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Originally posted by Pwillow:
I'd love for skive to do a reading for me please,never had this done before Cool

*crosses skive's palm with silver*

Thanks in advance skive Hug

I so have done you before! Big Grin

Okay then you can have a quickie that's all. Wink

I can never decide if your name should be read as Pee-Willow or all in one like pillow but as a baby might say it! Anyway the w sounds give it a lovely soft quality which suggests someone with a big heart.

Are those your dogs in the avatar? It's such a nice pic because they look so comfortable and loved. You've gone for a shot of their heads rather than the whole body which shows you see them as personalities, part of the family, rather than possessions.

I get the feeling of someone in quite a comfortable place in their lives; they are very calm and peaceful colours in the avatar.
Originally posted by ANNOCA:
Hi Skive.

I would love to hear what you make of me!!!

This is hard because you've not given me much to go on with your name. It has no obvious meaning and so I can't find associations with it. Let me's in capitals so it could be an acronym or anagram of your real name or some other type of proper noun.

The avatar obviously suggests a dog lover. I don't know the breed but my impressions from the pic are quite feisty but also dignified.

The sig points to someone who values common sense, has quite a down to earth approach to life and doesn't suffer fools gladly.
Originally posted by fookat:
do me! do me! Ninja

Well there's the obvious pun with your name which indicates a keen wit and a rather cheeky nature. The double vowel also points to someone quite mischievous but endearing and easy to love.

This is reinforced by your avatar with those huge kitten eyes that seem to say "who me?” I think you have lots of energy and a huge sense of fun, even being 'naughty' at times!

Sorry it’s a bit short, I’m a bit stuck without a sig. Smiler
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Ooo I'll have a go! *crosses palm with silver and waits at end of humungous queue* Ninja

Is your real name incorporated into your username? I love the more classical spelling of faery it makes me think of bedtime stories of princesses and magic.

The avatar points me in this direction as well with the emoticon lovers catching stars. Therefore I think you are quite a romantic soul who loves to love and enjoys a happy ending. Maybe even a bit of a matchmaker?

Your sig goes whoosh in entirely a different direction to show a more earthly type of passion. Wink I get the impression of someone with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other!
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
Ooooh getting close, I think I am around page 17 or something.

Keep an eye on this thread, your really are fantastic at this!

Thanks linds, it's keeping me amused during these god awful rainy days and giving me an excuse not to do housework or the 'sorting out of the spare room' I've been putting off for ever. Big Grin

You're in me next batch Ninja
Originally posted by SazBomb:
Hey Skivey, I know you did me ages ago, but if you're not too busy could you do me again? Or do you know me too well? Big Grin

I can get you a whole cake, if it helps like? Ninja

I shall continue to lurk and read, love this thread Big Grin

no worries saz, I'll add you to the list.

P.S. Can I have wine instead of cake? Just to oil the creative mechanisms you know. Ninja
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by SazBomb:
Hey Skivey, I know you did me ages ago, but if you're not too busy could you do me again? Or do you know me too well? Big Grin

I can get you a whole cake, if it helps like? Ninja

I shall continue to lurk and read, love this thread Big Grin

no worries saz, I'll add you to the list.

P.S. Can I have wine instead of cake? Just to oil the creative mechanisms you know. Ninja

AM I still on your list skive? Can you be bribed? Big Grin
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Amythist:
Hi wavey

Id love you to do me too please

I think the unusual spelling to incorporate your real name shows a quick mind and a keen observer. The choice of a jewel suggests someone who is an individual and quite charismatic.

Your choice of avatar suggests an owl rather than a lark, someone who is happier in the night than the day. There is a reflective quality to it which again suggests someone who is observant and a good judge of character.

However the group in the picture has one person slightly apart which suggests that you like to isolate yourself sometimes and are comfortable with your own thoughts.

Yes! here it is, thanks Skive Big Grin Im not a night person at all but I wasnt really happy with my avatar at the time...choice wasnt as good as it is now, might change it.

However the rest is true , Present for you Hug Valentine Witch
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Azure:
empties unused holiday currency jar and swear box....hands all silver to skives agent, awaits reading with excited anticipation..........

Lots of blue: in the name, the avatar and sig. However it's not a masculine, authoritative blue; it's the colour of the sea, sky and dreams!

