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Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Oh yes please, just going to check my purse.....oops no silver Frowner how about an IOU Disappointed

What a lovely username! Obviously a personal meaning to you but suggests to me someone quite delicate and fragile. However the capital Y and R tell me that you have a healthy sense of self and therefore a lot stronger than people think you are.

Your avatar is interesting because you haven't chosen a pic of a single flower as most people would, you've gone for what looks like an arrangement which could mean that you don't much like to be alone or that the significance of the name relates to a particular person or event.

The colours in your sig are pastel colours rather than bold ones which implies someone who likes subtlety and calm. There's also a big space between the sigs and the bottom of your post box which could be a space in your life you are waiting to complete.

Oh thank you so much Valentine Although the avatar is small there's a white line across it that says flowers are beautiful, I love flowers and anything to do with being close to nature. Yellow for me represents the sun which I really love and it's a happy colour for me. Smiler

Having experienced many things in life there have been lots of times when I've felt fragile so have been surprised by how many people have told me they see me as strong, lol. But yes there are certain areas of my life where I have a comfortable sense of self, just have to hold on to that sometimes. Yes you're also right about subtlety and calm. There's something I'm hoping to complete, a big change, just having to wait for everything to fall into place. Your intuition and observation is really really good Nod Thank you. Smiler
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
me me me me next ...
waveywavey wavey

***takes a shiny sixpence out of the pockets of me bloomers Ninja***

When I see your name I keep thinking of that old hymn "Dance, dance wherever you may be, I am the lord of the dance said he" - in my convent school we thought singing 'dance settee' instead was the funniest thing ever! Is that where you got it from or am I completely wrong? Blush

Well whatever it is I think it shows a keen sense of humour, the fact that you've used a capital D and S shows someone quite confident but you haven't left a space between the words. This could be someone with two distinct sides to their personality or someone whose emotions tend to be extreme, not much grey area in the middle.

The avatar, a dancing settee, is a literal representation of your unusual name and so I'd think you are someone who likes people to be upfront with you and doesn't like guile or emotional manipulation. I think a passive aggressive personality would drive you mad!
Originally posted by kattymieoww:! Big Grin

I'm sure I've done you before! Wink Well your name suggests someone who likes cats and, coupled with your sig and avatar, you're obviously someone who likes animals. However there are two parts to your name which indicates two sides to your personality. The 'katty' side which is your sharp tongue and the 'mieoww' side which is your mellow, loving side. The extra w tells me that your loving side is strongest.

Your avatar shows a your sense of fun but you've chosen black and white rather than colour so I would say you have an eye for design and like classic looks. This is reinforced by a grammatically correct sig, down to caps for proper nouns. You're definitely a details person.

You've separated your sig, another indicator of someone who has a personal idea of order and style, and you've given your rabbits rhyming names. I get the impression that you currently like structure in your life but on your terms.
Originally posted by Rev. Dim Dale:
Can you do me too please skive?

This is hard because I know yours is a literary reference (because you had a chat with super about it on this thread) but I don't recognise it and I haven't looked it up I promise because I just want to go on my own assumptions. Did that make any sense? Anyhow here goes.

The fact that you've chosen a literary reference tells me that you have a keen imagination. (You can't enjoy books unless that part of your brain works well.) It seems to be set in the past or historical, your avatar reinforces this - a black and white pic - and the unusual wording in your sig. This could suggest someone who is fascinated by difference. Maybe you enjoy fantasy or sci-fi genres too?

I'm guessing that you've adapted the name to make it more humourous but you've still maintained grammar, and coupled with the little green thumbs-up man, shows someone with a self-deprecating style. You're clever but you often play this down.

The second line of the sig is interesting as normally little flourishes indicate a girlie female but in this case it seems more to do with design and is very symmetrical. This makes me think you can be a bit too much of a perfectionist at times.
Originally posted by Cinds:
*flicks a 50p at skive* Do me, do me!

I think Cinds is a diminutive of your real name - or a version of a nickname - which shows a down to earth and open personality and you've used a capital C which suggests confidence. However it's an unusual way of shortening a name (to add an extra letter I mean) which tells me that you like to stand out from the crowd.

Your avatar suggests that you have a very dark humour and that you're a very resilient person, it takes a lot to get you down. This is reinforced in your sig with the imperative 'beat' showing a strong, forthright approach to life.

Your sig is colourful and has 'in-jokes' which suggests someone who likes to have good friends rather than a whole load of acquaintances and also maybe you don't trust easily. Finally there's a gap in the sig which could indicate something which has left your life or a gap waiting to be filled.
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
*gets in line*

Do me, Please.

Are you ever accused of being 'away with the fairies' lol. Smiler There's a very ethereal quality to your profile; moonbeams are fleeting and almost magical, the wishful sigh in your sig with it's lovely little flourishes.

However your avatar shows someone who often surprises and is far more capable than people think. What starts as a childish drawing jumps out and challenges but in a way that makes the onlooker smile. The capital M also shows a good sense of self and confidence.

Overall I get the sense of a naturally cheerful person who finds spirituality in all aspects of life.
Originally posted by Mary Seacole:
Do me, I will give you my coveted ÂĢ5 coin.

Your name is interesting, it could be a reference to a book, film etc that I don't recognise or something more personal to you. I don't think it's related to your real name. If it is a reference then it indicates someone you admire because of the capital M and S rather than a jokey reference.

I love the avatar, the scales are not static they are constantly moving which suggests someone who strives to find balance in life. do you feel that you are constantly juggling? But there is an element of comedy to them so I would say that you generally appraoch a hectic life with good humour and a sense of fun.

