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Originally posted by tupps:

Is tupps a nickname for a previous username? Anway the lack of a capital letter in this case shows someone who feels quite comfortable with themselves and has a quiet confidence which comes from life experience. It has a lovely gentle sound to it, like a comforting murmur. Because of this I think you are a very dependable person, someone people would come to for reassurance and a cuddle.

The fact that the bear in your avatar is not scary reinforces this for me. You are perhaps someone who people might initially be intimidated by but they soon realise that you're actually warm, funny and loving.

You're sig tells me about your internet life rather than your RL. Are the dates C4BB related? I think you really enjoy the escapism that forum life allows you - perhaps you feel that you have too much responsibility for others in RL?

There is an overall sense of someone who makes steady progress in life and has a very good sense of perspective.
Originally posted by Triggers:
Do me baby, do me right now! Thanks Thumbs Up

Shoes in the avatar and shoes in the sig! This and the pink tells me that you are very girlie, you like flamboyance and style. Those aren't functional shoes in the avie, they're make-a-statement-hurt-like-hell-but-wow shoes.

Therefore I think that you like opulence; you're attracted to sparkle and enthusiasm. This is a little tempered I feel by the username which, whilst an exuberant word, indicates a sense of belonging. Is this a word that's been in your life for a long time? The capital T stands tall and shows a sense of confidence but also no-nonsense approach to others.

P.S. I'm a bit uncertain about this, I feel like I'm missing something. There are no flourishes so you're not a traditional girlie - there's definitely more to you than meets the eye!
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by tupps:

Is tupps a nickname for a previous username? Anway the lack of a capital letter in this case shows someone who feels quite comfortable with themselves and has a quiet confidence which comes from life experience. It has a lovely gentle sound to it, like a comforting murmur. Because of this I think you are a very dependable person, someone people would come to for reassurance and a cuddle.

The fact that the bear in your avatar is not scary reinforces this for me. You are perhaps someone who people might initially be intimidated by but they soon realise that you're actually warm, funny and loving.

You're sig tells me about your internet life rather than your RL. Are the dates C4BB related? I think you really enjoy the escapism that forum life allows you - perhaps you feel that you have too much responsibility for others in RL?

There is an overall sense of someone who makes steady progress in life and has a very good sense of perspective.

Bliddy uncanny..

I am a bit intimidating apparently.. I'm errrrr quite forthright Ninja but anyone who knows me knows I'm a sweetie really.. and I do give great cuddles.. Wink

Yeah they are C4 related.. I've just not got around to hoiking them off. Funny because I was just thinking it was time for an update.

Escapism from responsibility in RL.. oooooo.. yes, you may be onto something there. Cool

Thank you.. Valentine
Originally posted by carotino:
I hope you like a challenge Hug

Well it certainly is! You give me nothing! I remember you from the old place but I can't remember if you had an avatar there. Hmmm.

Well, let's see - the name could be personal, related to your real name or a nickname. Red hair perhaps? The lack of a capital suggests someone who is lacking in confidence and the suffix 'ino' indicates some exotic influence in your life. Or it could be an homage to someone you admire.

No avatar and no sig, it could be that you're wanting to remain very anonymous at the moment and so perhaps feel a little vulnerable in RL.

Lots of coulds and maybes but you give me nothing lol! Big Grin
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Go on go on go on!!

Another one with not much to go on! Right I'll do me best. Capital M and the word star shows a confident person who doesn't mind being the centre of attention. I think Mazzy is perhaps related to your real name and the z sounds show someone very down to earth and honest.

I think maybe your confidence has taken a knock lately because you don't have an avatar and there are no flourishes in your sig. Perhaps feeling a bit out of step with the rest of the world as your sig suggests.

I think you are one of those people who 'gets it' very quickly and has to wait for everyone else to catch up. This could make you impatient, there's no space after your comma or full stop suggesting someone who sees the bigger picture and doesn't sweat the details.
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Triggers:
Do me baby, do me right now! Thanks Thumbs Up

Shoes in the avatar and shoes in the sig! This and the pink tells me that you are very girlie, you like flamboyance and style. Those aren't functional shoes in the avie, they're make-a-statement-hurt-like-hell-but-wow shoes.

