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Thank you Real, Tayto and Eugene   the thing is the things I'm interested in, among so many things lol, have occasionally been posted here but I've noticed the subjects always turn into either derision eventually or jokey type stuff that really have nothing to do with the subject, so I don't reply but go to other Forums where it can be discussed maturely and/or sensibly by those who get my interest or are interested and have knowledge of the subject.. There are many members here who have a great sense of humour and wit and I've recognised that so many times, but I've also recognised that some interesting subjects eventually turn into something absolutely non related to the subject so I lose interest and prefer to post elsewhere.

Yellow Rose
Reference: Real  VIP  Loves Everyone
We need PMA--- Positive mental attitude
As much as I agree and admire your positivity - there is only so much PMA you can have - I try to retain mine I really do but some days it lacks

I was one of the early peeps that came over and had a look , gave it time each day to try and understand what is what but one or two things are missing  and maybe these are the things that are making the unsure peeps still not very confident here.

There are many nooks and crannies to explore but how many people know for example they have to join a group to be able to post in it ? - if confidence lacks and they havnt been invited they might not feel happy to join   Blogs used to be easy to find and a quick glance and you could see if anyone you recognise has posted one - the last few weeks they have disappeared within hours as the twitters have swamped them on the same list - these should be seperate IMHO - I have raised the issue in support  

This is a huge social networking place BUT if peeps only want the usual forum then most of the time it looks  dead - the option of turning oneself to invisible is ok for not showing on the online list -  but I think the white ginger bread men is a put off and many log off again .  The facility to see members posting history is a great advantage but it is missing for now - I believe this is being looked into

These are all little things but can be put offs for the less confident - often there are 1000+ showing on online list - where do they hide ?

I have found most members that have come over to be very friendly and yes many have spent hours helping anyone who has asked -  so I agree with you here and say continue to ask  - it does get better   but we need posts to make it work and keep it active and peeps interested and these are very sparse at times at the moment.

Anyone still not sure - remember the black address at the very top of each page is your friend   navigate from it and if you get lost then go back to it and try again - to find peeps you  need to use the EXPLORE tab , look at the list of groups , click on and look at the member list within each group, explore the blogs , you might find peeps you know are blogging instead of forum posting , dialogs are what we used to know as PM's  but the best friend on the bar is the ticker  refresh this often and look as it, it shows posts from anyone in places you are watching or you have posted - your own posts however do not show in your ticker  - to anyone lurking and not posting , underneath every first post anywhere is an option to WATCH or STOP WATCHING posts made, if you click on WATCH  posts made will show in your ticker - if you tire of watching somewhere go back and click on stop watching and all posts will clear from your ticker

We have Gaga Forum - Blogs - Groups and within groups small forums set up  - your own personal space gives you a wall and the place to create your own blogs - click - poke and hope and you may find people you are looking for or interesting things to read

I didnt mean this to be such a ramble but reading around the forum lately there is still lots of negativity and people not enjoying Cloud - I am just trying to help a little   and get Cloud into a nice active place to be without waiting and hoping Celeb BB or IAACGMOOH draws peeps back
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Reference: Yellow Rose
Thank you Real, Tayto and Eugene the thing is the things I'm interested in, among so many things lol, have occasionally been posted here but I've noticed the subjects always turn into either derision eventually or jokey type stuff that really have nothing to do with the subject, so I don't reply but go to other Forums where it can be discussed maturely and/or sensibly by those who get my interest or are interested and have knowledge of the subject.. There are many members here who have a great sense of humour and wit and I've recognised that so many times, but I've also recognised that some interesting subjects eventually turn into something absolutely non related to the subject so I lose interest and prefer to post elsewhere.

I have sympathy with your view Yellow Rose.  I can't count the number of times scorn has been poured on certain threads and fms.  Not to mention the ridicule you can get for supporting a view which others have little knowledge or experience of ~ not a great basis for debate lol.

I would be grateful if you could pass on details of some of the forums you visit but if you're uncomfortable about doing that it's ok.
Re: the main title - I'm slowly becoming used to it here - it's all due to my love of the FMs that keeps me going and not wanting to leave - so in turn, I'm forced to learn new computer 'things/techniques etc' not such a bad thing. I, however did despair at first and still have a lot to learn. Plus, I've changed to a laptop and want my mouse back! (My son ensures me he'll be along asap - asap? Right)! Bear with me FMs!
Reference: MrsH
I am just trying to help a little
...and you have MrsH.
I found many useful tips in your post. You also refreshed my attitude and showed understanding as to why some people have not yet settled.
I miss most not be able to see my (and others) posting history with a single click.

I do, however, feel better about being here each day.
Thanks again for a very helpful post. 
I miss most not be able to see my (and others) posting history with a single click.  Thanks again for a very helpful post.
Thank you brisket   I thought I had killed the thread there for a while 

I miss the posting history too   it helped to catch up with members you like to post with

Glad I was some help   and in answer to the OP yes I do quite like it here - I just wish it was busier sometimes
There are many nooks and crannies to explore but how many people know for example they have to join a group to be able to post in it ? - if confidence lacks and they havnt been invited they might not feel happy to join
MrsH very well explained about things livecloud. I miss being able to follow fave. posters too.  
There are many groups that everybody can join in and post on topics or blogs. If you click EXPLORE on top black bar then groups you get a big list, e.g.  click for   SHADY PINES   SINKING SHIP 
You are welcome at many places go explore and make the most of all there is. I had only joined gaga for about a month before it was moving here it was my first time on a forum, I was very unsure of things, quotes were a no go, and didn't dare ask. But on here it has felt different all learning together and I am pleased I have made the effort as I have met so many friendly and funny people.
I think over the past couple of days it has become really good on here again after a few days of being very quiet and also tempers running high about various subjects.

It is a temptation to go off and look at other places, but if the main forum is busy, then I stay  here.

A lot of things are easier to do on here, such as posting links and pictures, the mods have listened and tried to give us the things we have asked for and the place has really improved over the last couple of months.

I just wish some of the FM's who left would just come and have a look, as I think they would now, be pleasantly surprised.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
This is the only forum I'm on. Don't even venture anywhere else on Livecloud - I'm hopeless. I used to lurk when it was Gaga and I can honestly say that there were times my mouth would drop at the vitrolic carry on with some fm's. I'm glad to say I don't see any of them here and think that those who do post are absolutely lovely.
Its ok, but obviously not as great as the other place which was really nice. I feel like an intruder here these days
I like your posts on the Xfactor thread...don`t think you go unnoticed cococa, you don`t.
I don`t often agree with you ( I only read that one these days..don`t post) but I Iike how you stick to your guns.
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your browser is the internet explorer provided by vista that you browse the internet through 

here is a link to Chrome for download - if you decide to download it you then have the choice of using either your existing IE or chrome to open and browse through.

Chrome is slightly quicker though - but takes a bit of getting used to as it is laid out slightly different

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