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Originally posted by Jenny:
Can anyone tell me what it says on that link? I don't like going to Ch4 BB links, and even if I did my pc doesn't like them, and hangs.

Being summoned by Big Brother at 9.30 on a Sunday morning cannot bode well for any of the housemates. But after clearly breaking the rules on discussing nominations, Dogface and Siavash were ordered to the Diary Room to face their punishment.

Giving them a few minutes to settle into the Chair, Big Brother detailed their rule breaking before announcing: "Today you must be punished!"

Dogface and Siavash couldn't help but try to question Big Brother, but they were stopped dead. "This is not a discussion," said Big Brother sounding a little peeved. "In order to avoid facing the public vote automatically, you both must not swear until 3pm today Big Brother deems the following words to be swear words," Big Brother added before turning the air in the Diary Room blue with a lift of words that would make a squaddie blush.

"****, ****, ****, or *****, ********, *****, *******, ****, or ******, ************, any derivative of ****, ******, or *******, ****, ****, ****, *****, ****, *****************, ********, ********, or any derivative thereof. *******, ****, ****, ****** off, or any derivative thereof, ****, ***, or ******!"

"If you say any word that is on that list, you will automatically face eviction on Friday," said Big Brother.

"If you communicate anything about this punishment to your fellow housemates, you will also automatically face eviction. You are not permitted to go to bed, or sleep. Your punishment begins from the moment you leave the Diary Room."

Wow, it's a tough call can they manage it?


They didn`t..both are up!
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I suggested this as a suitable punishment the other day!!!!!

Sorry, but I think it doesn't go on for long enough. And personally BB should have a standard punishment for nomination talk and stick to it.

I think it should have been longer too.
I think that changing the punishment challenges will stop the other HMs fully realising what is going on and not encouraging them to speak. If the HMs come out of the DR with their fingers over their lips everyone knows they mustn't speak - it will be harder to speak and not swear as they are a foulmouthed bunch.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I suggested this as a suitable punishment the other day!!!!!

Sorry, but I think it doesn't go on for long enough. And personally BB should have a standard punishment for nomination talk and stick to it.

I agree. There should be a standard punishment for noms talk (e.g. lose the right to nom or automatic eligibility for eviction).. and it should be applicable to everyone.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
I suggested this as a suitable punishment the other day!!!!!

Sorry, but I think it doesn't go on for long enough. And personally BB should have a standard punishment for nomination talk and stick to it.

I agree. There should be a standard punishment for noms talk (e.g. lose the right to nom or automatic eligibility for eviction).. and it should be applicable to everyone.

Absolutely. I don't understand why Lisa and Karly have escaped so far.

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