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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I'm tempted, but also worried that you may be too accurate! Glance

Is that a yes or a no? Big Grin

Just be kind? Glance Big Grin

Is it a shortening of your previous username? Anyhow it still suggests 'busyness', the double z has a frantic quality to it, someone who is perhaps a bit disorganised but generally keeps a good humour whilst running around like a headless chicken!

Your avatar shows someone who finds humour in the ridiculous, even the grotesque! I think you would be a good person to have around in a crisis and not a lot truly rattles you. You make a big fuss over small details but when it really matters you are able to think clearly and take charge.

Love your sig! The fairy tale reference just reinforces for me that you are not easily disturbed. You are able to see the ridiculous in situations and stand firm whilst others run screaming for the hills.

Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I'm tempted, but also worried that you may be too accurate! Glance

Is that a yes or a no? Big Grin

Just be kind? Glance Big Grin

Is it a shortening of your previous username? Anyhow it still suggests 'busyness', the double z has a frantic quality to it, someone who is perhaps a bit disorganised but generally keeps a good humour whilst running around like a headless chicken!

Your avatar shows someone who finds humour in the ridiculous, even the grotesque! I think you would be a good person to have around in a crisis and not a lot truly rattles you. You make a big fuss over small details but when it really matters you are able to think clearly and take charge.

Love your sig! The fairy tale reference just reinforces for me that you are not easily disturbed. You are able to see the ridiculous in situations and stand firm whilst others run screaming for the hills.


Even I can tell you that's bang-on! Clapping

"A bit disorganised"? She hasn't turned her Hoover on in 3 months! Laugh Laugh Laugh Hedless chicken....except when it really matters.
Originally posted by skive:
Is it a shortening of your previous username? Anyhow it still suggests 'busyness', the double z has a frantic quality to it, someone who is perhaps a bit disorganised but generally keeps a good humour whilst running around like a headless chicken!

Your avatar shows someone who finds humour in the ridiculous, even the grotesque! I think you would be a good person to have around in a crisis and not a lot truly rattles you. You make a big fuss over small details but when it really matters you are able to think clearly and take charge.

Love your sig! The fairy tale reference just reinforces for me that you are not easily disturbed. You are able to see the ridiculous in situations and stand firm whilst others run screaming for the hills.


Spooky! Eeker

Apart from the 'busy' bit, which I avoid at all costs. I'm quite good at faking busyness, when my husband appears. Big Grin

Oh, and I was Bizzie Lizzie, but evviva used to call me blizzie, which suited me more than a flowery name! Glance
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Cagney:
Do me please when you've got time Skive Hug

I loved these threads in the old place Big Grin

If my memory serves me right your name was once part of a double act? The fact that you've stuck with it as an individual tells me that you're comfortable with it and the hard consonant sounds c and g suggest resilience and strength of character.

Your cat avatar is not the usual cute and fluffy variety and so reinforces the tough, non-nonsense exterior and the red eyes are a warning to any predators. However it is still a cat (and not a snake for example) and so the fierce independence belies a softer side which is homely and enjoys contentment.

Your sig is self-explanatory but the multiple 'r's temper the challenge with a little wry humour. A sense of belonging is important to you and so I would say that you hold on to those you love with a vice like grip!

Absolutely spot on Skive. I got my OH to read it too and he said "jesus that's spooky" Eeker

Lacey is still around btw. Maybe she'll come in to get done Big Grin
Originally posted by San:
It's to see you again, skive, and good to see you seem in a much better place now and are happy Smiler

Hi wavey Yep one of the reasons I came here when sponge told me about it was because of the comfort and support I got from so many fantastic FMs when I was going through a really tough time a few years back. And it's just a ace as it ever was only better because we don't have C4's Nazi regime here. Laugh
Originally posted by skive:

Hi wavey Yep one of the reasons I came here when sponge told me about it was because of the comfort and support I got from so many fantastic FMs when I was going through a really tough time a few years back.

I still remember some of those posts, skive Crying

All good wishes to you now for what you have achieved Hug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
welcome back....what number am i in the queue...think i asked "to be done" a couple of pages back Smiler

I've just had a count and there are 32 still to go and you are number 27 Eeker I will get round to everyone though I promise, but it'll take a while. Smiler

okie dokie, ta muchly.
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by figtree:
Erm er um Will 6 newly laid eggs [todays] and an unused first class stamp suitable for the festive season do?Your siver coffer is probably filled to the brim by now! Oh and you may have a large slice of choc' cake one has made today!

Oh my word you give me nothing! Eeker This is going to be short but I'll give it a shot...

Well no capital letters so there is a little reserve there. A figtree is quite exotic and the fruit considered an aquired taste but they are also known for being hardy and steadfast.


LaughTa muchly Skive. Sums me up hardy and steadfast!
I don't know how to actually get all the clever piccies that fms have! Frowner
But generally speaking I don't give much away in RL.Ta again!
Originally posted by figtree:
LaughTa muchly Skive. Sums me up hardy and steadfast!
I don't know how to actually get all the clever piccies that fms have! Frowner
But generally speaking I don't give much away in RL.Ta again!

