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Yogi !!


Its a novel. Its the only one i have finished. Its a bit embarrassing as i had wrote it years ago, and only just went over it again recently to put the finer details, and change certain things in it. I have a few short stories i wrote years ago as well. (The pages are nearly brown)  

I has always put it off due to one thing or another. Mainly as i had decided it was too much work to get to the next stage lol but recently managed to move along a bit further, so am quite excited.

 Val McDermid is a good crime writer. I havn't read those, but have heard of them. 


I have millions of books, i can never throw them out. 

Ev (Peachy)



Ev that's brilliant  


We wondered when you were due back 


What's the book about and have you ran it by anyone yet ?....waits for letterbox clanging.... Hope it turns out brilliant for you 



I've not had time to read this week, but I've just finished Broken by Karin Slaughter. I used to write loads of poetry up until my 30's 

Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Yogi !!


Its a novel. Its the only one i have finished. Its a bit embarrassing as i had wrote it years ago, and only just went over it again recently to put the finer details, and change certain things in it. I have a few short stories i wrote years ago as well. (The pages are nearly brown)  

I has always put it off due to one thing or another. Mainly as i had decided it was too much work to get to the next stage lol but recently managed to move along a bit further, so am quite excited.

 Val McDermid is a good crime writer. I havn't read those, but have heard of them. 


I have millions of books, i can never throw them out. 

No wonder you're excited, I think it's brilliant.

When it gets published, I promise I'll buy it.

I've also got loads of books - Mr Yogi has made me store most of them up the loft now, 'cos I've got so many.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Ev that's brilliant  


We wondered when you were due back 


What's the book about and have you ran it by anyone yet ?....waits for letterbox clanging.... Hope it turns out brilliant for you 



I've not had time to read this week, but I've just finished Broken by Karin Slaughter. I used to write loads of poetry up until my 30's 



I've been home a while, but its been manic, sorting stuff out.

I have ran it by 2 people  Very critical, *aherm* but excited for me. 

Ive been told i still may need to go through it again a few times, not saying it will take off, but i can still get it published at the very least. I hope to do more than that though, but small steps. 


I'd be happy just to get it published for me and family.


Aww i love poetry, you should go back to that, i wrote " forever love" and got it copyrighted to me, and its in a book of poetry somewhere, you had to pay for the book and i didn't   I have the copy, and will show you when i see you.   xxxx 


You'll just call me a soppy get 

Ev (Peachy)


That's brill Ev 


I stopped writing poetry because it was really depressing stuff at times, when I was at school I had several offers to get some published but always declined  I always thought they would bomb and never had the confidence to believe in myself or the poems  I binned everything when I divorced, I think I regret it now 



I'd love to see the book Ev x x 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I've been promising myself to write and send for publishing (I have the skeleton of a story) but I've got writers block at the moment 


Good luck with it Ev.  There is a book you can buy from Waterstones but I can't for the life of me remember what the title is called 


I'll get back to you on that 

I had writers block for years Pengy. I could have phases when my pen never stopped, i was running away with idea's and putting them in place, then others of nothing bloody nowt lol, but i knew if i kept them all they would all go in like a giant puzzle in the end.


Small steps just think of, a little here a little there. 


Oh aye let me know, i think I've got most of WHS buy one get one half price at the moment. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


That's brill Ev 


I stopped writing poetry because it was really depressing stuff at times, when I was at school I had several offers to get some published but always declined  I always thought they would bomb and never had the confidence to believe in myself or the poems  I binned everything when I divorced, I think I regret it now 



I'd love to see the book Ev x x 


Did he go in the bin as well 



I came across a few short stories i had wrote from years back, i thought they had been binned. But i'm sticking with this one i have had in the pipeline as this is probably the way i want to go. Hope you like it... your sure too. 

Ev (Peachy)

Good Luck Ev xxxx 


I am also trying to get my first novel finished...been writing it for a while!! It is written around my MM character Vi Brator (as seen in the MMs on here) and have been working on it for a couple of years....I have had more plot re-writes than you can imagine!!!


