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Hasan and Phillips simply can't accept it.
Hasan writes lots of blogs and is perhaps not used to being challenged.
They've been shaken.
But I am amazed that they are so pessimistically dogmatic about the future.
It would be nice if they said they would like a coalition to work - but no. It appears they don't want it to. It doesn't suit them for it to work.
hey always were Lockes.......the truth is we are in one almighty mess......
but it has built up over years - not just 13 years - - but it is ALWAYS the ones who can least afford it who will suffer  - labour had already started to make cuts - I know that from my job and they were bad - it will be made harder now just for the sake of it - it really riles me
Rocking Ros Rose
but they wouldn't even do a deal when they had the chance.....
Baz - they are ideologically poles apart - they couldn't do the deal - I do agree with you there - I really hope this works for all of us - I really do - was discussing this with OH - perhaps just perhaps the softness of the Lib dems with the hardness of the Tory's might work - i really hope it does
Rocking Ros Rose
I really hope this works for all of us - I really do - was discussing this with OH - perhaps just perhaps the softness of the Lib dems with the hardness of the Tory's might work - i really hope it does
So do I Ros.... and I think things are so dire that it is about time we all started praying that it does work, cos otherwise we are stuffed....
ho earn over 50k get Family Allowance
they don't - i think this is a media hype - i work with peeps who can't get it and earn next to nothing  - the teaching assistants who are really worried about their jobs - I do agree the tax credits do need redefining - it should never be easier to live on benefits than work IMO
Rocking Ros Rose
I think we are seeing and hearing many examples of people who cannot get their head round a different system.
They cannot comprehend the situation. I think many are scared to let go of the only political way they know, and they cannot do that necessary mind-shift and start thinking on a different plane.
Even their predictions are based on the past and not the possibilities of the future.
Reactionary indeed.

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