No worries fig, I felt bad about yours as it was soooo short. If you want an avatar go to:
Go (top left)
personal zone
view/edit complete profile
(scroll down a bit)
Avatar/Picture URL
(click edit to the right)

Another box comes up and you can choose a picture or upload your own. If you decide to get more embellishments as it were I'll do you again for free. Wink Big Grin
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Girlrider29:
Hi Skive wavey I'd love you to do me please! Thanks! Smiler

You're quite difficult to do! I could go off in totally the wrong direction here because you haven't given me much to go on. Okay, sorry if this is way off the mark but here goes...

My first thought was that you would be a bit of a rock chick but the avatar doesn't fit with that. And rock has a very distinct aesthetic. So could it be to do with a more urban, contemporary lifestyle? This would fit with your avatar with its clean lines and modern references (I can make out the apple logo but not the words).

If so then you are someone who most enjoys being around like-minded people and has quite a liberal philosophy on life, very much a 'live and let live' attitude.

Sorry that's the best I can do! Frowner

Awww bless you! You're right, there's not much to go on and I guess that's because I don't really like to give away too much of who I am in general.

You are absolutely right about about the urban, contemporary lifestyle, hence my move back to London. AND you are spot on about being around like-minded people and my liberal, live and let live attitude.

That's excellent Skive, seeing as there wasn't much to go on. You didn't get anything wrong. Thank you!! xx
Originally posted by scatterby:
Me please, when you have a mo Smiler

What a lovely name! It almost onomatopoeic, like scampering lol! There's a definite theme of rabbits going on with you. Smiler This makes me think that you are quite girlie - reinforced by the pink in your sig - and a little bit scatterbrained at times.

The bunny (or is it a hare?) in your avatar is tapping its fingers (or is that paws lol) which suggests a flighty mind that flits around impatiently and takes a while to settle.

There's lots of colour in your sig pointing to a generally cheerful person except for the brown which seems out of place but that could just be that you're unsure about supporting Marcus lol Wink
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
If you could get round to it, please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance xx

There are some very different things going on with you. First of all your username suggests a girlie, fluffy character with a sense of fun and frivolity.

Your avatar, whilst also girlie, presents a more adult, seductive side. Then your sig has 3 quite serious thoughts. It's almost as if you have represented different aspects of your life or even different stages in your life quite separately.

For this reason I would say that 1966 references your birth year as a younger person would not necessarily have that range of experience. On a final note, your use of two statements indicate an unfinished story and your hyphen - in the third points to an emphatic, there is no discussion, statement.
Originally posted by sezit:
Please, please do me Skive.
I only have a Hug for you. Smiler

I like the pun in your name indicating someone who is quite forthright and opinionated. However the small s takes the sting out of the tail and so suggests an honest rather than a cruel approach.

The pink twirly stars show a girlie side and the fact that there are two of them tells me that you prefer company to solitude.

Your sigs are in quite masculine colours and the Monty Python reference reinforces for me a quite complex personality that's hard to pigeonhole.
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Oooh what a cool thread.

*jumps up and down* Pick me Big Grin

I'm only kidding skive , you have been inundated but when you have a spare minute I would love to hear what you have to say ? Smiler

I love saying your username, it's just so lyrical in the mouth! Well there's the obvious LOTR reference which suggests a keen imagination and a love of the magical. This coupled with angelic points me in the direction of someone who is also interested in spiritual or mystical matters.

Your choice of avatar is interesting; my first thought was that you love history and costume in particular. However your sig suggests it goes deeper than this, Anne Boleyn was a very intelligent, accomplished and courageous woman.

Overall I would say that it's a remarkable imagination which characterises your life.
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Seeing as I can never get tickets for Derren Brown....Could you do me, please? Cold reading fascinates me....and this is UBER cold reading.

Well there are two distinct parts to your username; subatomic is your scientific, inquisitive side, and partygirl is your less rational more instinctive side. It's interesting that you've separated them so distinctly. Lack of capitals also suggests a healthy ego and a balance between the two.

Your avatar makes me think of one word - surreal. I think you are interested in the unusual and the deviant and that you don't scare easily.

No sig but you're not necessarily hiding anything, I think you can be a bit impatient with frippery that's all.

Phew! I can feel your cynical eyes on this post already! Lol. Big Grin
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by sezit:
Please, please do me Skive.
I only have a Hug for you. Smiler

I like the pun in your name indicating someone who is quite forthright and opinionated. However the small s takes the sting out of the tail and so suggests an honest rather than a cruel approach.

The pink twirly stars show a girlie side and the fact that there are two of them tells me that you prefer company to solitude.

Your sigs are in quite masculine colours and the Monty Python reference reinforces for me a quite complex personality that's hard to pigeonhole.

You are right again Skive! Thankyou for doing me. Hug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
If you could get round to it, please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance xx

There are some very different things going on with you. First of all your username suggests a girlie, fluffy character with a sense of fun and frivolity.

Your avatar, whilst also girlie, presents a more adult, seductive side. Then your sig has 3 quite serious thoughts. It's almost as if you have represented different aspects of your life or even different stages in your life quite separately.

For this reason I would say that 1966 references your birth year as a younger person would not necessarily have that range of experience. On a final note, your use of two statements indicate an unfinished story and your hyphen - in the third points to an emphatic, there is no discussion, statement.

Thats amazing, the 1966 is my birth year and the sigs, yeah they are stages in a way. Brilliant thank you xx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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