I hope you manage to get sorted. I use a website called webook at the moment....they have agents and stuff on may help a is an american site so may not be what you are looking for....but it is free and can provide you with hints and tips etc on the can also request feedback for your work. Hope this helps!


I am reading Jo Nesbo at the mo...Norwegian crime/thriller....absolutely blooming excellent....he sucks you right in and you really have to concentrate on his books...wholeheartedly recommend him! Then, when I have finished his books I have Game of Thrones by George RR Martin to look forward to....should be good!!


I can never throw a book  out either!! I have so many of them now that I think I need my own library!! I buy at least one new book every week.....they are my biggest weakness...even more so than chocolate or sofas!!! I have to have at least an hour a day that is just me and my book, even if i have to go to bed early! At the moment I manage to read a lot at work when the shop is is bliss! I have a very diverse library ranging from the typical chick lit beach reads to the deeper, darker stuff. I also love anything relating to the Tudors, both factual and fiction....another of my weaknesses....I have the rough plot and character list for a novel about Tudor prostitutes...the research for that has been interesting!! So many few brain cells!!

Originally Posted by MrsB:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

This site may be of use to you Ev

Oooh...I shall be registering there too....ta Pengy!! xxxxx

I will sure to look and read both those sites, brilliant!  Thanks Pengy and Mrs B.


Oh Mrs B, keep me updated, that sounds really exciting. Well done to you. xxxx

 I've had and still having it re-wrote in places, again and again, and its driving me really hard, but im determined. 






Ev (Peachy)

It is incredibly frustrating trying to write at times, isn't it?? I have all these great ideas but trying to get them to actually work is so difficult! The oddest thing was, I had the ending and everything all sorted, but the opening line was nigh on impossible to find and even now I'm still playing around with it!!! I may never be happy with it!

Originally Posted by MrsB:

It is incredibly frustrating trying to write at times, isn't it?? I have all these great ideas but trying to get them to actually work is so difficult! The oddest thing was, I had the ending and everything all sorted, but the opening line was nigh on impossible to find and even now I'm still playing around with it!!! I may never be happy with it!



I can imagine. I was fine with the beginning, but then I seem to find if i read it too much i get to doubt things and want to change them too much.


When at first they seen fine. If you know what i mean?

So that's when i know ive done enough and go and do something else, then go back to it. 

Ev (Peachy)

I know exactly what you mean! The other thing I find a problem is remembering that the reader doesn't know the characters as well as I do!!! In my head they are all real and I have to force myself to see them from a strangers point of view.....very difficult when some of them have been building for years!!! 


When I first started my book, it was based around one of the MMs we did on another forum, but now it has totally changed and is full of new characters. My notepads are a jumble of ideas, characters, plots, relationships and maps!! I tried changing Vi's name but she just isn't the same without the Brator surname!! Her name will give you a huge clue as to the style of book!!!!


I'm watching Meet Joe Black atm based on the book Death Takes a Holiday.  I love the concept of Death being on holiday and I'm jealous that I can't ever think of a protagonist like that 


The other story I thought was an amazing concept was The Lovely Bones (although I thought the ending was piddle poor).  Seeing things from heaven and looking down on loved ones.  It's no wonder readers were gripped by these books.  I only hope I can write a book that good 

Originally Posted by MrsB:

I know exactly what you mean! The other thing I find a problem is remembering that the reader doesn't know the characters as well as I do!!! In my head they are all real and I have to force myself to see them from a strangers point of view.....very difficult when some of them have been building for years!!! 


When I first started my book, it was based around one of the MMs we did on another forum, but now it has totally changed and is full of new characters. My notepads are a jumble of ideas, characters, plots, relationships and maps!! I tried changing Vi's name but she just isn't the same without the Brator surname!! Her name will give you a huge clue as to the style of book!!!!



