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Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Dave:

Six of the best?  Sorry, that phrase is one I'm not familiar with.   What am I missing?

I'll let Pengy explain that. 

ha ha ha   you've all got minds in the gutter 



Basically Dave in the olden days (just after gaslight and before electricity)  it was the phrase used when teachers gave you the can for bad behaviour  - you got three slaps with the cane on each hand and it was known as 'six of the best' 

Oh. I see.


Nah, I don't do that.  I just send them in opposite directions so they can't continue to argue and make my headache worse.  

Originally Posted by Dave:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Dave:

Six of the best?  Sorry, that phrase is one I'm not familiar with.   What am I missing?

I'll let Pengy explain that. 

ha ha ha   you've all got minds in the gutter 



Basically Dave in the olden days (just after gaslight and before electricity)  it was the phrase used when teachers gave you the can for bad behaviour  - you got three slaps with the cane on each hand and it was known as 'six of the best' 

Oh. I see.


Nah, I don't do that.  I just send them in opposite directions so they can't continue to argue and make my headache worse.  

Pheww, pleased she went with this one ^  


What was the question again teacher? 

Ev (Peachy)

I'm completely behind the teachers. My daughter called me today to discuss this and said, well, what am I going to do on Thursday? To which I have to reply that that is the whole point of having a leg to stand on and strike, otherwise, if there's no hurt, there's no point in striking.

BTW:  Gove has to be off his head when calling parents to the fore when all along we have to have a check to be around children. What an idiot.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

awww Pengy


I think my post came over wrong. . [edit: or I read your reply wrong as my brain has fallen out my lugholes] I was being sarcastic to Temps who frankly I felt was being very unfair to you and the other teachers in this thread who in no way had been condescending. .. . and was extremely surprised at that too..


my reply was saying did she expect teachers to take no holidays at all apart from bank holidays.. and I asked that if in the 13 weeks that the Pupils were on holiday, and in which you went in most days anyway or worked at home, would it not be ok for Teachers to not go in or work at home for a total of 4 weeks thru the yr i.e. thereby getting similar Hols that other working people get for a work yr, except yours are at prescibed times of the yr as per the Pupils Break from School. .and that's not allowing for extra time you should get for over and above time done in term time too.. ..


bet that is still not clear. .my head knows what I want to say but my fingers don't seem to..


and don't be sad Pengy I think you have been made to feel bad for absolutely no reason whatsoever. .except for what I can only consider is plain ignorance of what a teachers job entails and then an uncalled for attack cos the ignorance was shown for what it was.. .. am still shocked at the response you got tbh..

Did I say teachers should take no holidays?  Did I say teachers deserved no holidays?


I'm all in favour of teachers having 4 weeks off, in fact I couldn't be more for it.


How you see my posts is up to you Olly.  Not much I can do about that


Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

fair enough Temps I just felt you were being pretty unfair about the whole teachers holiday thing and then accusing those actually in the know of being condescending to you when explaining the teacher workload which I felt, after reading the whole thread, was not the case at all ..


we'll have to agree to disagree I reckon

Fair enough Olly, but don't put words in my mouth, or take pops at me through a third party

Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

fair enough Temps I just felt you were being pretty unfair about the whole teachers holiday thing and then accusing those actually in the know of being condescending to you when explaining the teacher workload which I felt, after reading the whole thread, was not the case at all ..


we'll have to agree to disagree I reckon

Fair enough Olly, but don't put words in my mouth, or take pops at me through a third party

errrmmm I did none of that. . I addressed your post directly as well as posting with others in this thread, but if you wish to think so then fair enough. .. I also didn't hide behind any intimation about whose post I was referring to when I commented. . I think I was pretty clear..  and I didn't put words in your mouth I asked a question that is all.. albeit it was tinged with sarcasm and as I said I was surprised at your response to others in here. . it is a emotive subject and people will respond with passion about such things if they feel somebody is not aware of all the facts. ... I just feel it was kinda harsh to then call their responses condescending. .


anyways, moving on ..


