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Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Am I still on your list skive? Big Grin

I did you darling Wink, a few pages back I think.

Ooo, i must've missed that...I'll go and have a look Valentine

Can't seem to find it...if anybodys sees mine, could you please tell me what page it's on...Big Grin

**trots off to have another look through the thread**
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Oooo, can you do me please! Valentine

Well you are definitely someone who loves sparkle and opulence. There's dazzle in your name, avatar and sig! The name has an interesting balance between sumptuous and down to earth and a wry sense of irony.

Your avatar and sig use quite rich colours which suggest someone who has an eye for the lavish and luxurious.

The butterflies in your sig point to a lively and sociable person but there is also a clear sense of order because the flourishes are evenly balanced. This reinforces for me that you are quite grounded and temper your indulgences with a good sense of reality.

Oooo, you are so right!!!! You are so good at this!!! Thankyou so much! Valentine
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by WILDER X:
I can't give you any money as I don't know how to loads pics onto the forum.

Hey Wilder Wave

There's a how to thread at the top of the page, have a go using Rafe's instructions - it will work - promise Thumbs Up

To insert images within your posts (smilies/other) is is a simple matter of finding the image you want...

Once you have found the image, right click on it and select "Properties" from the menu that pops up.

In the properties tab you will see a line saying "img address" (or similar) with a line of text next to it starting with "http://" and ending with ".gif" or ".jpg". Copy that line by highlighting it and pressing ctrl + c.

Now go to your reply box here and use the second option from the right (the green panorama looking thing) to bring up the image entry box.

Paste the address you just copied into this and then press "Ok".

In your text entry area should now be a line similar to

[ IMG ][ /IMG ]

(without the space)

When you see that, you can just post as normal and your picture/smilie should show

Have a practice in the picture thread in the troll tank - you can always delete it if it goes wrong
Originally posted by KeenViewer:
HI Skive, do you have time to do me before getting ready for the wedding? Have a great time, and I'm looking forward to your analysis!

Oh my, another one with very little to go on! Okay I'll do me best.

Well your name is obviously self-explanatory and seems to be 'custom made' for this forum as opposed to the more random identity that most of us have. This could mean that you are a very rational person, quite analytical in your approach to life.

I like the word 'keen' (instead of avid or obsessed for example) which also points me in the direction of a logical, balanced personality.

The avatar is equally as specific and so you seem to be someone who is good at compartmentalising aspects of your life and keeping a healthy balance perhaps between work and play.
Originally posted by Aimee:
*waits in the queue* Glance

Another one giving me nothing!!! Eeker Okay, this may be short but I'll give it a go...

If your username is your real name then it indicates an open and honest person, if it's not then I'm stumped lol! Big Grin It's nearly all vowels which suggests a big heart and a trusting disposition.

I've been wrong with this choice of avatar before so forgive me if I go off in the wrong direction again! It has a reflective quality to it suggesting someone who enjoys having time to think but also quite a romantic nature, a bit of a dreamer perhaps.

That's all I've got so far, don't people believe in detailed and self-revealing sigs anymore lol! Big Grin
Originally posted by stonks:
You can share my silver coins Aimee.... Ninja

Your name makes me smile, it's got an almost audible quality to it! It makes me think of someone full of fun, a natural entertainer! Quite a physical person and so lots of energy like the old black and white slapstick movies!

I love the ninja smilie as your avatar it suits the person you are in my head, a bit mischievous and impulsive but great company.

Your sigs reinforce this for me as someone who makes friends easily but is also fiercely individual and independent.
Originally posted by pgtips:
Please me too.. !! I can't do pics.. so I will borrow who ever's you like most !!!

Well I could go off in totally the wrong direction with you so apologies in advance if I get this spectacularly wrong! Big Grin

Well the name could just be the first thing you saw when searching for inspiration or it could be that you really, really love this brand of tea!

I like the down to earth and straightforward connotations it has, it makes me think of someone who appreciates simple pleasures in life and whose home would be welcoming and cosy.

The avatar is an extreme close up and so you are someone who likes to scrutinise but the face (and therefore eye) are to one side and so there is a little reticence there suggesting someone who is quite guarded until you get to know them.
Originally posted by TomBennett:
I've got 5p, thats silver

Well, once again, if your name is your real name then it indicates an open and honest person. I think others might describe you as genuine and sincere, maybe a little innocent too.

If the avatar is a pic of you then this reinforces for me your straightforward approach to life. There is also a little shyness there as the camera is at a bit of a distance and the face is obscured by the shade.

The exclamation marks in your sig suggest someone quite lively and boisterous when amongst friends.
Originally posted by BBaddict:
Hi skive, please do me. I enclose some 5p pieces from my cat's money box xxx

Your name has the obvious meaning but also the choice of the word 'addict' shows a passionate nature, someone quite emotional and even intense in their approach to life.

The eclipse avatar continues this idea for me of an 'all or nothing' personality. However it also has a really intuitive feeling to it and so I would say that you are someone who has learnt to trust their own instincts about people and situations.

Overall I get the sense of a loving person who enjoys a good cuddle!
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by BBaddict:
Hi skive, please do me. I enclose some 5p pieces from my cat's money box xxx

Your name has the obvious meaning but also the choice of the word 'addict' shows a passionate nature, someone quite emotional and even intense in their approach to life.

