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Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Charli:
*sets up residence in the queue*

Well you are certainly an individual Charli! If your name is a shortening of your username then it indicates an open and honest person and quite pragmatic too - the ch is changed from the more wafty sh sound to a more down to earth ch sound.

Your avatar is girlie and full of life, the cake is literally pumping out love! The cake theme is carried on in your sig and all mixed up with your other great obsession at the moment! (P.S. the mediaeval Blackadder is my favourite!).

Your sig is really unusual in its layout, there's a lot going on and none of it presented traditionally. So therefore you are someone who definitely 'thinks outside the box', very creative and so possibly someone who's artistic or enjoys making things.

I really want to say that you are 'mad as a box of frogs' but I mean it in the nicest possible way! There's a thin line between insanity and genius remember! Big Grin

I'm mad as a box of frogsCrazy

Unfortunately "Charli" is no way an abbreviation of my name; in fact it's not my real nameNinja but that was a clever insight. But you're right in thinking my name begins with S Ninja

I like making thingsNod In fact I made a cushion specially for my iPodBlush

Thanks SkiveHug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by lainy m:
Do me, do me.

Well you username seems like a shortened version of your real name. The ee sound on the end points to an affectionate person, we use modified words with this sound (like cutie or sweetie) for people who are easy to love and have an immediate charm.

You avatar of the total eclipse seems to me quite a feminine choice and, coupled with your name, almost maternal or motherly but it's also enigmatic. Quite a powerful combination.

The statements in your sig are quite short and to the point (love the correct use of the possessive apostrophe btw, as an English teacher it makes me happy Big Grin I know I'm sad lol) which points to someone who doesn't like manipulative people and prefers to know where they stand, either way.

Wow skive, thats amazing wavey
lainy m
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Brings expired parking ticket Present, I used all my silver today Frowner

Fabulous name! Well there's the obvious pun but also the contradiction of being both a 'dame' and 'average' which suggests someone both ostentatious and modest at the same time.

The underscores and capitals in this case give me the idea that you enjoy creating personas for yourself. This is reinforced by your avatar which has a 'dressing up' quality to it.

I think you enjoy a sense of occasion and theatre but this is balanced by a level head and sensible approach as indicated by the lack of a flamboyant sig.
Originally posted by rosgirl:
*runs in with a palm full of silver - ready for a psychic reading* Big Grin
thank you Hug

Well your name could be a version of a nickname or something to do with where you are from. This, along with the lack of capitals, suggests someone who is quite open and down to earth.

I can't quite make out your avatar but it reminds me of a story book traveller (like Dick Whittington) which could mean that you feel unsettled in your life at the moment. That you are 'in between' places.

When I first looked at your sig I thought of someone who likes to collect things but, coupled with your avatar it looks as though you are carrying all your possessions around with you at the moment!

There's also quite a menagerie there so maybe you are someone who dreams of a rural life? Lots of colour and movement suggesting a generally happy-go-lucky person with a cheerful outlook.
Originally posted by Karma_:
Oh shit I was just about to cross your palm with a 2 for 1 McDonalds voucher Frowner

Well you don't give me much to go on but I'll say what I see!

The name has the obvious connotations of cause and effect, retribution and reward so I think you are someone who strives for balance in life. The underscore here I think has the effect of ellipsis in that it suggests that this is not yet achieved, it's a work in progress.

The choice of avatar is interesting in that I think it is making a statement rather than revealing anything about your personality. It seems an ironic choice. Maybe you are someone who has, from experience, developed a complex system of defences?

However you chose a young queen which indicates an energy, spirit and sense of fun behind the armour.
Originally posted by Azure:
empties unused holiday currency jar and swear box....hands all silver to skives agent, awaits reading with excited anticipation..........

Lots of blue: in the name, the avatar and sig. However it's not a masculine, authoritative blue; it's the colour of the sea, sky and dreams!

The name has a lovely hypnotic sound which suggests someone who is quite charismatic but often with their head in the clouds. This is reinforced by the avatar which presents a dream or a wish. I think you are interested in the spiritual and the magical.