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

says it all!



what about my bins the rats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a mouse on centre court at Wimbledon at the moment 


Squeaks every time she hits the ball. 

bet she doesnt carry the bubonic plague like the rats that are going to infest my garden though

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

says it all!



what about my bins the rats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a mouse on centre court at Wimbledon at the moment 


Squeaks every time she hits the ball. 

bet she doesnt carry the bubonic plague like the rats that are going to infest my garden though

I'll loan you Milo Gyps - he's a champion rat catcher    although I tend to stay indoors with the door firmly closed squeaking if I so much as see a long tail - I'm dead brave see 


Blimey, I grew up hearing this argument, every summer holiday.

We always went away with my aunt, who was a secondary school teacher. My dad would always start off ribbing her about the long holidays they got, she would respond, and it would end up in full blown rows! 


To be honest, any hard working teacher, who does do the marking, do the lesson plans, attend countless staff meetings, attend a good few parent meetings, deal with difficult students, needy students, obnoxious parents etc., would get mightily pissed off with people always mentioning their 'cushy' holidays.


I know my dad would always try to make out that it was just banter, at first, but he knew the reaction it was going to get and he always got it. My aunt always won the argument, but we knew he'd try it again, next year!


By the way, we were at a family party, last weekend, but my brother and sister-in-law had to leave early, as my sister-in-law had reports to finish. She's a maths teacher, but she also runs the drama club and puts on various musical shows throughout the year. I think she works bloody hard and she makes the most of her summer break, which she thoroughly deserves.



Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Blimey, I grew up hearing this argument, every summer holiday.

We always went away with my aunt, who was a secondary school teacher. My dad would always start off ribbing her about the long holidays they got, she would respond, and it would end up in full blown rows! 


To be honest, any hard working teacher, who does do the marking, do the lesson plans, attend countless staff meetings, attend a good few parent meetings, deal with difficult students, needy students, obnoxious parents etc., would get mightily pissed off with people always mentioning their 'cushy' holidays.


I know my dad would always try to make out that it was just banter, at first, but he knew the reaction it was going to get and he always got it. My aunt always won the argument, but we knew he'd try it again, next year!


By the way, we were at a family party, last weekend, but my brother and sister-in-law had to leave early, as my sister-in-law had reports to finish. She's a maths teacher, but she also runs the drama club and puts on various musical shows throughout the year. I think she works bloody hard and she makes the most of her summer break, which she thoroughly deserves.



My husband used to work on the ships in the North Sea.  He would work 6 months on, 6 months off.  The 6 months he was on he would work 24/7 (sleeping aside) in highly stressful situations.  He deserved every minute of his 6 months off too. During his 6 months off he would be on call, so that if anything happened to the second mate that was on there at the time he would have to take over.  He never denied he got 'cushy' holidays, despite the fact that he bloomin earned it.


Plenty of workers earn and deserve their time off.

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

says it all!



what about my bins the rats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a mouse on centre court at Wimbledon at the moment 


Squeaks every time she hits the ball. 

bet she doesnt carry the bubonic plague like the rats that are going to infest my garden though

I think its worse than that, her screams are making me turn the tv down. 

Ev (Peachy)

Well my niece crossed the picket line to go to work today...the Shame! I've been calling her scab all day in texts,lol,she's a member of the PCS..tsk tsk,changed days her late dad will be spinning in his grave he was head of  a union branch in the printing industry.I've been on strike too when I was a member of Unison. I know it's hard now with younger folk, they need all their wages etc.She works for the student Loans company and bloody hates it anyway.

Originally Posted by Temps:

My husband used to work on the ships in the North Sea.  He would work 6 months on, 6 months off.  The 6 months he was on he would work 24/7 (sleeping aside) in highly stressful situations.  He deserved every minute of his 6 months off too. During his 6 months off he would be on call, so that if anything happened to the second mate that was on there at the time he would have to take over.  He never denied he got 'cushy' holidays, despite the fact that he bloomin earned it.


Plenty of workers earn and deserve their time off.

Absolutely, Temps.


No one is saying that teachers are the only ones with 'different' working conditions.

Just that they actually work harder and longer than a lot of people believe and are allowed to get pissed off with constant jibes about it.


