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Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Am I too late? Ninja

*Clutches purse of silvers*

Your name could be your real name which would suggest an open and down to earth personality and the 'bee' shows a desire to be individual and stand out from the crowd. The underscore indicates confidence but the lack of capitals in this case suggests to me that there is sometimes self-doubt.

These apparently contradictory character traits are often found in young people who are still exploring their own place in the world and your avatar also points me in the direction of youth. I don't recognise the guy but he's representing you in that he's energetic, having fun and carefree.

Your sig is divided into two distinct parts: the red, symbolising your carefree side, suggests someone who enjoys company and has a laugh with friends, the grey, symbolising your more serious side, shows someone who has her own voice and opinions away from the crowd.

Bloody hell, that's entirely spot on Disappointed

Thankyouu!! Hug
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Hey Keen Viewer Smiler

When you go in the full reply box there's an image URL box. Find a picture copy it (ctrl c) and then paste it (ctrl p) in the image box as I mentioned above.Smiler

Thanks QS, I saw that box but was sure that if I clicked, I would cause self destruction of my laptop as usually happens when I try something I don't understand! Will know for next time. Have a gr8 weekend Smiler
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Oooh what a cool thread.

*jumps up and down* Pick me Big Grin

I'm only kidding skive , you have been inundated but when you have a spare minute I would love to hear what you have to say ? Smiler

I love saying your username, it's just so lyrical in the mouth! Well there's the obvious LOTR reference which suggests a keen imagination and a love of the magical. This coupled with angelic points me in the direction of someone who is also interested in spiritual or mystical matters.

Your choice of avatar is interesting; my first thought was that you love history and costume in particular. However your sig suggests it goes deeper than this, Anne Boleyn was a very intelligent, accomplished and courageous woman.

Overall I would say that it's a remarkable imagination which characterises your life.

Well I'm certainly spiritual and love the magical , my Mum and hubby are always saying I live in fairyland Big Grin

And I certainly have an overactive imagination Ninja Big Grin

Your first thought about my avatar was right too , I do love history and costume.

As for the last part , I can only hope to be half as intelligent , accomplished and courageous are my heroine Anne Boleyn Smiler

Thanks so much skive Hug and enjoy your wedding
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by figtree:
LaughTa muchly Skive. Sums me up hardy and steadfast!
I don't know how to actually get all the clever piccies that fms have! Frowner
But generally speaking I don't give much away in RL.Ta again!

No worries fig, I felt bad about yours as it was soooo short. If you want an avatar go to:
Go (top left)
personal zone
view/edit complete profile
(scroll down a bit)
Avatar/Picture URL
(click edit to the right)

Another box comes up and you can choose a picture or upload your own. If you decide to get more embellishments as it were I'll do you again for free. Wink Big Grin

Oo ta Skive Presenthope I get a piccy now.. possibly a detail from a Cezanne still life.Yeah!
Thank you Skive Smiler
We are having visitors on Sunday. Friends from my previous life that I havent seen for 30 years and that my OH has never met. So SSpot on .
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by lessa:
do me skive purlease Big Grin

A shortened version of your real name or a nickname for you perhaps? Not sure. No capital in this case indicates a more reserved personality, I think you like your own company and space. Lovely s sounds suggest quite an elegant person which is reinforced by your choice of avatar.

The subdued colours and classic look of the avatar point to someone who doesn't like gaudiness or ostentation. The eyes closed also indicate someone who is comfortable in their own thoughts.

I feel like you are taking a step back in life at the moment, there's a sense of reserve or reflection?
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Poker Face:
wavey Hello Skive Smiler

Please would you do mine if you have the time .... thankyou Smiler

I keep singing the Lady Gaga song when I see your name! Maybe when you were signing up it seemed appropriate for gaga forums? Capital P and F show confidence and a good sense of self.

