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Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by evviva!:
OK....I waited for 37/38 pages before joining the queue. Please "do" me again, if you get this far. It's been years since you last "did" me Glance

Oh, and here's your.....silver?..... Wink

Wow that's a serious piece of bling! Cool No worries darling, I've already had some thoughts about your new name. Smiler

Lockes no 1 fan - I've added you to the list too. Smiler

thanks Hug
Originally posted by Bojangles:
Hi Skive can you do me please,if I had an avatar I'd have a Shih tzu dog.Handing over a bag of silver coins.

I keep singing the song every time I see your name, Sammy Davis Jr - best version! I'm not sure if that's where you got the name from but if it is it suggests someone who is interested in people and the stories they have to tell.

I'd be able to say more by seeing what type of pic of a Shih Tzu you'd choose e.g. a close up or one with background detail but I can say that people tend to be attracted to breeds with qualities that reflect their own. Shih Tzus may look like fluffy little airheads but they can tough and scrappy and are very clever little things - quick to learn.

They’ll happily sit and be groomed and fussed over but that’s only because they know they deserve it! I love Shih Tzus, fantastic characters.

I hope that doesn't offend! Eeker Big Grin
Originally posted by Tina:
OMG so sorry about the pic Eeker Big Grin

As usual if Tina is your real name then it indicates an open and down to earth personality. Even if it's not then the choice of a short, simple name still suggests a straightforward, honest person with an 'I am who I am' approach to life.

The neon stars point to someone who likes the city and especially a great night out. I think you prefer company to being on your own and are drawn to people who make you laugh.

The lack of embellishment in your sig reinforces for me that you are someone grounded in reality but who enjoys letting their hair down with friends when you get the chance.
Originally posted by MrsB:
Me please...there's alot to work with!!!!!

Oh my! There's a lot of sexuality going on here! You certainly have a 'type', very traditionally masculine and even a bit macho. I would say that you are quite a passionate person with lots of enthusiasm and energy.

You like life to be exciting and and a roller coaster ride and dive headlong into new experiences. However there is a part of you that's also a bit of an old romantic I think.

Your name has 'Mrs' (as opposed to Ms or Miss) and the pics you've chosen are all head shots (apart from Rex) which show personality rather than just physicality. Therefore I think that once the right man captures you then you will be equally as happy to be 'tamed' a bit.
Originally posted by WILDER X:
Skive will you do me please.
I can't give you any money as I don't know how to loads pics onto the forum.

You're quite difficult actually! I can't decide whether your name is a proper noun or a comparative adjective. Either way it suggests someone quite confident (it's also in capitals) but the X also gives it that bit of mystery.

I think you are quite self-aware and comfortable with who you are but you don't suffer fools gladly and so can keep yourself at a distance sometimes.

The avatar would reinforce this for me with its reflective quality but I've been wrong with this pic before as it seems to have been a popular choice early on when there was less to choose from.

However the first line of your sig also makes me think of someone confident in a group but who also appreciates time to themselves. Sorry if I’m way off with you, you’re quite an enigma! Smiler
Originally posted by Tequila:
*Stands to the back of queue and waits patiently for Skive to "do me" * Blush

Tequila is such a good name, wish I'd thought of it! It makes me think of warm nights, good company and great conversation. Nod And so these are my first thoughts about you! Smiler

The avatar suggests someone who likes to subvert expectations and preconceptions and the bright blue background shows a generally calm and optimistic outlook on life.

The blue is continued in your sig and the short, to-the-point statement shows a shrewd, common sense approach. I think others would say that you have a level head and a patient disposition.
Originally posted by Gypsie:
ohh do me (im saying that far too much these days)

There is a lot of energy and enthusiasm for life here but in a million different directions at once! Even your name has wandering connotations and so I think you are someone who finds everything interesting but has difficulty staying still for long.

Your avatar has the same frantic movement in it and the cartoon style shows someone who's cheerful in their infectious excitement. I think you make others laugh out loud a lot!

The sig has exclamation marks, hearts, flourishes, colour and humour. You must be great company but bliddy difficult to keep up with! Big Grin
Originally posted by evviva!:
I don't know if you got Bojangles right, but you're bang on about Shih-Tzus! I just recently lost both of mine.......and that was lovely to read Hug

Oh deegs I'm sorry to hear that. Hug They are a fab breed. My dad's got a Shih Tzu/Westie cross called Dylan who's got the Shih Tzu looks but not the brains bless him! Smiler
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by MrsB:
Me please...there's alot to work with!!!!!

Oh my! There's a lot of sexuality going on here! You certainly have a 'type', very traditionally masculine and even a bit macho. I would say that you are quite a passionate person with lots of enthusiasm and energy.

You like life to be exciting and and a roller coaster ride and dive headlong into new experiences. However there is a part of you that's also a bit of an old romantic I think.

