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Originally posted by kyla:
hiya skive, nice to meet you. Hug I've been advised to come and see you. Please be gentle. Big Grin

Oo a recommendation! Business is really starting to take off. Big Grin

Thanks for the bump and refreshments, now that the sun's come out I've actually left the house these past few days! Here's the next batch though.....
Originally posted by pussycatj:
coooeeee skive, can you do me please? Valentine

The 'j' in your name could be related to your real name but the 'pussycat' bit comes first and so you are a huge softie, a very loving, friendly and demonstrative person. Great fun to be around.

The baby in the avatar and the pic in your sig point to someone with a very child-like approach to life. I don't mean childish, I mean a wide-eyed impatience to explore and a readiness to enjoy new experiences.

This could make you someone who trusts to their instincts but also that you don't sweat the details (there's a 'b' missing in your sig, I'm not sure if that's deliberate or not) and tend to rush headlong in whatever direction takes your fancy.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Do me too please.

Your name makes me think of Suzi Quattro and so apologies if I go off in the wrong direction! You've chosen a hyphen which is unusual and so my immediate impression is of an individual who often stands out from the crowd.

Your avatar is similarly different, it has quite a strong impact without the context of the rest of the painting - it could be angry or sad or just tired depending on the viewer. This makes me think that you have a strong presence and make an immediate impression on others and perhaps are misinterpreted at times.

Your sigs show someone happy in a leadership role but with the common sense and wry cynicism that comes through experience. There's also a balance in the first line which makes me think that experience has calmed your natural fervour.
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by kyla:
hiya skive, nice to meet you. Hug I've been advised to come and see you. Please be gentle. Big Grin

Oo a recommendation! Business is really starting to take off. Big Grin

Thanks for the bump and refreshments, now that the sun's come out I've actually left the house these past few days! Here's the next batch though.....

yayyyy Clapping

pssst if you are not gonna eat that cake ...
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
*Queues up behind Pussy and Suzi*

Me too please Skive

You must be a vegetarian (like me) with a name like that? There are two different g sounds in your name, both soft and hard. This suggests someone who presents a tough front to the world but is a bit of a softie underneath.

A veggieburger (as opposed to tofu for example) makes me think of someone grounded in reality whilst wishing for a better world. That you're able to adapt to cirumstances without compromising your core beliefs.

The football shirt avatar shows a keen sense of identity, perhaps a close network of family and friends? I think you are fiercely loyal to your loved ones and therefore the tough front is a protective one.
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
ooh can you do me too please.

There are lots of flourishes in your name and the pastel colours in your avatar which suggest a girlie girl, someone who has an eye for pretty things. If it's also your real name then that points to an open and honest approach to life.

This is reinforced by the eye in your avatar which shows a directness. I think you are quite a trusting person who naturally thinks the best of people and situations.

There's lots of movement and colour in your sig showing a lively and energetic nature. Overall I get a sense of a friendly, cheerful person with a naturally optimistic disposition and a zest for life.
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
coooeeee skive, can you do me please? Valentine

The 'j' in your name could be related to your real name but the 'pussycat' bit comes first and so you are a huge softie, a very loving, friendly and demonstrative person. Great fun to be around.

The baby in the avatar and the pic in your sig point to someone with a very child-like approach to life. I don't mean childish, I mean a wide-eyed impatience to explore and a readiness to enjoy new experiences.

This could make you someone who trusts to their instincts but also that you don't sweat the details (there's a 'b' missing in your sig, I'm not sure if that's deliberate or not) and tend to rush headlong in whatever direction takes your fancy.

Really accurate skive, I do tend to jump in with both feet without thinking, and yes tend to not read the small print Laugh (believe me, there was a 'b' in there, someone nicked it Ninja

Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
*Queues up behind Pussy and Suzi*

Me too please Skive

You must be a vegetarian (like me) with a name like that? There are two different g sounds in your name, both soft and hard. This suggests someone who presents a tough front to the world but is a bit of a softie underneath.

A veggieburger (as opposed to tofu for example) makes me think of someone grounded in reality whilst wishing for a better world. That you're able to adapt to cirumstances without compromising your core beliefs.

The football shirt avatar shows a keen sense of identity, perhaps a close network of family and friends? I think you are fiercely loyal to your loved ones and therefore the tough front is a protective one.

Thanks so much for fitting me in Hug
Veggie is a nickname that my local (non animal rights) friends gave me years ago - I'm actually vegan.

The analysis is totally spot on though - scarily so.
Thanks again Hug
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Im waiting! Big Grin

Eeker You don't give me anything to go on other than you like Spurs and were sad when Michael Jackson died!