Your cherry avatar is bright showing a cheerful disposition, this is reinforced by the thumbs up in your sig. You've chosen two cherries rather than one which indicates someone who prefers company to solitude.

The red in the cherries and your sig suggest someone who likes to love and has quite a sensual nature.

Thankyou so much Skive Hug It's funny, I didn't even think of the GaGa & Poker Face connection. I just liked the name Poker Face & realised after I'd joined, how appropriate it was Smiler

Very interesting about the avatar pic & the 2 cherries .... very true in my case Smiler and not forgetting the sensual nature part ... yes also very true Blush

Thankyou for taking the time Valentine
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Seeing as I can never get tickets for Derren Brown....Could you do me, please? Cold reading fascinates me....and this is UBER cold reading.

Well there are two distinct parts to your username; subatomic is your scientific, inquisitive side, and partygirl is your less rational more instinctive side. It's interesting that you've separated them so distinctly. Lack of capitals also suggests a healthy ego and a balance between the two.

Your avatar makes me think of one word - surreal. I think you are interested in the unusual and the deviant and that you don't scare easily.

No sig but you're not necessarily hiding anything, I think you can be a bit impatient with frippery that's all.

Phew! I can feel your cynical eyes on this post already! Lol. Big Grin

Now, I don't generally do BS (yep, cynical!) so if your reading had been too general or truly off the mark, I would have said so. Here's my impression:

"Well there are two distinct parts to your username; subatomic is your scientific, inquisitive side, and partygirl is your less rational more instinctive side. It's interesting that you've separated them so distinctly"

Wink I'm a scientist, yes...but if I tell you that I start each of my lectures with a literary quote to capture the theme simply and powerfully, you'll realise exactly how close to 'me' you are with this observation. I'm a scientist who adores poetry, art and literature. I'm also a bit of a hedonist with a crippling work ethic. Two-parts....again. Big Grin

"Lack of capitals also suggests a healthy ego and a balance between the two".

I'd like to think that the latter is true. The former? You would have to ask my friends and family. Disappointed

"Your avatar makes me think of one word - surreal. I think you are interested in the unusual and the deviant and that you don't scare easily."

Bang on. The avatar is actually from the James Stewart film, 'Harvey' which is wonderfully surreal. The rabbit (six-foot and wearing a waist coat with pocket watch) is actually a pooka - a fairy shape-shifter and the eponymous hero + JS's 'imaginary friend...or is he?.

You have no idea how relevant 'deviant' bit is (in a non-sexual way!).

"No sig but you're not necessarily hiding anything, I think you can be a bit impatient with frippery that's all"

VERY true. Nod Big Grin

"Phew! I can feel your cynical eyes on this post already!"

Nope...not cynical but impressed. Smiler

Now let me do you....

You're a generous-hearted woman who likes (and is VERY interested in) people (and the world) and likes, if possible, to make folk happy. Clapping

Thanks very much, Skive. That was really interesting and a fair few aspects of me honestly nailed. ~x
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
having met ski subby...i can say you're spot on....... Thumbs Up

she really is as nice...if not nicer in r/l as she is on here...and a top larf to boot.....

I can imagine that, Spongey...and her wit is legendary. I remember her and the conspiracy theories from BB5 amongst other things. Bluddy hilarious. Laugh You have a nice friend. Wink
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by scatterby:
Me please, when you have a mo Smiler

What a lovely name! It almost onomatopoeic, like scampering lol! There's a definite theme of rabbits going on with you. Smiler This makes me think that you are quite girlie - reinforced by the pink in your sig - and a little bit scatterbrained at times.

The bunny (or is it a hare?) in your avatar is tapping its fingers (or is that paws lol) which suggests a flighty mind that flits around impatiently and takes a while to settle.

There's lots of colour in your sig pointing to a generally cheerful person except for the brown which seems out of place but that could just be that you're unsure about supporting Marcus lol Wink

That is amazing - everything you say is absolutely spot on - you're brilliant at this. Thank you Hug
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
having met ski subby...i can say you're spot on....... Thumbs Up

she really is as nice...if not nicer in r/l as she is on here...and a top larf to boot.....

