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I don't believe in mediums, but my mother and her sister had an experience in Swizzerland in the late 20 (last century). My mum had tuberculosis and had to go to a sanatorium in Swizzerland to take the air and all that. She was accompanied by her sister. They had a huge room (I've seen photos), which could be seperated from the beds by a curtain. One night, after being there for some weeks, my mother woke up after hearing a noise, she sat up and watched the curtain seperate and her mother in law (living in Cologne) walked in, hugged her and left. Her sister started screaming, having seen the same thing. When they got up for breakfast, she got a telegram from my father to tell her that his mother had died in the night.
cologne 1
See Cologne, why don't things like this happen to all of us. Why can't my mam or dad visit me? Mind you I'd prolly shit myself if they did but. 

I think you have to be "tuned in" to the right frequency.  Or maybe they just don't want to come back.

Have you ever started to do something and then changed your mind and because you changed your mind it turned out better?
I saw my Dad a few times shortly after he had died that was over 30 yrs ago....When my Grandson was born 14 yrs ago my Mum and  I were in my kitchen, I walked into the living room where my Grandson was sleeping and saw my Dad looking over him, I rushed to tell my Mum and she just said "yes I know" as calm as you like!!!.....She died 9 yrs ago, I am still waiting for her to come and see me.....
See, all that's never bothered me Cologne   When I was younger my mam and dad used to go visit my auntie in Watford for a few days in the Summer holidays leaving me alone in the house. I used to like the break as much as them)   and allthough the first night used to be a bit 'hairy' I  soon settled down. It only annoys me now, coz I'm on my own and can't do some things for myself   (I like to be independent if I can).
I went to see one and she told me a few true things first off. But to this day, i still have no connection to Wales, i still have no friends called Dave in Birmingham, I have not developed close links to family in the USA, Ive no plans to move to Australian, where i will live out my days  and never look much different apart from having a bob. Lastly I still haven't met that drowned boys mum to tell him he is okay yes, no joke she did tell me to pass that message on when i say hes okay, i presume she meant apart from being drowned etc

I have got all this on tape though to remind me how off the mark she was
Some of them will go for 'obvious' things.  'Do you know someone or have you ever known someone called Dave or Paul?'  Almost everyone knows someone called Dave or Paul...or has done some time in their life  'Have you recently visited a big city?'  (If she knows you live 20 miles from Brum, Wolvo or London,or Manchester)  'Did you have any issues in the relationship with either of your parents or siblings?'  (Most people did/do at some point in their lives.)  'Have you felt any signs of depression or feeling low this past few years?'  Most folk have..  'Have you been poorly at all this past few years?'  Most folk have. 

What they do is play on the blindingly obvious and pick things that are almost certain to have 'yes 'as an answer and they get you hooked from the start.  They're really quite clever and do take people in... Of course, I'm referring to the fake ones.  A few are genuine I think.  But the genuine are few and far between.
My friend booked a medium to do a house call to her flat and see 4/5 people in one go.  She'd ordered her months in advance.  In between booking her and seeing her my mother died.  I decided I was going to show her up as a charlatan    a lot of the things she said that day have come true.  This was the first time I'd ever been to anything like this. 

I've since seen a few more psychics and mediums as my friend thinks they're good birthday presents  and none of the ones I've seen since have ever said anything remotely believable.  I would say it was all bumpkin if it wasn't for the first one I'd ever seen.

I think they go too much on visual clues and verbally leading questions   i.e. red hair must be Irish or Scottish.  Do you know anyone called John or is there someone with a name beginning with J etc.,?  
Having said that........a good few years ago I went to a 'reading' at a friends house. Me and a few others. I was just there to make the numbers up and didn't have anything done. A few of them came out of the room though and said that the medium/psychicsaid ............there's someone here who I need to speak to and for her to make an appointment (because she only had set aside time for the others) . I never did, so I'll never know what it was about  
I have been so indoctrinated into the Catholic faith, butI lost faith when I was about 15 and started to think for myself. Problem is, once a Catholic, always a Catholic. I am on the verge of leaving this live in a year or two and I'm contempating talking to a priest, even though I don't believe a single thing of any faith. Just because my mum and dad told me so.
cologne 1
I think most of the time it's a bucket load of codswallop; all those shysters on the tv are just taking advantage of the bereaved.  Sparkles explained their easy 'routine' very clearly earlier in this thread.
But..... I do not doubt anyone who has had strange/unexplainable experiences themselves.

Simplistic me, I tend to think that a loved one wouldn't bother to contact you via some total stranger.
My best friend died eight years ago. We often spoke of this ..........she was very open minded and me a complete sceptic. We told each other if there was a way to contact beyond the grave we'd do it. She's never bothered .

TBH ..............I believe when you're dead you're dead END OF.

We do live on in the hearts and minds of those we leave behind ...........and spookily even new borns sometimes have mannerisms and characteristics of those long gone.
Soozy Woo

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