Your sig further suggests someone who squashes too much in as there are no spaces after your commas and the words are time indicators 'yesterday/today/tomorrow' showing a sense of urgency. What's interesting is that today comes after tomorrow in your order so you're someone who has learnt to live in the here and now and maybe tries not to worry too much as things will eventually sort themselves out.
Originally posted by maggiep:
Hi skive,i saw you in the games forum earlier,can you do me please Wave


The most obvious would be that your name is your real name and the lack of capitals shows someone who is sometimes lacking in self confidence. There's also no space which in this case says to me that you are a bit shy and don't like to put yourself out there too much.

However the choice of the wanted poster as your avatar suggests someone who would like to be more confident and actually has a lot to offer. To people who know you, you are open, honest and a little bit devlish sometimes.

This is reinforced by your sig, a mantra for yourself but you don't fully believe it yet because there's no space after the comma. Like you've said it too quickly.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I bet you can't do me...I'm a walking contradiction

Now there's a challenge! Big Grin Well there is actually a lot of duality here but not necessarily contradictory. You have two names and two sigs but they all point in the same direction. Someone who is quite loud and boisterous.

The name obviously has meaning to you but you don't go in for soppy sentimentality (is FGG a shortening of a previous username?) and the hard consonant sounds reflect someone who meets life head on and rugby tackles it!

The avatar also indicates this tough approach but the colour and humour in the sigs gives away a more relaxed side to you, you might be hard as nails but you don't take yourself too seriously. It's a bawdy humour but it's tempered with little flourishes; you wouldn't hurt a fly! Wink
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:! Big Grin

I'm sure I've done you before! Wink Well your name suggests someone who likes cats and, coupled with your sig and avatar, you're obviously someone who likes animals. However there are two parts to your name which indicates two sides to your personality. The 'katty' side which is your sharp tongue and the 'mieoww' side which is your mellow, loving side. The extra w tells me that your loving side is strongest.

Your avatar shows a your sense of fun but you've chosen black and white rather than colour so I would say you have an eye for design and like classic looks. This is reinforced by a grammatically correct sig, down to caps for proper nouns. You're definitely a details person.

You've separated your sig, another indicator of someone who has a personal idea of order and style, and you've given your rabbits rhyming names. I get the impression that you currently like structure in your life but on your terms.

Oh Ta!Very good.Though the extra W was a typo on CH4 forums but I just keep it. Big Grin
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Mary Seacole:
Do me, I will give you my coveted ÂĢ5 coin.

Your name is interesting, it could be a reference to a book, film etc that I don't recognise or something more personal to you. I don't think it's related to your real name. If it is a reference then it indicates someone you admire because of the capital M and S rather than a jokey reference.

I love the avatar, the scales are not static they are constantly moving which suggests someone who strives to find balance in life. do you feel that you are constantly juggling? But there is an element of comedy to them so I would say that you generally appraoch a hectic life with good humour and a sense of fun.

Your sig further suggests someone who squashes too much in as there are no spaces after your commas and the words are time indicators 'yesterday/today/tomorrow' showing a sense of urgency. What's interesting is that today comes after tomorrow in your order so you're someone who has learnt to live in the here and now and maybe tries not to worry too much as things will eventually sort themselves out.

wow,'do you know me' Mary Seacole was a nurse in the Crimean war, I admire her greatly, I am a Libra,who strives to find the balance that I am supposed to have been blessed with, the sig is spot on.
Hands over the silver ÂĢ5 coin, (well worth it)
Thank you for your time.
Mary Seacole
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I bet you can't do me...I'm a walking contradiction

Now there's a challenge! Big Grin Well there is actually a lot of duality here but not necessarily contradictory. You have two names and two sigs but they all point in the same direction. Someone who is quite loud and boisterous.

The name obviously has meaning to you but you don't go in for soppy sentimentality (is FGG a shortening of a previous username?) and the hard consonant sounds reflect someone who meets life head on and rugby tackles it!

The avatar also indicates this tough approach but the colour and humour in the sigs gives away a more relaxed side to you, you might be hard as nails but you don't take yourself too seriously. It's a bawdy humour but it's tempered with little flourishes; you wouldn't hurt a fly! Wink

Oooh I was a little sceptical but I have to say you are good and spot on with the shortening of a previous username...wrong on the wouldn't hurt a fly though..I have been known to kill things without a qualm.
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
me me me me next ...
waveywavey wavey

***takes a shiny sixpence out of the pockets of me bloomers Ninja***

When I see your name I keep thinking of that old hymn "Dance, dance wherever you may be, I am the lord of the dance said he" - in my convent school we thought singing 'dance settee' instead was the funniest thing ever! Is that where you got it from or am I completely wrong? Blush

Well whatever it is I think it shows a keen sense of humour, the fact that you've used a capital D and S shows someone quite confident but you haven't left a space between the words. This could be someone with two distinct sides to their personality or someone whose emotions tend to be extreme, not much grey area in the middle.

The avatar, a dancing settee, is a literal representation of your unusual name and so I'd think you are someone who likes people to be upfront with you and doesn't like guile or emotional manipulation. I think a passive aggressive personality would drive you mad!

Yes you got the origin of my name right Skive Thumbs Up

That was quite accurate, nothing to complain about at all Big Grin Wink The last paragraph is absolutely spot on Thumbs Up

I'm impressed...thanks so much for taking your time to do it Valentine....have a big cake ---> Present
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I have been known to kill things without a qualm.

You do mean insects and stuff right? You don't work for Kenny?

Insects, chickens, rabbits, birds...anything you can shoot really...not done a person....YET!! Devil

Only cos you have em on ignore Ninja

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