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Scored 42%


Remember seeing the film, "We need to talk about Kevin".  That's a very disturbing film that lingers in the thoughts long after the credits!  Well acted by all and very thought provoking.  I'd recommend it to anyone who can stand the subject matter.  A horrible film really and not a film I'd want to have in the DVD collection, but definitely worth seeing. 

Last edited by Carnelian


You are warm and empathic with a heightened awareness of social responsibility and a strong sense of conscience. You like to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a situation before you act and are generally averse to taking risks. You are very much a ‘people person’ and dislike conflict. ‘Do unto others…’ are your watchwords. But, although you avoid hurting others, those residing at the higher end of the psychopathic spectrum might not be as considerate, so stay vigilant to avoid being hurt unnecessarily.


I went with FF. I'm not averse to risk, btw.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


OK. I keep doing the test and I get a different result each time ?!?!?!


What could it mean?



You are giving different answers each time maybe?

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Beware.  95% and taking no prisioners 


Were you taking time off to do the test rather than developing a biological germ warfare agent at your lair at the bottom of a dormant volcano? 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Beware.  95% and taking no prisioners 


Were you taking time off to do the test rather than developing a biological germ warfare agent at your lair at the bottom of a dormant volcano? 

You been spying on me, Carnelian? 

Originally Posted by cologne 1:


You are warm and empathic with a heightened awareness of social responsibility and a strong sense of conscience. You like to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a situation before you act and are generally averse to taking risks. You are very much a ‘people person’ and dislike conflict. ‘Do unto others…’ are your watchwords. But, although you avoid hurting others, those residing at the higher end of the psychopathic spectrum might not be as considerate, so stay vigilant to avoid being hurt unnecessarily.


I went with FF. I'm not averse to risk, btw.

I got the same as you, should i worry   

Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Thanks for trying Cosi, but I don't get a test. I'll hop over to FF and see if that makes a difference.

Link didn't work for me either: try this:



Okay: that's not quite right either, but works if you refresh...


Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:





Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally aren’t afraid to do your own dirty work! You’re no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another person’s perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. ‘Everything in moderation – including moderation’ might sum up your approach to life.

 Life on a starship eh!


I got 36% and the same narrative as you muf

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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