Your name has 'Mrs' (as opposed to Ms or Miss) and the pics you've chosen are all head shots (apart from Rex) which show personality rather than just physicality. Therefore I think that once the right man captures you then you will be equally as happy to be 'tamed' a bit.

Pretty spot on, I reckon! The right guy has already captured me...this is the tamer me lol!!!
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Bojangles:
Hi Skive can you do me please,if I had an avatar I'd have a Shih tzu dog.Handing over a bag of silver coins.

I keep singing the song every time I see your name, Sammy Davis Jr - best version! I'm not sure if that's where you got the name from but if it is it suggests someone who is interested in people and the stories they have to tell.

I'd be able to say more by seeing what type of pic of a Shih Tzu you'd choose e.g. a close up or one with background detail but I can say that people tend to be attracted to breeds with qualities that reflect their own. Shih Tzus may look like fluffy little airheads but they can tough and scrappy and are very clever little things - quick to learn.

They’ll happily sit and be groomed and fussed over but that’s only because they know they deserve it! I love Shih Tzus, fantastic characters.

I hope that doesn't offend! Eeker Big Grin

Thankyou Skive very much,may I say what a lovely person you are taking the time and trouble to post our characters.Yes you are spot on with me,but as you say you haven't completed the reading on your limited info from me,but I am happy with that anyway.God bless.
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Tequila:
*Stands to the back of queue and waits patiently for Skive to "do me" * Blush

Tequila is such a good name, wish I'd thought of it! It makes me think of warm nights, good company and great conversation. Nod And so these are my first thoughts about you! Smiler

The avatar suggests someone who likes to subvert expectations and preconceptions and the bright blue background shows a generally calm and optimistic outlook on life.

The blue is continued in your sig and the short, to-the-point statement shows a shrewd, common sense approach. I think others would say that you have a level head and a patient disposition.

Thank you so much Skive that was brilliant and although modesty is my middle name I need to tell you that are spot on. Loving your thread and loving your work Thumbs Up Hug Valentine
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Joods:
Me too please!

Your name sounds like it could be a nickname for you, it has a cherished, warm quality to it. The double vowel is very cosy and makes me think of someone happiest at home.

The poppy avatar shows a sense of belonging, that you feel most comfortable with familiar surroundings and people. There's also a sense of tradition there and so you are someone with clear values and a strong work ethic.

The colours and flourishes in the avatar indicate creativity but you've set it out in a very symmetrical and balanced way which suggests someone who likes structure and order and so perhaps is very neat?

Thank you Skive, your description of me is uncanny! My real name is Judy but I've been called Joods by my family since before I can remember. Everything you described is me to a 'T'!

Thank you again Smiler
Originally posted by evviva!:
No worries, skive.....whenever Hug

You were bang on about Sazzy. She's emerging from her chrysallis phase at long last Clapping

Blush I was talking to B about that thread you did - where I was saying I think he has brought out the best in me and is making me more confident... He said that he always wanted me to be more confident, and he couldn't understand why I wasn't Crying
Originally posted by kyla:
hiya skive, nice to meet you. Hug I've been advised to come and see you. Please be gentle. Big Grin

Well it might be a bit short as I can't quite make out your avatar. I can see that it's not a close up and so this would suggest to me someone quite inquisitive, who likes the context and background details.

Your name has a modern quality and is quite short which makes me think of a relaxed, laid back person who doesn't take life too seriously. This is reinforced in your sig with its ellipses which also show that 'open to new experiences' idea that your name gives me.

Sorry it's not longer. Frowner
Originally posted by pigeonpie:
Can you please do me? I promise to cross your palm on pay-day. Wink

There's lots of colour and movement in your profile and so this indicates an energetic and sociable personality. Your name has the repetition of letters that always makes me think of someone who likes music and dancing.

I can't see the avatar clearly but the bright colours show someone who likes to laugh. I think others would say that you are often smiley and cheerful.

There's a lot going on in your sig, capitals, exclamation marks, colours, movement which suggests a gregarious personality; someone who makes friends easily and is generally optimistic in their outlook.
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
ooo me please Present Valentine

I'm guessing that your name is about the character in 'Lost'? If not I'm about to go in entirely the wrong direction lol! I've seen more people as fans of characters like Sawyer because he's young and good looking and, if my memory serves me right, Locke is more of an enigmatic character.

Therefore I think you are someone with a keen imagination, perhaps you read a lot and that you enjoy trying to figure things out for yourself. The spaces in your name also point to an organised and rational mind.

The avatar shows a different aspect to you. If it's a pic of your own dog then it shows a soft and loving side. Someone who has a lot of empathy and is able to put themselves in others' shoes because the shot is taken from down at the dog's level.
Originally posted by evviva!:
OK....I waited for 37/38 pages before joining the queue. Please "do" me again, if you get this far. It's been years since you last "did" me Glance

Well the first thing that struck me when I saw your new profile was 'life'! There's a celebration of life in your name with its Latin influence and exclamation mark.

