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1 Hour ago

Okay, I've found a Wi-Fi source, but not sure how long I'll have it for:

I've arrived in Dubai Airport - it has a distinct lack of seats.
My flight to Korea is delayed by 30 minutes >(
I demand to fly by Emirates EVERYTIME!!
I'm very tired.
and hot
and bothered
and I went to exchange some British money into some 'local currency', so i could by a coke, only to realise I didn't know what it was and just stood there like a pleb when I asked the woman.
I've forgot what the 'local currency' is.


Originally Posted by MrsH:


I thought I would post a few snippets off his Face Book wall so you can all see how his journey went 





  9 Kg over. Ack! May have to leave my bloomers behind.

11 hours ago 

Sexy smile worked - they let off for being over on my hand luggage. Achievement Unlocked!


Didn't have to jettison the gold ties then! 


Here's his most recent:


Okay everyone, I won't have internet access at my apartment for the next couple of days, so forgive my lack of activity.

I've arrived safely, i'm currently at the school - all seems very nice. Now off to my temporary apartment.

Hopefully, I'll be on the internet by the end of the week.

(I hope Rawky doesn't mind us posting his fb status' here )



Tuesday 7th Aug


6 hours ago 


I'm still alive.

Manage to make it through the first night. At the school, so I'm blagging their internet. Apparently the day i arrived it was the hottest day ever recored, in Korea, for 64 years!!!

Got a bus all by myself, proper big boy... the fact i didn't get off at the right stop and had to walk and extra mile is not important.

Observing classes all day today.


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