I can imagine that, Spongey...and her wit is legendary. I remember her and the conspiracy theories from BB5 amongst other things. Bluddy hilarious. Laugh You have a nice friend. Wink

i certainly do!..
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Now let me do you....

You're a generous-hearted woman who likes (and is VERY interested in) people (and the world) and likes, if possible, to make folk happy. Clapping

Thanks very much, Skive. That was really interesting and a fair few aspects of me honestly nailed. ~x

Thanks for your really honest feedback subs, I'm glad I wasn't completely off the mark as the person I conjured up in my head when 'doing' you is fab!

You're right that I'm fascinated by people and the way the world works and do have 'the need to please' but strangely I'm quite anti-social and shy - unless I've had a drink. Ninja On the plus side I'm a demon at general knowledge as I remember all sorts of useless details that are of no real use in any other situation.

I should have called this thread 'skive will make assumptions about you based on the choices you've made for your profile and the possible associations they bring to mind based on her years of observing/reading/listening and a raging imagination' but it wasn't quite as snappy! Big Grin

Edit: by observing/reading/listening I don't mean lurking I mean in the non cyber world!
Originally posted by lainy m:
Do me, do me.

Well you username seems like a shortened version of your real name. The ee sound on the end points to an affectionate person, we use modified words with this sound (like cutie or sweetie) for people who are easy to love and have an immediate charm.

You avatar of the total eclipse seems to me quite a feminine choice and, coupled with your name, almost maternal or motherly but it's also enigmatic. Quite a powerful combination.

The statements in your sig are quite short and to the point (love the correct use of the possessive apostrophe btw, as an English teacher it makes me happy Big Grin I know I'm sad lol) which points to someone who doesn't like manipulative people and prefers to know where they stand, either way.
Originally posted by Yogi 19:
Can you do your psychic stuff on me please, Skive?

I'm a bit stumped with you! The name could be an old nickname for you but the 19 has thrown me a bit as your sig suggests someone older than that. Therefore it could be that the numbers are not as relevant as the word, that they were an incidental choice.

Anyway I love the gutteral sound of the name, makes me think of someone who laughs a lot and has a cheerful disposition.

The pic could be of your dog or the breed that you like. People tend to be attracted to breeds that have qualities that compliment their own and so I would say you are a bit of a softie, quite exuberant at times and very loving.
Originally posted by Syd:
wavey Hi Skive...****Places silver sixpence in Skive's palm****

Tell me about me (leave out the horrible bits please)

Hi syd. wavey

Your name is interesting as most would initially see it as masculine so I think you've chosen your avatar to feminise it so to speak. It's quite a short name which points to someone who doesn't like fuss and flapping.

Your avatar points to someone bright and sunny and the single, quite small daisy (rather than a bunch or an exotic flower) also suggests someone who prefers simplicity in life.

However you are no pushover as indicated by the capital S and the cheekiness of flower pointing its tongue out.
Originally posted by Charli:
*sets up residence in the queue*

Well you are certainly an individual Charli! If your name is a shortening of your username then it indicates an open and honest person and quite pragmatic too - the ch is changed from the more wafty sh sound to a more down to earth ch sound.

Your avatar is girlie and full of life, the cake is literally pumping out love! The cake theme is carried on in your sig and all mixed up with your other great obsession at the moment! (P.S. the mediaeval Blackadder is my favourite!).

Your sig is really unusual in its layout, there's a lot going on and none of it presented traditionally. So therefore you are someone who definitely 'thinks outside the box', very creative and so possibly someone who's artistic or enjoys making things.

I really want to say that you are 'mad as a box of frogs' but I mean it in the nicest possible way! There's a thin line between insanity and genius remember! Big Grin

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