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Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

loads people tweeting about jemima/jeremy being untrue

but no-one seems to have mentioned the others lol


mind you-if that particular one is a lie you have to wonder about the others


and shit-just realised i started this thread

i shall expect the media police at my door soon

i'll pretend im bonkers-should be easy

Have you got paternal postpartum depression? I hear it's a credible defence

Ahh what the hell, let's chuck a bit of Munchausen's in the mix while we're at it  


Looks like they're playing your tune again...



Giggs leaves wife for Hugh Bonneville

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GENTLEMAN footballer Ryan Giggs has left his wife for softly-spoken Downton Abbey star Hugh Bonneville.


The two men are to set up home together after apologising profusely to their wives and agents.

The couple first met earlier this year at the High Court in London for reasons that are illegal.

A friend said: "It was electric. They immediately found a broom cupboard and took each other's pants off.

"They were making an enormous amount of noise and eventually a security guard was posted outside the cupboard.

"Whenever anyone asked him he just said 'I'm afraid this is now a super-cupboard, so all I can tell you is that it's a famous footballer and a famous actor going at it like a pair of famous rabbits'."

Since then Giggs and Bonneville have been meeting in a secret hotel cupboard for love sessions before Hugh goes to work.

The friend added: "I think it helps Hugh get into character. Apparently the Earl of Grantham had an affair with WG Grace.

"Oh no, I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

Meanwhile, Jemima Khan last night denied claims she had been in a cupboard with Jeremy Clarkson, as if she needed to.

Khan said: "Look at me. Look at him. Are we done?"


Media lawyer Nathan Muir said the use of super-cupboards would now have to be reviewed leading to either thicker doors, windows in the existing doors or famous people not having sexual intercourse in a cupboard in the middle of the day.

He added: "The big question is will it apply to the cupboard where Fred Goodwin keeps a piece of paper with 'Fred Goodwin is a banker' written on it?"

Originally Posted by Karma_:

And Kelvin McKenzie has just stated live on ITV that the only fake story is the one about Jemima Khan, the rest are true

It feels very wrong to be grateful to Kelvin McKenzie, but I'm glad someone has independently confirmed that  the Jemima Kahn story is false.

I know that most people treated the claim as a bit of a laugh, but it sounded suspiciously like a bit of an attempted  stitch-up to me.


Remember that despite her divorce, Jemima still has a bit of a political profile. In particular, she has been a very vocal supporter of Julian Assange over the Wikileaks business and was one of the people who coughed-up a surety to keep him out of jail.

Just as one of the main complaints about Andrew Marr's was that it was hypocritical to take out a super-injuction while questioning MPs over their private lives, so the claim that Jemima had taken out an injuction opened her to accusations of hypocracy: i.e. supporting freedom of information through Wikileaks while paying to legally protect her own privacy...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Tbh, I have heard rumours about Bliz and her 'secret love' Mr. Clooney, but I can trust you guys to say nothing right??? Tbf, it was when they were a little youngerArquivo.pps

 I knew he'd blab!!! 


*** wonders what the link was meant to be *** 

Trying again:


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:



In all honesty - who cares? Do we expect anything more? What these folks do is up them - I really and truly can't be arsed!

I think it's the fact that they tried to Super Injunct their way out of the scandal that's made it gossip worthy.  If it was normal news from a regular gossip magazine I wouldn't pay a blind bit of interest...i have no idea who half of them are, except for Clarkson, Giggs and Thomas, but because they themselves made such a palava about it, I'm now interested


i know people arent really interested

but this super injunction made me laugh/heave..


*Sports commentator Richard Keys is a keen tarmacer and frequents upmarket S&M clubs to indulge in his passion for being tied up, gagged and having prostitutes empty their bowels over him. A video of it is in circulation.*


i really dont blame him for trying to keep that one private


dunno what 'tarmacer' is though-it must be pervy slang or he really likes doing his drive


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