I think you have me well and truly stumped lol! The best I can do is that the 'Little Miss' suggests a mischievous sense of fun and the lack of an avatar or more telling sig could be someone who doesn't like mess and fussiness? I don't think it's shyness because of the capitals in the name.

Sorry it's so short! Frowner
Originally posted by jonono:

Eeker Another one who gives me nothing! I can see my 'psychic' title going up in a whiff of smoke lol!

All I can think of is John Lennon and Yoko Ono? That's probably completely wrong and it's a version of a nickname for you. The repetition of the sounds could suggest rhythm, that you enjoy music and words?

I'm really sorry but I am totally stumped! Frowner
Originally posted by Joods:
Me too please!

Your name sounds like it could be a nickname for you, it has a cherished, warm quality to it. The double vowel is very cosy and makes me think of someone happiest at home.

The poppy avatar shows a sense of belonging, that you feel most comfortable with familiar surroundings and people. There's also a sense of tradition there and so you are someone with clear values and a strong work ethic.

The colours and flourishes in the avatar indicate creativity but you've set it out in a very symmetrical and balanced way which suggests someone who likes structure and order and so perhaps is very neat?
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
ooh can you do me too please.

There are lots of flourishes in your name and the pastel colours in your avatar which suggest a girlie girl, someone who has an eye for pretty things. If it's also your real name then that points to an open and honest approach to life.

This is reinforced by the eye in your avatar which shows a directness. I think you are quite a trusting person who naturally thinks the best of people and situations.

There's lots of movement and colour in your sig showing a lively and energetic nature. Overall I get a sense of a friendly, cheerful person with a naturally optimistic disposition and a zest for life.

I try to be a girlie girl but without the results. I just can't do hair or make up lol

Lara is not my real name but I am a very honest person and open.

I am too trusting and also think the best of people which can result in my downfall. I never will learn lol

I think I am a friendly person and can be quite energetic as well. I think you have done a wonderful job with me and have got me to a tee.

Well done keep up the good work! Hug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by pgtips:
Please me too.. !! I can't do pics.. so I will borrow who ever's you like most !!!

Well I could go off in totally the wrong direction with you so apologies in advance if I get this spectacularly wrong! Big Grin

Well the name could just be the first thing you saw when searching for inspiration or it could be that you really, really love this brand of tea!

I like the down to earth and straightforward connotations it has, it makes me think of someone who appreciates simple pleasures in life and whose home would be welcoming and cosy.

The avatar is an extreme close up and so you are someone who likes to scrutinise but the face (and therefore eye) are to one side and so there is a little reticence there suggesting someone who is quite guarded until you get to know them.

Ty Ms Skive...the first bit... I do drink Pgtips.. lol.. but my initials were PG.. so was called pgtips from school...

Spot on.. on the other bits.. thou.. ty so much.. xxxx
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Oh shit I was just about to cross your palm with a 2 for 1 McDonalds voucher Frowner

Well you don't give me much to go on but I'll say what I see!

The name has the obvious connotations of cause and effect, retribution and reward so I think you are someone who strives for balance in life. The underscore here I think has the effect of ellipsis in that it suggests that this is not yet achieved, it's a work in progress.

The choice of avatar is interesting in that I think it is making a statement rather than revealing anything about your personality. It seems an ironic choice. Maybe you are someone who has, from experience, developed a complex system of defences?

However you chose a young queen which indicates an energy, spirit and sense of fun behind the armour.

Eeker That's bang on! Ta lovey xxxx
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Do me too please.

Your name makes me think of Suzi Quattro and so apologies if I go off in the wrong direction! You've chosen a hyphen which is unusual and so my immediate impression is of an individual who often stands out from the crowd.

Your avatar is similarly different, it has quite a strong impact without the context of the rest of the painting - it could be angry or sad or just tired depending on the viewer. This makes me think that you have a strong presence and make an immediate impression on others and perhaps are misinterpreted at times.

Your sigs show someone happy in a leadership role but with the common sense and wry cynicism that comes through experience. There's also a balance in the first line which makes me think that experience has calmed your natural fervour.

Thanks Skive, pretty spot on!
Originally posted by Paradice:
i'm awaiting my turn hope you spend my donation on nice shoes Thumbs Up

It'll be a short one I'm afraid as I've only got your name to go on!

I think you are quite an unusual person with your own unique little world! It's a happy world though, your own paradise. The different spelling also makes me think of the prefix 'para' and so your world is either alongside or beyond 'dice'!

Therefore you trust to chance and are happy to follow whichever path seems the right one at the time. I think it would be never be dull in your world!

I hope that makes sense? Eeker
Originally posted by felix:
Hi Skive Wave
What page are you up too?
I will leave some chocs for my 'do me' Big Grin please Blush


My first impressions are a very strong and independent personality. There's a cat in your name and your avatar but neither are fluffy kittens!

