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A few film questions. Perhaps best for people of a certain age or for film buffs.
(It may help if you saw a previous film quiz.)


Name the film


Name the film


Name the film


Name the film


Name the film

Name the film


What words are about to be spoken?


Name the film

What words are being spoken?


Name the film


Name the film


What words are about to be spoken?


Name the film


Name the film

What words are about to be spoken?


William Holden (as Joe Gillis) says:

"You're Norma Desmond. You used to be in silent pictures. You used to be big."

Gloria Swanson (as Norma Desmond) replies.

What does she say?


Name the film


In the above scene there are 2 characters (let us say A & B)
A: "But you don't understand .......!

      (pulls off wig)

      I'm a man.

What is B's reply?

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I must admit I'm totally stuck with 13, so I'm having a wild guess for that one...

1) Rebecca
2) Yankee Doodle Dandy
3) Brief Encounter
4) Psycho
5) 12 Angry Men
6) All about Eve
7) “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”
8) Dr Strangelove
9) “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the war room!”
10) It’s a Wonderful Life
11) Now Voyager
12) Jerry: “And will you be happy, Charlotte?”
    Charlotte: “Oh Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars."
13) Wuthering Heights
14) Gone With the Wind
15) Scarlet: “Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?”
    Rhett: “Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.”
16) “I am big. It’s the pictures that got small.”
17) Some Like It Hot
18) “Well, nobody’s perfect!”

Eugene's Lair
For the time being, here's a little quiz of my own - there's only 2 questions.

A  Which is the first film in which both Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee appeared? No, it's not Dracula.

B  This one is in three parts.
    i) Name the three Marx Brothers
    ii) Name the fourth Marx Brother (he appeared in some of the early films)
    iii) Name the fifth Marx Mrother (he was in the original stage shows but left before they went into films)
    And no, it isn't Karl.

No marks if you have to resort to IMBD because it's then too easy.
El Loro
El Loro
You have me stumped I think.
Marx brothers - Chico, Harpo, Groucho?
(I am resisting the temptation to check on the internet; it's one of those things that, when I hear the answer I will say "Of course" or "that rings a bell", but at the moment I can't bring it to mind.)
One played mute.
I'm struggling to get 4, so I am unlikely to know 5.
As for Cushing and Lee's first film, - I don't know. It couldn't be a Sherlock Holmes story could it? Or a Frankenstein?
El Loro You have me stumped I think.
Marx brothers - Chico, Harpo, Groucho? (I am resisting the temptation to check on the internet; it's one of those things that, when I hear the answer I will say "Of course" or "that rings a bell", but at the moment I can't bring it to mind.)
One played mute.
I'm struggling to get 4, so I am unlikely to know 5.
As for Cushing and Lee's first film, - I don't know. It couldn't be a Sherlock Holmes story could it? Or a Frankenstein?
You are of course right in the answers you have given - and Harpo was the one who played mute, not that he was.
Some people may get the fourth Marx Brother, I'm not particularly confident that anyone will get the fifth, but this is not a trick question.
As far as the first film in which Cushing and Lee both appeared in, it was not a Sherlock Holmes story (You were thinkg of Hound of the Baskevilles) nor a Frankenstein. It was a serious British film made 10 years before Dracula, so pre-Hammer days. The film in question also featured Patrick Macnee and Patrick Troughton, not that that information is likely to help! What might help is the fact that this was the first time the play "The Mousetrap" was heard on the British screen.
El Loro

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