Mrs B, if you have created the other characters as real as Vi, you'll not be far wrong. I saw that tart in my dreams for weeks, she's brilliant  

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by MrsB:

I know exactly what you mean! The other thing I find a problem is remembering that the reader doesn't know the characters as well as I do!!! In my head they are all real and I have to force myself to see them from a strangers point of view.....very difficult when some of them have been building for years!!! 


When I first started my book, it was based around one of the MMs we did on another forum, but now it has totally changed and is full of new characters. My notepads are a jumble of ideas, characters, plots, relationships and maps!! I tried changing Vi's name but she just isn't the same without the Brator surname!! Her name will give you a huge clue as to the style of book!!!!



Mrs B, if you have created the other characters as real as Vi, you'll not be far wrong. I saw that tart in my dreams for weeks, she's brilliant  

What was your again Dame?   I was fascinated by that bouncing sexy bottom  lol


I bet is sizzlin' Mrs B... going to pm you with stuff soon, so i can get a peep into it.  


Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm watching Meet Joe Black atm based on the book Death Takes a Holiday.  I love the concept of Death being on holiday and I'm jealous that I can't ever think of a protagonist like that 


The other story I thought was an amazing concept was The Lovely Bones (although I thought the ending was piddle poor).  Seeing things from heaven and looking down on loved ones.  It's no wonder readers were gripped by these books.  I only hope I can write a book that good 

Lovely Bones, Fascinated! ...funny enough 


Loved the idea, tragic and so well put. Did you find the book much better than the film? 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Lovely Bones, Fascinated! ...funny enough 


Loved the idea, tragic and so well put. Did you find the book much better than the film? 

The film is awful (although I will prolly watch it again tomorrow night as it's on Ch4)   The book was funny, sad, thrilling and kept me gripped all until the last chapter which I personally felt was weak.  It could even have carried over to another book about the chase for her killer who could have gone on the run - I think the author missed a trick there 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

What was your again Dame?   I was fascinated by that bouncing sexy bottom  lol


I bet is sizzlin' Mrs B... going to pm you with stuff soon, so i can get a peep into it.  




Reeda Prompt...and my behind is nothing like hers 

Reeda Prompt  *wiggle wiggle*  I like big butts i can not lie


Ooops musn't go off topic  *smacks hand* >looks<

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Lovely Bones, Fascinated! ...funny enough 


Loved the idea, tragic and so well put. Did you find the book much better than the film? 

The film is awful (although I will prolly watch it again tomorrow night as it's on Ch4)   The book was funny, sad, thrilling and kept me gripped all until the last chapter which I personally felt was weak.  It could even have carried over to another book about the chase for her killer who could have gone on the run - I think the author missed a trick there 

Thanks for telling me Pengy, i read the book, and yes it keeps you gripped. Will definately watch it tomorrow, cheers for the reminder 


Martina Cole one of her first ones the lady killer, Amazing read, so gripping, and so easy to read, about the family and why he became the way he did. Great read, Unfortunately for me, only a couple of her other books proved to match up to that one, Goodnight Lady being one of them. Although i have all her books. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):


Martina Cole one of her first ones the lady killer, Amazing read, so gripping, and so easy to read, about the family and why he became the way he did. Great read, Unfortunately for me, only a couple of her other books proved to match up to that one, Goodnight Lady being one of them. Although i have all her books. 

Never read any of Martina Cole's books  although some have said they're good.  Might give The Lady Killer a go 


Hi Ev, I wish you all the luck in the world with your manuscript.  I would love to be able to write a good novel but somehow I don't seem to have the imagination.


I did help a friend who was writing a book with some research she needed.  I worked like a little demon for weeks and weeks and when it got to the legal department they dumped it cos it was too litigious!  All that work on the cutting room floor.

(I was being highly critical of scientists and their approach to experimentation so maybe the legal people had a point.)


Again, good luck and keep us posted.


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