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What Women Want


Eyes Wide Shut


^ two films that I found pointless and boring beyond belief!


Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls was a massive disappointment, I love the first film and Jim Carrey but this film was so self-indulgent and OTT, it was awful.



I loved The Hurt Locker, it was tough to watch at times but I found it rewarding. Same goes for Inception.

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I loved inception! And the kings speech!

I loved Inception too.  I just think that people who said it was shit or didn't get it, didn't concentrate fully or simply didn't understand it... I watched it once, and came out very confused.. so the following week, I went again, and genuinely, it fell into place: the whole film made sense.. I think people need to watch it more than once...



You could be right Cupcake - I can't watch a film if I have to have my eyes glued to it all the time and a friend told me that you absolutely have to concentrate for the first 30 mins.


Which I didn't


I think you lot need to understand what is considered a 'REALLY BAD' movie.  Just because you didn't enjoy doesn't mean its actually a 'bad film'.


For a really, really, really bad film (not mine...well not yet anyway) you need to look at films like this:




Slumdog Millionaire, Inception, The Social Network, The Hurt Locker, might not be your choice of films, but they really can't be considered 'terrible films'.


*sits back on my film connoisseur chair, and smokes a pipe*


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I love some "really bad" films ..    bad as in the way Rawky is talking about... 


I bloody love dinoshark!   and Sharktopus,  and Loch Ness Terror was fabulous it was so bad. 



Not all "bad" monster films are entertaining though..   Mega Piranha was crap!

Ditty - this has got nothing to do with films but as the chillie expert can you tell me if I can freeze them?

I have loads

Originally Posted by Eileen Over:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I love some "really bad" films ..    bad as in the way Rawky is talking about... 


I bloody love dinoshark!   and Sharktopus,  and Loch Ness Terror was fabulous it was so bad. 



Not all "bad" monster films are entertaining though..   Mega Piranha was crap!

Ditty - this has got nothing to do with films but as the chillie expert can you tell me if I can freeze them?

I have loads

Eileen, you can freeze them. This link might help

Originally Posted by Eileen Over:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I love some "really bad" films ..    bad as in the way Rawky is talking about... 


I bloody love dinoshark!   and Sharktopus,  and Loch Ness Terror was fabulous it was so bad. 



Not all "bad" monster films are entertaining though..   Mega Piranha was crap!

Ditty - this has got nothing to do with films but as the chillie expert can you tell me if I can freeze them?

I have loads

You can, but it bursts the seeds ...   tbh its not the best way to preserve them.


Do what we do..    


put them on a baking tray and put them in the oven on a low heat til they are totally dried out, but not cooked..   they end up crispy, but still red...  (it took 4-5 hours to do ours).. 


then put them in a jar & when you want to use them you just crumble them ... into currys, or on pizza etc.


tis the best way of preserving them 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I love some "really bad" films ..    bad as in the way Rawky is talking about... 


I bloody love dinoshark!   and Sharktopus,  and Loch Ness Terror was fabulous it was so bad. 



Not all "bad" monster films are entertaining though..   Mega Piranha was crap!

Ditty - this has got nothing to do with films but as the chillie expert can you tell me if I can freeze them?

I have loads

You can, but it bursts the seeds ...   tbh its not the best way to preserve them.


Do what we do..    


put them on a baking tray and put them in the oven on a low heat til they are totally dried out, but not cooked..   they end up crispy, but still red...  (it took 4-5 hours to do ours).. 


then put them in a jar & when you want to use them you just crumble them ... into currys, or on pizza etc.


tis the best way of preserving them 



So like crushed chillis?


I have loads so I will try both


Thank you xxxx

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

So like crushed chillis?




yeah.. that was probably the phrase I was looking for.      I am a bit space cadet tonight cos of cough medicine  (my house is a disease riddled plague pit at the moment...    I am thinking of buying shares in Soothers & Tunes) 

You maybe need to eat more chillies?

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



Though my tolerance for eating them has got better over the years..    my rear end has yet to catch up...     I suffer from the "ring of fire" side effect 


Chillie botty

Not good


BUT chillies are so good for the immune system so it is worth the burn

Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

The Great Gatsby - the only film I have ever found so boring that I walked out of the cinema.


My daughter had to do the book for her AS Eng Lit last year - the book bored her so much that she couldn't read it, so I had to buy the DVD so that she could get the story, and I tried to watch it. I walked out again

 Oh dear!


First time i tried to watch it ..... many years ago ....I lasted about 20 minutes.  My son has gone back to college AGAIN and is doing it for his Higher and we just bought the DVD to watch together to be supportive... can't wait! 

I've just seen this hoochie ... good luck!


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