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Morgan Freeman was reported to have tweeted the following (although not sure if it has been confirmed it was THE Morgan Freeman) I think it sums things up perfectly and if it is THE Morgan Freeman he is a God, so who are we to argue!


Amen to that!


'I hate the word homophobia. Its not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole' 






loving google today 


Winter Games


"The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play." –Olympic Charter

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Lets not forget the Olympics began in ancient Greece - which was well gay!


They competed nekkid to make it even more homoerotic 



Javelin must have been an interesting event 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Lets not forget the Olympics began in ancient Greece - which was well gay!


They competed nekkid to make it even more homoerotic 



Javelin must have been an interesting event 


Must admit first thing I thought of... was Linford Christie 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:


Must admit first thing I thought of... was Linford Christie 



the officials would have been ducking, now we know why they had shields  

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Indeed! Charlie Brooker was class last night!

Although I think that so far, the current series of "Weekly Wipe" has been particularly strong throughout anyway.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

...And in case you missed it, this is the official C4 Sochi 2014 promo:


(Keep an eye out for the guy on the decks...  )

 Putin lookalike? Or is it someone you know? 



By far and away the most disturbing thing about these Russian Olympics has nothing to do with their misguided homophobic proclamations.





It's their absolutely hideous sense of style, graphically demonstrated via their volunteer uniforms.




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Too right EC!   


Don't want to be heterophobic, but that's what you get for not using gay designers  Everyone knows straight people can't design for sh*t

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

...And in case you missed it, this is the official C4 Sochi 2014 promo:


(Keep an eye out for the guy on the decks...  )

 Putin lookalike? Or is it someone you know? 

Putin lookalike.

I don't know if anyone-else here's a fan of "The Last Leg", but they've been having a dig at Putin for a while, and the "Gay Mountain" routine started off on their show. Then a couple of weeks ago, Adam Hills revealed that they'd been informally warned by the (British) security services to lay off on the Putin inunendo - presumably from fear of some sort of reprisal!

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

...And in case you missed it, this is the official C4 Sochi 2014 promo:


(Keep an eye out for the guy on the decks...  )

 Putin lookalike? Or is it someone you know? 

Putin lookalike.

I don't know if anyone-else here's a fan of "The Last Leg", but they've been having a dig at Putin for a while, and the "Gay Mountain" routine started off on their show. Then a couple of weeks ago, Adam Hills revealed that they'd been informally warned by the (British) security services to lay off on the Putin inunendo - presumably from fear of some sort of reprisal!


they'll end up with polonium poisoning 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

...And in case you missed it, this is the official C4 Sochi 2014 promo:


(Keep an eye out for the guy on the decks...  )

 Putin lookalike? Or is it someone you know? 

Putin lookalike.

I don't know if anyone-else here's a fan of "The Last Leg", but they've been having a dig at Putin for a while, and the "Gay Mountain" routine started off on their show. Then a couple of weeks ago, Adam Hills revealed that they'd been informally warned by the (British) security services to lay off on the Putin inunendo - presumably from fear of some sort of reprisal!


they'll end up with polonium poisoning 

That was actually Adam's joke last night: "Here we are trying not to offend Vladimir Putin, and that comes out, Thanks a lot, Channel 4. Why don't you just buy us some Polonium tea bags and get it over with?"

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

Putin's presided over Russia becoming a kleptocracy and billions in Russian wealth being syphoned off to tax havens.  Putin is the gangsters' crony and little better than the communists.  At least the communists had high ideals even if those ideals were corrupted to enrich the party.  Putin is a crook and an enabler of crooks.


A good point was made about commonwealth and in particular, African nations and their intolerance of homosexuality.  While Russia focuses the attention because of its intolerance, perhaps it is a bit less politically acceptable for the UK to take a similar moral stance against commonwealth nations who have the same sentiment.


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