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Do we know for sure that the Syrian government are the ones doing all these bad things? we only have the "rebels" word for it.


I am no fan of the Syrian leadership and I hope they get booted out, BUT, it does seem to me that it's easy to blame them for every single massacre when we dont know the full facts.


Im sure those who are fighting to get rid of the leader of Syria would stop at nothing to get the worlds opinions on their side.


A lot of wot i see reported are "uncomfirmed reports"

We need to be very careful that we are not being (in some way) manipulated into fighting someone elses war - the rebels war.

I remeber seeing a documentary onIraq where a rebel leader said the West were manipulated into fighting the war for them ... and now he is in power.


Until the 'government' allows a free press (including foreign journalists being allowed in the country), free speech, peaceful protests and a free vote, then I think we can assume that they have something to hide.


I'm not advocating a full scale invasion, but I'd like to support those in the country calling for all of the above.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

it suited 'us' to help the 'rebels' in Libya but apparently doesn't suit 'us' to help the 'rebels' in Syria..  just cos we may upset The Russians and Chinese?  You can understand why some countries hate the 'big powers'  who only help when it suits them  

it's not just the threat of upsetting russia and china tho olly, if  any western govt. sends forces into syria, then Iran will get involved.


That is why  every western  country has said they will not put troops on the ground.


Libya and Syria are two very different  propositions.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

it suited 'us' to help the 'rebels' in Libya but apparently doesn't suit 'us' to help the 'rebels' in Syria..  just cos we may upset The Russians and Chinese?  You can understand why some countries hate the 'big powers'  who only help when it suits them  

it's not just the threat of upsetting russia and china tho olly, if  any western govt. sends forces into syria, then Iran will get involved.


That is why  every western  country has said they will not put troops on the ground.


Libya and Syria are two very different  propositions.

the powers that be didn't go in on the ground in Libya to help the rebels they gave air support..


as far as us sticking our noses in. .I would hope people would come to our rescue if we had the same problems... we've been lucky so far that we haven't needed that apart form maybe WWII.. but the world is a smaller place than it used to be so we know more of what is going on in other places. . We all share this planet and I don't see how other countries can sit back and watch people being killed like they are without doing something.. ours and others democracies must come at some price .. we can't just lord it with our luck in where we live and turn blind eyes when we choose to use them..


tho I may be talking bollox up there.. heat has gone to my head

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Food for thought


A total of 104 kids were bereaved in the Iraq conflict between 2003 and 2009, and 181 in the military operations in Afghanistan, Channel 4 News found.

War widow Nikki Scott founded the charity Scotty’s Little Soldiers in memory of her husband Corporal Lee Scott, 26, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2009, to help children who have lost a parent in this way.

Her children Brooke, three, and Kai, eight, have had to come to terms with the fact that their father will never come home.

Nikki said: “Kai was five at the time. He’s had bad tantrums, nightmares. I’d have to pick him up from school because he was sobbing for daddy.

“They go through what we go through but it’s 10 times harder to see a child go through it.”

And she appealed for help for her charity, adding: “It’s important to know how many children are affected because we try to help as many as we can.

“But we’ve only got a small amount and we need to know how many children are out there.”

The Ministry of Defence said: “The MoD owe a debt of gratitude to the families of service-men and women who have laid down their life for their country.

“We are committed to looking after the children of our servicemen and women who are tragically killed on active duty and ensuring they get the best start in life possible.”

Originally Posted by squiggle:


We gonna take 'em all on are we?  As the famous campaign went NOT IN MY NAME.

Why not. .and it's not just us as our media would have you believe, other nations join in with trying to help as well Soozy says, how can we collectively stand back and do nothing. .


I am grateful Britain stuck its nose in when Hitler invaded Poland. .if they didn't my father may never have made it here..


The more we let despots know the civilised world won't stand for their mass killings and repressing treatment of their citizens the better. .if it makes at least one less potential despot think again then tis job done..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Remember WMD?

We now have "unconfirmed reports"


The head of a UN mission warned on Saturday of "civil war" in Syria after his observers counted more than 92 bodies, 32 of them children, in the central town of Houla following reports of a massacre there.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joined a chorus of international condemnation amid mounting calls for world action to halt the bloodshed..

UN head of mission Major General Robert Mood called what happened in Houla a "brutal tragedy."

"This morning UN military and civilian observers went to Houla and counted more than 32 children and over 60 adults killed," Mood told reporters in Damascus. A monitoring group said 114 people had been killed in Houla.

....I'd call that confirmed.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I don't know what the answer is - I don't know what steps can be taken but surely the whole world can't sit back any longer and see innocents (especially children) brutally murdered in this way. Some sort of collective action has to be taken to put an end to this surely.

I agree Soozy,every humanitarian pore in my body is saying FGS do something,I'm not sure what exactly but something must be done and soon.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

it suited 'us' to help the 'rebels' in Libya but apparently doesn't suit 'us' to help the 'rebels' in Syria..  just cos we may upset The Russians and Chinese?  You can understand why some countries hate the 'big powers'  who only help when it suits them  

it's not just the threat of upsetting russia and china tho olly, if  any western govt. sends forces into syria, then Iran will get involved.


That is why  every western  country has said they will not put troops on the ground.


Libya and Syria are two very different  propositions.

the powers that be didn't go in on the ground in Libya to help the rebels they gave air support..


as far as us sticking our noses in. .I would hope people would come to our rescue if we had the same problems... we've been lucky so far that we haven't needed that apart form maybe WWII.. but the world is a smaller place than it used to be so we know more of what is going on in other places. . We all share this planet and I don't see how other countries can sit back and watch people being killed like they are without doing something.. ours and others democracies must come at some price .. we can't just lord it with our luck in where we live and turn blind eyes when we choose to use them..


tho I may be talking bollox up there.. heat has gone to my head

you aren't talking bollox olly,


it makes me as angry and saddened as it does you, but another way other than troops be they on the ground or in the sky needs to be found, a call to arms will only inflict more death on innocents, as it does in every war.


we are dealing with irrational/mad  people  both in Syria and in Iran, the intricacy of the middle east situation isn't helping either.

I don't know the answer, maybe there isn't one, and war isn't one either.


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