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I work as a domestic cleaner in quite a few homes in my city.

I've just been to do my 4 hours  for a lady I've cleaned for for about 7 yrs.

I always finish off with half an hours ironing....but today, by accident, I've burnt a hole in a really lovely duvet cover

I feel SO bad ....... I left her a note telling her how sorry I am & I offered to pay for a new one ...... that's the least I could do.

I just wondered ..... how would anyone else feel ? ........ would you be angry ?

I feel really bad

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If you had worked for me for that length of time, I'd say you were part of the family.
Yes, I'd be a bit upset but would I make you pay?  No Way.

Accidents are part of the job; unless you've been the clumsiest thing since time began (and you can't have been - you'd have been sacked) then I'm sure it's no biggy in the long run.

  Don't fret, I'm sure it'll be ok.
I would take you outside.....Thrash you to within an inch of your life.....Tar and feather you and drag you through the street with a sign round your neck saying "this person destroyed my duvet cover"

Seriously though.....I would.....

Sorry, just jesting
I think it was very decent of you to leave a note saying what you had done I'm sure your customer will understand Honesty is always the best policy
If the hole isn't that bad can it not be darned? I did something similar with my own duvet cover (thought I could iron, talk on the phone and make tea at the same time - I clearly couldn't)and my mum who's a whizz with a needle and thread did a great repair on it and you'd never know there was ever anything wrong. (I can't sew to save my life and wouldn't even try)

I think it's great you've owned up and offered to replace it, though you'll probably find she isn't gonna be all that fussed about it. You sound like a great employee and as people have said, that's worth 100 times more than a duvet cover.

If you feel that bad you could maybe buy a small box of chocolates or summat next time you go round but I think she'll be ok
I was a cleaning lady for about 15 years, you did exactly what I have done in leaving a note apologising and offering to pay for the damage.
No one I worked for ever asked me to pay for anything I damaged - not that I damaged much anyway but accidents happen.
If someone is unreasonable enough to go mad over an accident then get another job - a good honest concientious cleaner is a lot harder to find than another duvet cover.
 for you Cherish because I know how tiring it is

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