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On my lunch hour today I popped into Debenhams, I picked up a jumper and a pair of jeans for my Cousins Sons Birthday and trotted off to the checkout.

There was only one checkout serving, she was serving a lady who had her Debenhams Card Statement on the counter and was querying a few things, it was taking ages, but as there was only one lady (with a small child) waiting infront of me I decided to wait, this lady had in her hands, a goody bag, a ball, a book and a jumper.

After about 10 minutes another cashier came along and opened another checkout, so, the lady infront of me went and started to get served, half way through her being served (and messing about with her child and his goody bag), her friend who'd been shopping walked to the till the lady infront of me wasjust paying at. She then proceeded to hand over an armful of clothing, there must've  been at least 8-10 items of clothing, and the cashier started to serve her!!!!!!!!!

I mentioned politely that there was a queue. The cashier just looked at me like my head buttoned up the back and the 1st lady said "they're mine"...they so blatantly weren't as she had already finished being served!

I had been stood there around 15 minutes by this time, I put my goods down and spoke to a supervisor who apologised and said he'd put my goods through a till straight away...I told him not to bother, I hadn't time to stand around in a shop where quite clearly it was company policy to put minimum staff on at a busy time of day and then ignore the customers, I told him I'd go and spend my money in Next...

I know it's abit petty, but it was SO blatant and i'd been stood around bloody long enough, it wasn't as if there was a massive queue infront of me either....I was blazing when I left the shop..., I still am!

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The cashier might not have noticed, she was just serving the people stood together at her till.
I totally understand why you were pissed off, queue jumpers get a right mouthful from me. Mind you when I am in a shop with a queue I always ask VERY loudly 'THERES A HUGE QUEUE HERE CAN YOU OPEN ANOTHER TIL PLEASE' and that often really does work.  I got that one from my mother!
And... breathe!
I hate queue-jumpers. In M&S a while back, I was queuing when a rather posh older couple came up and started browsing the sweet displays near the till. They had a basket but made no attempt to join the end of the queue and as soon as it moved, they shoved in front of me.

The checkout girl saw what they did and when it came to be "their" turn, she looked at me inquiringly, while they commenced unloading their stuff on the conveyor belt. When they saw her looking, the woman turned round and gave me a dirty look, so I said (quite loudly but politely) that there WAS a queue and that I was here first, but if they were REALLy in SUCH a hurry that they had to CHEAT, then be my guest...

Everyone else in the queue started sniggering at them.
And... breathe! I hate queue-jumpers. In M&S a while back, I was queuing when a rather posh older couple came up and started browsing the sweet displays near the till. They had a basket but made no attempt to join the end of the queue and as soon as it moved, they shoved in front of me. The checkout girl saw what they did and when it came to be "their" turn, she looked at me inquiringly, while they commenced unloading their stuff on the conveyor belt. When they saw her looking, the woman turned round and gave me a dirty look, so I said (quite loudly but politely) that there WAS a queue and that I was here first, but if they were REALLy in SUCH a hurry that they had to CHEAT, then be my guest... Everyone else in the queue started sniggering at them
I saw the queue jumpers in Next about 10 minutes later, they ran to the other side of the shop
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: DiD
I saw the queue jumpers in Next about 10 minutes later, they ran to the other side of the shop
I bet!
The best one I experienced was this summer, when I was at the opera and queuing at the bar during the interval. It was a bit of a crush, but I felt a very determined elbow in my side from a woman who was hellbent on getting in front of me.

I asked her to stop pushing me, and she went into this tirade about how her pre-ordered drinks weren't where they were supposed to be, and that as she'd already paid, she had the "right" to be served before me. This went on for about five minutes.

As soon as I caught the bartender's eye, I gave him my order and she snapped: "Well, you're determined." I answered: "Not so determined that I have to elbow people in queues."

Then as I was putting my change away she got served - and it turned out she was in the bar on the wrong floor, which was why her drinks weren't there. Did I laugh a bit too loudly as she stormed off with a face like a smacked arse? Yes!
I do think queuing is a british thing though .... a couple of years ago we were waiting for a bus to a market in Greece. We were first at the bus stop .... by the time the bus came there were about 20 people waiting to get on ... but when the bus pulled up, people just proceeded to head straight for the bus door with no regard whatsoever for who was first in the queue.
It's most definitely not petty dev .... it's downright rude imo I would have been livid ... I'm glad you took your custom elsewhere good for you
Lol, a Lady from Customer Services has just been on the phone to me, she apologised and said she is sending me a ÂĢ5 gift voucher in the least they listen, though I am still boycotting the place.....I can get what I want from other shops so I really have no need to go in there...
The Devil In Diamante

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