, and she had a rash for a couple of days on her tummy...


We're gonna have to do a symptom comparison


Duds has severe stomach, back, and groin pain and high temp. He's been ill for a week now. The first two days he was sick once a day (around midday), the third day nothing, but since they admitted him on Monday night they've had him on anti-sickness pills so it's hard to say whether that's a significant part of it. No headaches though. 


They're keeping him till at least Monday now, and we're waiting for his results of the MRI scan. 


I'm really scared they're going to say the same to us as they did to you Dame. I'm not sure I'm going to cope well with not knowing what it is, especially with him away at uni! 


He thinks he's going straight back to uni when he gets out of hospital.... I have other plans  


Glad to hear your grand daughter is finally getting back to normal  


And Boltonfan... try not to worry too much (easier said then done I know), she's in the best place.  


That sounds awful  I would hate to watch anyone in such pain and, to me, vomiting is one of the worst things to deal with when sick.  Hopefully your niece (and Duck Jr) get the treatment they need at the hospital and the Docs actually find out the cause so they can treat it better.


There's been a lot of awful bugs going round lately but none that sound as bad as that

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Violent tummy and back pain...aching limbs, temp and horrendous headaches  oh, and she had a rash for a couple of days on her tummy...


We're gonna have to do a symptom comparison


Duds has severe stomach, back, and groin pain and high temp. He's been ill for a week now. The first two days he was sick once a day (around midday), the third day nothing, but since they admitted him on Monday night they've had him on anti-sickness pills so it's hard to say whether that's a significant part of it. No headaches though. 


They're keeping him till at least Monday now, and we're waiting for his results of the MRI scan. 


I'm really scared they're going to say the same to us as they did to you Dame. I'm not sure I'm going to cope well with not knowing what it is, especially with him away at uni! 


He thinks he's going straight back to uni when he gets out of hospital.... I have other plans  


Glad to hear your grand daughter is finally getting back to normal  


And Boltonfan... try not to worry too much (easier said then done I know), she's in the best place.  


My granddaughter was sick on the first day and the third day Ducky, she was also on anti sickness pills...I think they had forgotten to give her them on the third day and she was sick when I took her for a hot chocolate in the cafe  She had a chest x-ray and MRI scan... nothing showed up, she also developed pins and needles in her legs, not sure if that had anything to do with her back or just being prone for a few days. the tummy and back pains eventually wore off after about two weeks, her appetite seems to have returned to normal this last week.


I know it's a worry if they can't find what the cause is, I hope he starts improving soon Ducky...and if it is viral, it will go in it's own time.


Bolton fan, hope you have some answers later and both of you try not to worry, I know that's a big ask...I was demented 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

yay for the word "groin"..  


I wish we'd remembered that word a week ago Ducks...   rather than the whispered "down there" with pointy finger 


Yeah, me too. We're getting quite good at bodily terms now  


Have you still got your hat on?  

Why?    Has it happened??



*gets excited...   goes to get hat... puts it on*


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

Bolton fan, hope you have some answers later and both of you try not to worry, I know that's a big ask...I was demented 




Humour is getting me through! Just...


Duds set off the emergency alarm in his room this evening...because I made him laugh and he leant against it while clutching his stomach. Three nurses ran into the room looking horrified.  


We soon shut up laughing  

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

*gets excited...   goes to get hat... puts it on*



Take it off again.   I'm not sure whether he has a problem going.... or is suffering from stage fright  

The nurses will start giving him senokot soon..   they can be a determined bunch when they are wanting a sample 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

Bolton fan, hope you have some answers later and both of you try not to worry, I know that's a big ask...I was demented 




Humour is getting me through! Just...


Duds set off the emergency alarm in his room this evening...because I made him laugh and he leant against it while clutching his stomach. Three nurses ran into the room looking horrified.  


We soon shut up laughing  


we tried that too and it does help Ducky, even if it takes their mind off the pain for a wee while 

Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

Well apparently she's been told she has gallstones! She has to have a scan today and an operation on Monday, not sure exactly what they're going to do.  I've just been reading that apparently the risk of gallstones increases with pregnancy so it could be that - I always thought it was older people that got gallstones

aww.. I'm glad she has a diagnosis...    funnily enough a daughter of one of my friends had gallstones...  diagnosed after she's had her second baby.   She had the op & was then fine.    its a couple of years on now & she has been given the ok to have another baby if she wants to .


I wish your niece a speedy recovery 

Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:
  How are things with you?


Pretty much the same at the mo. He's only in pain if he doesn't take the pain killers (or if he moves about too much), which is good.  He gets the results from the MRI scan on Monday....and then we'll know more. I'm really worried that they won't get to the bottom of it and just send him home Monday still in pain. So fingers crossed that either he gets better by then.... or they find something and sort it! (Quickly please   )

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:
  How are things with you?


Pretty much the same at the mo. He's only in pain if he doesn't take the pain killers (or if he moves about too much), which is good.  He gets the results from the MRI scan on Monday....and then we'll know more. I'm really worried that they won't get to the bottom of it and just send him home Monday still in pain. So fingers crossed that either he gets better by then.... or they find something and sort it! (Quickly please   )



Yes, fingers crossed you'll know Monday and it will be sorted.


Let us all know asap xxxx

Bolton Fan
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:
  How are things with you?


Pretty much the same at the mo. He's only in pain if he doesn't take the pain killers (or if he moves about too much), which is good.  He gets the results from the MRI scan on Monday....and then we'll know more. I'm really worried that they won't get to the bottom of it and just send him home Monday still in pain. So fingers crossed that either he gets better by then.... or they find something and sort it! (Quickly please   )


Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

Thanks all for your replies and good wishes.


She has to have her gall bladder removed asap but after that she should be fine.  Apparently it is very unusual in someone her age but not unheard of



I think it's a relatively routine op.... I'm sure she'll be fine in a couple of weeks, so pleased they found out what it was so quickly 


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