The sig carries on this theme - I notice how the swing moves from side to side like a hypnotist's pendant. However the girl also has quite a modern look and so you are balanced in your reality and your dreams. The full stops in between the letters also reinforces someone who is confident in their own truth.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Hi skive... I've love to hear what you make of me.

*Joins the queue and gets out flask and sarnies in anticipation of a long wait.*

The little flourishes in your name ~~ show a girlie side but also someone who likes structure in their life as they are evenly balanced both here and in your sig. The name also balances in its rhyme and use of capitals and so I would say that you have a real sense of order and design.

The name could be related to your real name which shows your light hearted, silly side which is reinforced by your avatar with its bright colours and gentle hug. Is it snoopy? If it is then that was always a more observational, reflective and wry humour.

Overall I think you are a grounded person who perhaps is a bit of a worrier at times?
God, Skive - you really ARE spooky! I was sure you'd say you didn't have much to go on, but apart from the 'girlie' bit (I'm not a girlie girl) I'd say you were pretty spot on. I do like order (to the point of being slightly obsessive compulsive) and I whilst I tend to be light hearted most of the time, I am a secret worrier.

Thanks for that. Valentine
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Yogi 19:
Can you do your psychic stuff on me please, Skive?

I'm a bit stumped with you! The name could be an old nickname for you but the 19 has thrown me a bit as your sig suggests someone older than that. Therefore it could be that the numbers are not as relevant as the word, that they were an incidental choice.

Anyway I love the gutteral sound of the name, makes me think of someone who laughs a lot and has a cheerful disposition.

The pic could be of your dog or the breed that you like. People tend to be attracted to breeds that have qualities that compliment their own and so I would say you are a bit of a softie, quite exuberant at times and very loving.

Thank you Skive and wow you are good. Big Grin
You are absolutely correct about "Yogi" being an old nickname, it`s my dad`s pet name for me and the only nickname I`ve ever had. You are also right about the 19 not being my age, it is because I was born on the 19th.
It is my dog in the avatar and I do love the breed for their lovely nature.
You described my personality traits so well, it`s almost like you know me.
I don`t know how you do it, but you`re very good. Thanks again. Hug
Originally posted by Thingy:
Im curious to hear what u make of mine, Patiently waits in the queue with my silver Smiler

I love your name and avatar combination, it's just the right side of wacky without being exasperating! And so that's my first thought about you. Wink

I think maybe the name came first, it has a self-deprecating style that tells me you have a wry sense of humour and a decent level of humility.

I love the way the avatar nonchalantly walks past and then appears close up. So perhaps you are someone who often surprises people in the things you do or choices you make?

I've also noticed how I've started every paragraph with ‘I’ Eeker and so I think you are one of those people who has a knack of making others feel special. Good company and a good listener.
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
*Waits in turn for analysis*

Present < contains appropriate amount of silver.

Hmm, a tricky one! On the surface you seem to be hiding aspects of yourself with the ninja and the blacked out words in the sig. However this doesn't seem to be shyness or reserve as your name indicates confidence and fun.

The alliteration in your name and your sig makes me think you are attracted by rhythm, in words and music. Also 'redacted' is a publishing/journalistic word and so maybe this is an area you work in or are interested in?

The ninja avatar and the first line of your sig indicates someone who is used to a bit of chaos and has the ability to see the wood for the trees.
Originally posted by Dora:
Hiya Skive

Fantastic Answers from you.

Love to hear about me Big Grin

The name Dora has really comforting connotations for me. It suggests someone quite optimistic and cheerful but also traditional and homely.

I don't recognise the artist in your avatar (is it a CD cover?) but the blue/grey colours could indicate a love of water or open spaces.

The capital letters and 4 exclamation marks in your sig show someone who can be very passionate and even boisterous at times.
Originally posted by Baby Bunny:
I'm not sure I dare ask - but if you have time...

Well you like rabbits lol! The B sounds in your name suggest someone who likes to look after others, combined with the ee endings they have soothing quality. (And also the love heart in the avatar.)

The avatar is a simple drawing compared to some of the all-singing-all-dancing bunnies others have and so you are perhaps someone who prefers a more traditional approach. If it ain't broke then don't fix it.

I love your sig, it has a dry humour that shows you are no pushover and the serene little emoticon suggests someone who is very observant and quick to see the truth of a situation.

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