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Originally Posted by Rexi:

The Great Gatsby - the only film I have ever found so boring that I walked out of the cinema.


My daughter had to do the book for her AS Eng Lit last year - the book bored her so much that she couldn't read it, so I had to buy the DVD so that she could get the story, and I tried to watch it. I walked out again

The Great Goadsby would have made far better

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Oooh Rexi, films I've walked out of the cinema.  One of the Alien films, and a James Bond one.  This year I wanted to walk out of 'Source Code' but I was trapped between Mr & Boy Cinds, but I did announce loudly when it finished 'Well there's 2 hours of my life I'm not getting back'. I hated that film 

Hmmmm, well, my children are responsible for me watching some rubbish films. Imagine how I felt when they prodded me awake in the middle of Pokemon!!!

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Oooh Rexi, films I've walked out of the cinema.  One of the Alien films, and a James Bond one.  This year I wanted to walk out of 'Source Code' but I was trapped between Mr & Boy Cinds, but I did announce loudly when it finished 'Well there's 2 hours of my life I'm not getting back'. I hated that film 

Hmmmm, well, my children are responsible for me watching some rubbish films. Imagine how I felt when they prodded me awake in the middle of Pokemon!!!

Pokemon...or Poke the Mom?

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Pokemon...or Poke the Mom?

Boom tish


The other one was the first Harry Potter film ... I tried, I really did, but when John Cleese floated out of a table I just thought 'oh sod it' and went to sleep.


Honestly, when I think about it,  I don't know what my children got up to in cinemas when they were younger

Originally Posted by Rexi:

The Great Gatsby - the only film I have ever found so boring that I walked out of the cinema.


My daughter had to do the book for her AS Eng Lit last year - the book bored her so much that she couldn't read it, so I had to buy the DVD so that she could get the story, and I tried to watch it. I walked out again

 Oh dear!


First time i tried to watch it ..... many years ago ....I lasted about 20 minutes.  My son has gone back to college AGAIN and is doing it for his Higher and we just bought the DVD to watch together to be supportive... can't wait! 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

it's yonks old but 'eyes wide shut'..........allegedly an erotic's more erotic watching slugs at it.....

that the one with Nicole Kidman in it .   the last film that Stanley Kubrick directed (didn't he die part way through production or something)... 


yeah... you're right..   that was overhyped & really crap too 


I can't say this often enough: - Meet the Spartans


This utter shite


Awful even by the spoof genre's standards


The contributors on IMDB articulate the sheer shiteness of this film far better than I could in this post.


Friedburg and Selzer are the anti-christ of movie directors.  Painfully unfunny is lavishing praise on Meet the Spartans. I've not seen "Epic Movie", I've heard it's even worse than Meet the Spartans - which I find impossible to believe.




Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Have you ever felt so disappointed in a movie that you have told people in Blockbuster not to bother renting it?  


I have. (I'm going back a while)



Jeepers Creepers

28 days Later

Yes, but I rent all kinds of crap.  When it comes to hiring films, I don't have a high quality threshold. If I haven't seen it and Jack Black, Jennifer Aniston or Ben Stiller aren't in it, that's about good enough for me!   A recent one was "Lake Mungo", which is relatively highly regarded but it presents the whole film in a cheaply done mock doc style which becomes tedious within a few minutes - but it continued in that style for the rest of the film. I kept waiting for the film to start but it never did!  Just one mock interview after another about this supposed haunting. I don't know if the film makers thought this style made it more 'real' to the audience but it's film about a haunting that WE KNOW isn't real, so what was the point? 


Originally Posted by Rexi:

The Great Gatsby - the only film I have ever found so boring that I walked out of the cinema.


My daughter had to do the book for her AS Eng Lit last year - the book bored her so much that she couldn't read it, so I had to buy the DVD so that she could get the story, and I tried to watch it. I walked out again

This is being remade with LEO Dicaprio.... hopefully it will be better...


The one film I can honestly say I *wanted* to walk out of, was Paranormal Activity... the most boring and pointless piece of shit I have ever seen.  I only stayed in the hope something would happen.. Dreadful film!  Oh and CLOVERFIELD... over hyped piece of RUBBISH!  I hated it!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I loved inception! And the kings speech!

I loved Inception too.  I just think that people who said it was shit or didn't get it, didn't concentrate fully or simply didn't understand it... I watched it once, and came out very confused.. so the following week, I went again, and genuinely, it fell into place: the whole film made sense.. I think people need to watch it more than once...


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