I am also fully supportive of the teachers, and also think they do a great job, but I am sorry, but everyone is having to pull in their belts because of the recession and everyone is suffering, so I don't get why anyone who works for the public sector thinks they should be treated any differently.   


That aside, I have just been watching BBC news, and have seen mums on there, griping and whingeing about the teacher strike because their little darling has been off school today, and the disruption to their life is utterly immeasurable...  one woman had to sit her poor little son in front of the telly half the morning and even had to occupy him by reading to him!


FFS, it's ONE day!  They haven't come out of work for the rest of the year.  People make such a fuss.... half the mums don't work anyway, and the other half who 'do' work, have to find alternative arrangement if the kid is ill or whatever...  The news must be short of stories, because the massive fuss that is being made is ludicrous IMO.

Originally Posted by Cupcake:

  but I am sorry, but everyone is having to pull in their belts because of the recession and everyone is suffering, so I don't get why anyone who works for the public sector thinks they should be treated any differently.    


It's because people in the public sector work to a nationally negotiated contract. Pensions are defined as deferred wages and form part of the contract.

Garage Joe

I am also fully supportive of the teachers, and also think they do a great job, but I am sorry, but everyone is having to pull in their belts because of the recession and everyone is suffering, so I don't get why anyone who works for the public sector thinks they should be treated any differently.   



This isn't about the recession,'s not as if they are cutting pensions, and then when the country is in a better position, reinstating them.  This is an employer deciding (rightly or wrongly) to save money in the long term by permanently changing the terms and conditions that many have worked under for years, without proper consultation. I'm not against changes to pensions per se, it depends on the conditions and the honest reasons for doing so......but I am against the shoddy way this has been dealt with, and I don't agree that ALL the changes are neccessary. Yes, public sector pensions cost the tax payer, but so do state pensions, and income support, and housing benefit for those pensioners on low pensions......and for many many low paid public sector workers the reality is switching from paying them a pension to paying them benefits if these changes go ahead. I don't see the sense (or the savings) in that.


I also still don't understand how public sector workers are asking to be treated differently? We are suffering the effects of the recession as much as anyone. Pay freezes, job cuts, the lot........and don't get me started on the cuts to educational budgets, which affect staff and pupils alike!  Public sector workers are not being protected from the effects of recession. Therefore we are being treated the same as everyone else surely?



The con/dems main target dare public sector workers want a reasonable pension etc.Oh and as for gold plated rich pensions etc..well maybe those other public sector workers known as MP's get that,the majority don't.I took early retirement due to health issues,I'm living it up on ÂĢ660 a month,half of that goes on rent and council tax as they state I have "excess income" i.e the gov't declares you can live on ÂĢ67.00 a week.


when I worked in the public sector (NHS),  the decent pension was the one thing that made the really poor wages (same job in the private sector would have paid at least double) more bearable.


I don;t know anyone that works in the public sector for the money..   but you do need enough to live on.  The wages aren't enough to be able to afford to take out a separate private pension.. 



In principle I am behind these strikes...    I am a little grrrrrr at it being the NUT that were the first ones to go on strike..    as they were the union that was striking for my last two years at school..   it had a significant effect on the qualifications I & my year at school left with...  I really don't want it to now effect my son's education in the same way.

That said..  now I am older & watching all this play out..   I don't blame the teachers.. I blame the government.


How stupid are they?   Talk about not learning lessons from past experiences...     this could well lead to them losing the next election ...    Kinda a win win situation for me..     either the public sector kick ass & the government realises we (the public) have our limits...     or..  they don't back down & they lose power to Labour at the next election.


Win Win 

Originally Posted by erinp:

Hope George Osbourne and the the Governor of the Bank Of England enjoyed their day at Wimbledon,whilst the rest of the country suffer the consequences of their policies.They certainly didnt look in any way concerned about the Indusrial action.Not a care in the world.

If we are going to be political....what about Brown's raid on private sector pension funds that scuppered a heck of a lot of our pensions....swings and roundabouts with politicians

Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

Well Conservatives will never get back in the next time!!!!!!!!!!! 

And Milliband will never lead the labour party to victory either....his silence is deafening

Tee hee.    And doesnt he look like an aardman character?    (Like off wallis and gromit!)



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