The eclipse avatar continues this idea for me of an 'all or nothing' personality. However it also has a really intuitive feeling to it and so I would say that you are someone who has learnt to trust their own instincts about people and situations.

Overall I get the sense of a loving person who enjoys a good cuddle!

Thanks Skive, that was spot on. I would even pay you in real money for your accurate reading Hug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by stonks:
You can share my silver coins Aimee.... Ninja

Your name makes me smile, it's got an almost audible quality to it! It makes me think of someone full of fun, a natural entertainer! Quite a physical person and so lots of energy like the old black and white slapstick movies!

I love the ninja smilie as your avatar it suits the person you are in my head, a bit mischievous and impulsive but great company.

Your sigs reinforce this for me as someone who makes friends easily but is also fiercely individual and independent.

Awww thankyou Skive, thats a lovely discription of me though mr stonks just says I'm crazy.... Ninja
Thankyou for this.... Valentine
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by liverbird:
Can u do me please Skive? *places down large wad of cash"
And can I just say I wanted a pic of the Liverbird from the Liver building on my avatar but the pic was too big Frowner so I just had to choose one I liked fom here!

Thanks Valentine

Well I'm old enough to remember 'The Liver Birds' sitcom and so the first picture that came to my mind was of a young Polly James lol. Smiler

The fact that you feel very connected with (I assume) your city tells me that you are someone who has a strong sense of identity and possibly a close family. That you enjoy familiarity and tradition.

I love the deep, vibrant colours in the avatar you settled on. They indicate a vibrant approach to life and a sunny, smiley personality.

It's also a cluster of flowers so this points to someone happiest in a group, especially with others who share your outlook.

Thank you sooo much skive Valentine Liverpool isn't actually my home city but my fav footy team - but I love the city! I do have a close family who are important to me and think my friends would describe me as mostly very smiley - so thanks very much Big Grin
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by KeenViewer:
HI Skive, do you have time to do me before getting ready for the wedding? Have a great time, and I'm looking forward to your analysis!

Oh my, another one with very little to go on! Okay I'll do me best.

Well your name is obviously self-explanatory and seems to be 'custom made' for this forum as opposed to the more random identity that most of us have. This could mean that you are a very rational person, quite analytical in your approach to life.

I like the word 'keen' (instead of avid or obsessed for example) which also points me in the direction of a logical, balanced personality.

The avatar is equally as specific and so you seem to be someone who is good at compartmentalising aspects of your life and keeping a healthy balance perhaps between work and play.

Wow, thank you Skive, I think that is really accurate and there's a fair bit of detail there...I appreciate you taking the time to do mine. Have a good weekend, see you on the forum! Wave
Originally posted by pepsi:
Originally posted by Tequila:
*Stands to the back of queue and waits patiently for Skive to "do me" * Blush

Oh WOW! hello you Hug Valentine I keep missing you! Hows things with you my love?

Hiyaaaa Pepsi Hug Aww I've missed you too hun....I'm notsobad how are things with you? Have you settled down in your new place now? Valentine
Originally posted by Tequila:
Originally posted by pepsi:
Originally posted by Tequila:
*Stands to the back of queue and waits patiently for Skive to "do me" * Blush

Oh WOW! hello you Hug Valentine I keep missing you! Hows things with you my love?

Hiyaaaa Pepsi Hug Aww I've missed you too hun....I'm notsobad how are things with you? Have you settled down in your new place now? Valentine

(Scuse us Skive)

Yeah we are settling in nicely....still got a lot of work to do with the garden, but we're getting there. The main thing is we are getting along fabby living together.... it's brill Big Grin
Originally posted by pepsi:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Originally posted by pepsi:
Originally posted by Tequila:
*Stands to the back of queue and waits patiently for Skive to "do me" * Blush

Oh WOW! hello you Hug Valentine I keep missing you! Hows things with you my love?

Hiyaaaa Pepsi Hug Aww I've missed you too hun....I'm notsobad how are things with you? Have you settled down in your new place now? Valentine

(Scuse us Skive)

Yeah we are settling in nicely....still got a lot of work to do with the garden, but we're getting there. The main thing is we are getting along fabby living together.... it's brill Big Grin

Pepsi I'm so pleased for you and its nothing more than you deserve hun. I truly hope that your new home brings you a stress free, happy and fun life together Hug.......and don't worry too much about the garden......mine's like a bleedin jungle lol Valentine
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Am I too late?

Lots of ooos in your name suggesting quite a giddy person, energetic and full of life. Probably related to your real name because of the capital S.

The avatar also has movement in it despite being static, the bright colours and manga style indicate someone quite innocent, possibly a little naive at times.

The sig continues the vibrancy with active verbs 'spinning' and 'move' and also the lines of asterixes which are unequal in length. Overall I get the impression of a vivacious person who can be a bit scatty at times.

ooooooooooooooooh sorry I'm a bit late geting back to you. Thanks for taking the time to 'do me'. Fairly accurate I have to say .................although I wouldn't say I'm particularly naive .......lacking in common sense yes .....naive - not really. And as for the imbalance in my asterixes's driving me effin mad ...............keep meaning to put it right - but haven't yet - might do so now. And yes it is a real name as such nieces and nephews call me by that name or auntie Sooz for short. good work.

Cheers Skive
Soozy Woo

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