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Today my husband and I were watching a programme about Girls Aloud. Something that really struck us was the description of Cheryl Cole. "Cheryl grew up on a council estate in Newcastle". Nothing was mentioned about any of the other girls background.
It struck both of us as unecessary to mention this. What difference does it make if she was from a palace or a council estate?
I hate labels and find it terribly snobbish. No one can help the circumstances of their birth and I applaud those who make a better life for themselves.
I'm no great fan of Cheryl Cole at all but I hate the label people get for living in a council estate. Why label her a chav.

I'm what would be considered resoundingly middle class but thats no great achievement on my part, my parents just are. Not one of us are responsible for the circumstances of our birth.
I guess I just wanted your opinion on why ones class (Usually working or upper) be brought into things.

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I dunno, it's weird.  The other girls all seem as though they are just from ordinary backgrounds.  Sarah doesn't have much of a Mancunian accent, I suppose she's well spoken for a Manc... (joke!) but the others are hardly from posh families so I have no idea why it's always Cheryl's that is mentioned.

I do wonder if it's an accent thing, people hear a strong NE accent immediately think: Working class.
Fairfax, from what I remember the red hair one (don't know her name) my favorite is also from the same back ground as Cheryl. I believe her family are still living where they lived before she became a member of Girls Aloud. Maybe, they think Mrs Cole has arrived at the ultimate height of stardom and they want to remind her of her roots, whether to her advantage or not I can't say.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
It struck both of us as unecessary to mention this. What difference does it make if she was from a palace or a council estate?
It's the reality show 'journey' theme again I imagine.  She's the most high profile of the members and she has the most 'aspirational' story: council house girl made good with WAG lifestyle etc.  I don't think it's a class story as such.

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