Therefore I think that you like opulence; you're attracted to sparkle and enthusiasm. This is a little tempered I feel by the username which, whilst an exuberant word, indicates a sense of belonging. Is this a word that's been in your life for a long time? The capital T stands tall and shows a sense of confidence but also no-nonsense approach to others.

P.S. I'm a bit uncertain about this, I feel like I'm missing something. There are no flourishes so you're not a traditional girlie - there's definitely more to you than meets the eye!

Wow! Thanks for the response. I don't always think about comfort when it comes to shoes but that is like a lot of females. I do love opulence and style - and enthusiasm is my middle name! You were, in the main, correct in your analysis, except for the small fact that I think I am a very traditional woman at heart.( I have old fashioned values)
The most touching part was your sensing that the name Triggers has been in my life for a long time - it has. My brother has always called me Trigs or Triggers. Thankyou so much Skive!
Originally posted by pepsi:
That's your 6 weeks off well and truly filled now Skive! Laugh

Eeker Lol! I'm starting my annual summer health and fitness regime next week so I'd best get them all done before then.

I remember voy in the old place gently telling me to give myself a rest after the thread had got to 40 odd pages. I wonder whatever happened to voyeur? She was ace.
Originally posted by Jenny:
Hi Skive wavey So glad to see you back. Thumbs Up

Can I stand in the queue please?

You did me ages ago, but things change don't they?

Oops, nearly forgot. Here's the only bit of silver I have on me at the moment.

Well the most obvious thing is that you're using your name now which shows that you feel more comfortable and confident. Your avatar of stonge henge is interesting indicating an interest in spiritual matters. I feel like you want to know more about life, the universe and everything, perhaps questioning things in a way you never did before.

Your sig reinforces this reflective point in your life but the first part shows that you are not quite ready to let go of some old stuff yet.

Sorry it's a bit short J but hey I did you before! Wink
Originally posted by madgey:
*waits with bated breath*

Well I think that madgey is a nickname for you - or a version of it - and the lack of capitals shows someone comfortable in their own skin but perhaps a little shy.

Your avatar is fascinating, I can't figure out if it's an alien hand or a tree or something! The strong colours show someone who is good at compartmentalising life. This is reflected in the line separating your sig from your post, I think you like things to be where they should be.

Your sigs show a keen sense of humour but I think that you have a very particular funny bone and what 'tickles' you others don't necessarily get.

Overall I get a sense of quite a gothic aesthetic in your life?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Me please Smiler Laugh.

Right Mr Impatience! Wink I think you are male because of the 'boy' and I don't think your name has any deeper meaning other than where you're from. This tells me you are a very straightforward and honest person, what you see is what you get! It also indicates a strong sense of belonging, perhaps you have a close family or friends network?

Your avatar obviously reflects your interests but also your passionate nature. Also the devil emoticon, I think that you are someone who is very emotional, when you're up you're soaring and when you're down you're plummeting. Not much grey area in the middle with you.

The rest of your sig is colourful and varied and shows someone who loves company and makes friends easily and is perhaps a little impulsive!
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by madgey:
*waits with bated breath*

Well I think that madgey is a nickname for you - or a version of it - and the lack of capitals shows someone comfortable in their own skin but perhaps a little shy.

Your avatar is fascinating, I can't figure out if it's an alien hand or a tree or something! The strong colours show someone who is good at compartmentalising life. This is reflected in the line separating your sig from your post, I think you like things to be where they should be.

Your sigs show a keen sense of humour but I think that you have a very particular funny bone and what 'tickles' you others don't necessarily get.

Overall I get a sense of quite a gothic aesthetic in your life?
Very Good!

The gothic aesthetic term is excellent,thankyou Valentine
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by pepsi:
That's your 6 weeks off well and truly filled now Skive! Laugh

Eeker Lol! I'm starting my annual summer health and fitness regime next week so I'd best get them all done before then.

I remember voy in the old place gently telling me to give myself a rest after the thread had got to 40 odd pages. I wonder whatever happened to voyeur? She was ace.

Hi skive Big Grin .. voy has long since left this and other parish of our acquaintance. My place is still running if you want to pop by at any point Big Grin


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