Felix is also Latin for luck and success and so I think you are quite a driven person and that you're prepared to work hard for your goals.

The nobility of the lion is well embedded in our culture and so I think that you are a natural leader but that integrity is also very important to you. You might be a fearsome opponent but only when the battle is a just one! And of course, like all cats, you have a softer side for those you choose to show it to. Wink
Originally posted by SazBomb:
Hey Skivey, I know you did me ages ago, but if you're not too busy could you do me again? Or do you know me too well? Big Grin

I can get you a whole cake, if it helps like? Ninja

I shall continue to lurk and read, love this thread Big Grin

Well I still maintain that your name shows different aspects of your personality. The saz is the down to earth, unassuming you and the bomb is the fun loving, vivacious you.

Your avatar shows someone who's a lot more confident than they used to be (it's interesting that you and sponge chose this!) but your sig shows that you've still got that little bit of cynicism holding you back.

You've used speech marks and italics and, even though it is a quote, this has the effect of distancing the sentiment slightly. You're not quite ready to be as confident as you should be just yet.

You should be though Saz, you are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever had the good fortune to meet in the cyber world. Valentine
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
can u read mine please Smiler

The z instead of an s is quite interesting in your name. It could point to someone young (those of us over a certain age didn't grow up in the text generation!) but I think it's more relevant to your individuality.

It also has the effect of adding a relaxing element to the sun, like the zzzzs of sleeping. Therefore I think you are quite a laid back person who doesn't get wound up too easily and has a calm but cheerful approach to life.

The avatar is interesting again as it's not a typical 'sunny' scene. It looks more like a twilight landscape which indicates a thoughtful and gentle disposition.
Originally posted by SJ:
*crosses palm with silver*

Oh, this is great, have been reading loads of your responses and everyone says you are very accurate. I'll take my ticket and wait in line.
(Didn't add a sig cos that wouldn't be fair since I've been reading your responses already).

I really, really love your avatar. It's my absolute favourite ever! It's so peaceful and hypnotic!

Well your name could simply be your initials which would suggest someone who likes simplicity but they are also quite sensual letters, very rounded with no hard lines.

This sensuality is reflected in your avatar with the gentle rotations of the yin and yang. I think you are someone who likes balance in life and is able to bring a quiet calm to situations.

I think others would say that you instinctively seem to know how best to deal with a problem but you would say that it's just a matter of giving it enough thought. I think you are a naturally charismatic person which bemuses the hell out of you at times.
Originally posted by Jaggy Thistle:
*crosses palm with undated 20p piece*

Ooh, ooh, can i have the next available ticket please?

You're obviously Scottish and proud! Smiler I love that your name is almost in dialect, I hear it in a Scottish accent in my head lol! I don't know if it's a common phrase but I like how the ee sound at the end softens the impact of the hard 'g's in Jaggy. It makes me think of someone a bit mischievous and cheeky.

The bagpipe player in your avatar looks very earnest but also relaxed at the same time. Therefore I think you are someone with a strong sense of culture and identity but also with a keen sense of humour and so you don't take yourself too seriously.
Originally posted by Bojangles:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Bojangles:
Hi Skive,I'm still here wavey

I see you there! wavey You're on my list honest - although you ain't giving me much to go on lol! Big Grin

Next batch coming up...

Am I a woman of mystery Skive?

Well with no avatar and no sig you're going to be a hard one but I'll do me best when I come to yours. Big Grin
Originally posted by skive:
Well I still maintain that your name shows different aspects of your personality. The saz is the down to earth, unassuming you and the bomb is the fun loving, vivacious you.

Your avatar shows someone who's a lot more confident than they used to be (it's interesting that you and sponge chose this!) but your sig shows that you've still got that little bit of cynicism holding you back.

You've used speech marks and italics and, even though it is a quote, this has the effect of distancing the sentiment slightly. You're not quite ready to be as confident as you should be just yet.

You should be though Saz, you are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever had the good fortune to meet in the cyber world. Valentine

awww Skivey Blush I am still a cynical sod... dont want to trust people and that cos I think they'll let me down/hurt me Ghost

Oh the quote is from the Simpsons btw, but I loved it since I first heard it, thought it was dead funny Big Grin

Thanks for doing me again :fnar: Hug
Originally posted by evviva!:
OK....I waited for 37/38 pages before joining the queue. Please "do" me again, if you get this far. It's been years since you last "did" me Glance

Oh, and here's your.....silver?..... Wink

Wow that's a serious piece of bling! Cool No worries darling, I've already had some thoughts about your new name. Smiler

Lockes no 1 fan - I've added you to the list too. Smiler

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