I saw it and know what you mean ..it's worse when Nene is involved. .she just won't shut up and seems to think she is way above the others and they are so far beneath her she just sneers at them.. she strikes me as being a very mean spirited person and that was from the very beginning before she got up her own arse. .dreadful woman. . and she had the cheek to say the one argument she wasn't involved in throughout the whole show, in Africa, looked stupid and childish and then off she goes ranting again. . i really want to slap her face a lot
then you have Kim who denies everything or doesn't want to talk about anything. .like how she was a married blokes mistress and let him pay for everything for her. .ie a call girl or prossie really..
More to come today ..I love it when I hate them all so much and they act like twats..
i'm getting OC and NY and Beverly hills withdrawals now.. Miami HW's will be finished on Bio soon and hopefully Beverly Hills will follow on from that one as Bio show it first before ITV unless they've not bought the next one and are sticking with the NJ and Miami ones instead..
Watched the new big fat rich texas. .that is just as bad as the first series. .the acting is really really crap