The name has a lovely hypnotic sound which suggests someone who is quite charismatic but often with their head in the clouds. This is reinforced by the avatar which presents a dream or a wish. I think you are interested in the spiritual and the magical.

The sig carries on this theme - I notice how the swing moves from side to side like a hypnotist's pendant. However the girl also has quite a modern look and so you are balanced in your reality and your dreams. The full stops in between the letters also reinforces someone who is confident in their own truth.

Thank you skive I love your reading you have me spot on. I do a lot of dreaming I love to watch the sea the waves rippling to shore with a beautiful Azure blue sky above, I am well grounded and have confidence when not dreaming Big Grin .
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
*Waits in turn for analysis*

Present < contains appropriate amount of silver.

Hmm, a tricky one! On the surface you seem to be hiding aspects of yourself with the ninja and the blacked out words in the sig. However this doesn't seem to be shyness or reserve as your name indicates confidence and fun.

The alliteration in your name and your sig makes me think you are attracted by rhythm, in words and music. Also 'redacted' is a publishing/journalistic word and so maybe this is an area you work in or are interested in?

The ninja avatar and the first line of your sig indicates someone who is used to a bit of chaos and has the ability to see the wood for the trees.

Thanks skive. You're right about the chaos stuff. However I am not in the publishing trade, the "redacted" quote and blacked out bits in the sig was a result of the MP's expenses saga.

Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Ooo I'll have a go! *crosses palm with silver and waits at end of humungous queue* Ninja

Is your real name incorporated into your username? I love the more classical spelling of faery it makes me think of bedtime stories of princesses and magic.

The avatar points me in this direction as well with the emoticon lovers catching stars. Therefore I think you are quite a romantic soul who loves to love and enjoys a happy ending. Maybe even a bit of a matchmaker?

Your sig goes whoosh in entirely a different direction to show a more earthly type of passion. Wink I get the impression of someone with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other!

Ooooerrr thank you darlin!! Yes, my real name is incorporated into my username (kel - short for kelly) and I do love magic and legends. I am a romantic and dream of true love and happily ever afters. The sig bit makes sense to me too, I've been described as having my head in the stars, but my feet on the ground, so I love the way you picked up on that. I can be naughty and nice in equal measures... Wink

Thank you so much, you're a star. Valentine Big Grin
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Thingy:
Im curious to hear what u make of mine, Patiently waits in the queue with my silver Smiler

I love your name and avatar combination, it's just the right side of wacky without being exasperating! And so that's my first thought about you. Wink

I think maybe the name came first, it has a self-deprecating style that tells me you have a wry sense of humour and a decent level of humility.

I love the way the avatar nonchalantly walks past and then appears close up. So perhaps you are someone who often surprises people in the things you do or choices you make?

I've also noticed how I've started every paragraph with ‘I’ Eeker and so I think you are one of those people who has a knack of making others feel special. Good company and a good listener.

Thank you, I really enjoy reading that and have to say you scarily spot on, Yes i picked the name first i recently noticed that myself and most folk around me tend to forget names and stuff and have a habbit of saying "pass me that thingy or thingy down the road" that's where i got the name and then went looking for the right avi to go with it.
Surprising people well yes that's true also but sometimes maybe not in a good way as i have done the wrong thing or made a bad choice on a couple of occasion's, Right about the humour i had to look up on the words you used just to make sure and i'd agree i can come across as having a sarcky wit or a bit dry but it's always meant in fun and so far i have been able to tell when it's appropriate or not and all of the last bit is right aswell, Im the 1st person relative's or friends come to when they need a shoulder and i would'nt have it any other way,

1 other thing but it's not that important i did have 1 other nick before this one but it was just a snap grab so that i could get registered and 1 of the mods kindly changed it

Thanks again Skive that was brilliant and i was... am usually skeptical when it comes to things like this Smiler
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Brings expired parking ticket Present, I used all my silver today Frowner

Fabulous name! Well there's the obvious pun but also the contradiction of being both a 'dame' and 'average' which suggests someone both ostentatious and modest at the same time.

The underscores and capitals in this case give me the idea that you enjoy creating personas for yourself. This is reinforced by your avatar which has a 'dressing up' quality to it.

