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A wee bit bored, so just thought I'd ask the filthy  smokers of the forum. I don't smoke by the way, I'm a good boy, but this may be VERY biased.


1) How old were you when you started smoking?


2) Why did you start smoking?


3) Have you ever tried quitting?


4) Do you NOT ever want to quit?


5) What's your opinion on the smoking ban?


6) Does it annoy you when you are smoking next to someone and they cough a wee bit too dramatically?


7) Do you think you're big and clever because you smoke?


8) Is saying 'Smoking help relieves tension and calms you down' just a big pile of lies and that its just an excuse to shut up anti-smokers? (I seriously want to know this, as I've never smoked)


9) Could you cope with an out right BAN on smoking?


Thank you for your time. 


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