Your avatar has a modern 'Madonna and child' quality to it. (Not the scrawny old pop singing woman, the original mother of God one - you know what I mean!). Looking more closely at it, it could be someone covering their mouth which would fit in with your sig but on first sight it looks like a woman kissing a child's hand.

It's an intimate but also symbolic gesture, a mother and child are the embodiment of new life and hope. The black and white shot also shows someone who likes the classic look, your taste has always been for elegance and quality but I think recently you have been attracted to simplicity and clean lines.

The red in your sig shows that there is still fire in your belly but the words say you want to save it for when it's really necessary. Going back to the life theme - it's simply too precious to waste, and the double ellipses suggest an in between phase. Not where you were but not yet where you want to be either.

An extra long reading just for you. Valentine
Originally posted by Bovrilking:
OK Skive, i'll give it a go Thumbs Up

When I first saw your name I read it as 'bov-viking' lol! Then I saw the bovril bit so now I've got an image of a warrior in a horned helmet with a warm beverage in his hand. Laugh Considering you are the modest saviour of our little band of FMs I think that's quite apt! Big Grin

I like the duality of the down to earth 'bovril' and the regal 'king', it suggests to me someone who is very calm, generally quiet and considered in his approach to life.

I don't recognise the pic, is it someone in the public eye or just random? It has the same open and genuine quality to it as your name as well as indicating someone who enjoys home and familiarity.
Originally posted by fracas:
Originally posted by skive:
Here's today's batch and I've nearly got to the end of the queue! Big Grin

Hurray! Do meeeee when you can, been reading and waiting for you to get thru everyone Big Grin

Well your name obviously suggests someone who's not afraid of confrontation! Wink So my first thoughts are a strong personality, someone who isn't phased easily. There is also confidence in your choice of word as well as its meaning. Most people would avoid the word 'fracas' because they're not sure how to say it (wondering if the 's' is silent or not) and so would choose an alternative.

The confidence is continued in your avatar, I recognise her but can't for the life of me remember the woman's name, aargh! However her head is held high and with self-assurance, therefore I think your choice of name is an ironic one. I don't think you 'brawl' very often, unless it's with words, and that others would say that they envy you your poise and self-restraint.

Overall I get the impression of a sharp intellect, someone with the courage of their convictions and the occasional acid tongue assassination.
Originally posted by skive:

Well your name obviously suggests someone who's not afraid of confrontation! Wink So my first thoughts are a strong personality, someone who isn't phased easily.

Erm, I have been known to be confrontational. Sometimes. Ninja

There is also confidence in your choice of word as well as its meaning. Most people would avoid the word 'fracas' because they're not sure how to say it (wondering if the 's' is silent or not) and so would choose an alternative.

It's frak-kar Wink

The confidence is continued in your avatar, I recognise her but can't for the life of me remember the woman's name, aargh! However her head is held high and with self-assurance, therefore I think your choice of name is an ironic one. I don't think you 'brawl' very often, unless it's with words,

Elsie Tanner. Corrie. Love her. A hard yet mushy woman, smoked fags Big Grin Gobby. Confrontational. were saying?
I think I may appear confident, but underneath just about as terrified as anyone else Laugh

and that others would say that they envy you your poise and self-restraint.

Erm, I wouldn't say that. How my pals would point and laugh Laugh

Overall I get the impression of a sharp intellect, someone with the courage of their convictions and the occasional acid tongue assassination.

Not sure about intellect, but yes I trust myself on lots of things. And I can have a good rant Mad Laugh

I come across as a bit of a scary bitch, don't I? I'm not! Laugh

Thanks Skive, you're ace, good fun. I enjoyed that (and the whole thread) Valentine
Last edited by fracas
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by evviva!:
OK....I waited for 37/38 pages before joining the queue. Please "do" me again, if you get this far. It's been years since you last "did" me Glance

Well the first thing that struck me when I saw your new profile was 'life'! There's a celebration of life in your name with its Latin influence and exclamation mark.

Your avatar has a modern 'Madonna and child' quality to it. (Not the scrawny old pop singing woman, the original mother of God one - you know what I mean!). Looking more closely at it, it could be someone covering their mouth which would fit in with your sig but on first sight it looks like a woman kissing a child's hand.

It's an intimate but also symbolic gesture, a mother and child are the embodiment of new life and hope. The black and white shot also shows someone who likes the classic look, your taste has always been for elegance and quality but I think recently you have been attracted to simplicity and clean lines.

The red in your sig shows that there is still fire in your belly but the words say you want to save it for when it's really necessary. Going back to the life theme - it's simply too precious to waste, and the double ellipses suggest an in between phase. Not where you were but not yet where you want to be either.

An extra long reading just for you. Valentine

I said several pages're SHPOOKY! Eeker Amazingly accurate.

Bless you for taking the time Valentine

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