I think you enjoy a sense of occasion and theatre but this is balanced by a level head and sensible approach as indicated by the lack of a flamboyant sig.

wow I'm gobsmacked Eeker Thank you so much Skive and you're so spot on it's spooky Thumbs Up
thanks again Smiler
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by ANNOCA:
Hi Skive.

I would love to hear what you make of me!!!

This is hard because you've not given me much to go on with your name. It has no obvious meaning and so I can't find associations with it. Let me's in capitals so it could be an acronym or anagram of your real name or some other type of proper noun.

The avatar obviously suggests a dog lover. I don't know the breed but my impressions from the pic are quite feisty but also dignified.

The sig points to someone who values common sense, has quite a down to earth approach to life and doesn't suffer fools gladly.

Thank you Skive!! From so very little to go on, you have managed to get it spot on!!

BTW the breed of dog is a Petit Brabancon, a little Belgian breed, and she (Remy) is my Service Dog.

Thank you so much.
Originally posted by madamski:
* chucks in 3 20ps* i will wait patiently x can i get done ?

I really like the Russian sound to your name, it gives me the impression of someone with quite a hedonistic approach to life. Of course it could be a reference to the guy who did that song with Seal in the 90s but I've got Anna Karenina in my head!

The avatar is an unusual drawing, it's all eyes and no mouth and so makes me think of someone who observes a lot. Perhaps you find yourself often holding your tongue?

There's a definite red and black colour scheme in the avatar and the sig; an almost gothic aesthetic which indicates a passionate person with strong opinions and emotions.
Originally posted by jamieboy:
*gives u a fiver cos im a flash git*

go on then tell me

Big Grin

Everything about your profile says open, honest and straightforward. Your name appears to be your real name which always indicates someone quite upfront and down to earth. The 'boy' suggests that you are perhaps a bit mischievous at times.

This candour is reinforced by your avatar (if it is a pic of you), the shot is straight on - no messing about with high angles or focus - and you are standing square and alert in the frame. I think you have a very 'take me or leave me, I am who I am' philosophy on life.

Your sig shows a cheeky nature (quite literally lol!) but also someone who's a bit of a softie underneath.
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
Can you do me please oh great Forum Psychic? I don't think you would be able to get much from it though, no fancy pics or names.

*bows down in awe of new title and crosses palm with silver*

If your name is a version of your nickname then this indicates an honest and open person and the extra 'x's show a warm heart and loving nature.

I'm glad you changed your avatar from Freddie as it gives me more to go on! You've chosen a single flower which suggests someone quite comfortable in their company but it's a delicate little bloom which makes me think you can be a bit shy sometimes.

There are lots of little flourishes and girlie colours in your sig and the musical notes, love hearts and first line point to a romantic soul. It's also quite evenly balanced (your flower is symmetrical too) which suggests someone who likes order and structure, maybe quite a neat person?
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Am I too late?

Lots of ooos in your name suggesting quite a giddy person, energetic and full of life. Probably related to your real name because of the capital S.

The avatar also has movement in it despite being static, the bright colours and manga style indicate someone quite innocent, possibly a little naive at times.

The sig continues the vibrancy with active verbs 'spinning' and 'move' and also the lines of asterixes which are unequal in length. Overall I get the impression of a vivacious person who can be a bit scatty at times.
Originally posted by jujubedoo:
hello, please can i have a go, love stuff like this wavey

Well I think you are someone who has great comic timing as your name and avatar combination made me grin when I first saw it!

The name has a great rhythmic quality to it so I think you are someone who likes music and dancing. I love the way the avatar takes a bow which suggests someone who enjoys entertaining others and is comfortable as the centre of attention.

Overall I get the impression of quite a gregarious person with a very giving nature.
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Oooo, can you do me please! Valentine

Well you are definitely someone who loves sparkle and opulence. There's dazzle in your name, avatar and sig! The name has an interesting balance between sumptuous and down to earth and a wry sense of irony.

Your avatar and sig use quite rich colours which suggest someone who has an eye for the lavish and luxurious.

The butterflies in your sig point to a lively and sociable person but there is also a clear sense of order because the flourishes are evenly balanced. This reinforces for me that you are quite grounded and temper your indulgences with a good sense of reality.

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