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Lovely picture Cupcake!   


I'm putting mine on FB......just because it's convenient ....and I've been uploading  them one per day so far , but I have the same concerns as Saz regarding irritating I think I'm gonna do them weekly from now on ....unless I can find a way to avoid them going into the newsfeed....



I'm struggling a bit at the mo to find interesting stuff to take pictures of  (I need snow!!!) .... but I'm determined to keep going! 

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Lovely picture Cupcake!   


I'm putting mine on FB......just because it's convenient ....and I've been uploading  them one per day so far , but I have the same concerns as Saz regarding irritating I think I'm gonna do them weekly from now on ....unless I can find a way to avoid them going into the newsfeed....



I'm struggling a bit at the mo to find interesting stuff to take pictures of  (I need snow!!!) .... but I'm determined to keep going! 

Thanks Ducky  Sorry you havent had snow  I think most people did though  Maybe soon?  


re the facebook issue: I do take a pic every day, but upload them about every 5 days, with the dates I took them and all in order and all, and with the comments attached; but the 'feed' only comes up like 3 times a fortnight.  (It's not practical to download them from my camera and post one a day every day anyway, as I am not always on the internet every single day and some days, can't be bothered anyway.)  


That said, about half a dozen of my FB pals post every time I post the pics, and say they really look forward to the pics, and the pics also get about a dozen 'likes' from other friends. 


ALSO, two of my pals - and my cousins - who are on FB - post theirs every day - one a day, and I must say; I look forward to seeing them.  It's just one pic a day... not like 50...  And it's better than getting a tons of posts about people harvesting their artichokes, or doing some shit in bloody mafia wars or fishville!  

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Lovely picture Cupcake!   


I'm putting mine on FB......just because it's convenient ....and I've been uploading  them one per day so far , but I have the same concerns as Saz regarding irritating I think I'm gonna do them weekly from now on ....unless I can find a way to avoid them going into the newsfeed....



I'm struggling a bit at the mo to find interesting stuff to take pictures of  (I need snow!!!) .... but I'm determined to keep going! 

Got to say, yours haven't been irritating me - I do like it when one pops up But it's worrying thinking that you're going to be THAT person on FB who is annoying everyone

Originally Posted by zazz:

yeah, that  

I did it for a week


I think what put me off was not being able to find a suitable program to upload it too. I joined flikr, but that was still a bit hit and miss.  I wanted one that when I sat down at the end of the week and uploaded them in one go it would neatly allocate days for me.


Would be great if there was an online calender type program. Someone's bound to invent one in time for next year ... I may try again.   Or i may start mid-year if one comes about.


Glad you are sticking with yours, I bet it will be really interesting to look through it at the end.

Gypsie, I just found this website the other day which sounds like the sort of thing you want: The only problem is that all of your photos will be public if you have the basic membership, you can make them private but you have to pay something like $3 a month for a 'better' membership Anyway, thought I'd share as I remembered you mentioned it



I am!


But I reeeeeeally need to do some uploading of pics! I keep putting it off cos FB is being stoopid and I'm having trouble posting and seeing stuff 


Nice pic Saz  


My current fave of mine is the deep puddle photo.....



I had to purposely park in the right spot...and wait for over 20 mins for that   


Duds did offer to take a pic of ME driving through it... but I thought having a car that works is SLIGHTLY more important than getting a pic  

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I am!


But I reeeeeeally need to do some uploading of pics! I keep putting it off cos FB is being stoopid and I'm having trouble posting and seeing stuff 


Nice pic Saz  


My current fave of mine is the deep puddle photo.....



I had to purposely park in the right spot...and wait for over 20 mins for that   


Duds did offer to take a pic of ME driving through it... but I thought having a car that works is SLIGHTLY more important than getting a pic  

hahahahaha! I love that pic too I keep checking FB for your new pics - get uploading woman!

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

oh, and that trickery on the tube happens quite often, it's just hard to get a pic of it Only seems to happen in one station though - clearly where the Dr is working


I didn't notice the trickery to start had me thinking you'd had a close encounter with Matt Smith!  I was starting to wonder if you'd left your glasses at home  


And I LOVE my bagpuss too!  He's getting very old's a air freshener that I bought when I first got the car 6 years ago.  But I haven't got the heart to rip him off the dash cos I lubbs him so so muchly! 

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I didn't notice the trickery to start had me thinking you'd had a close encounter with Matt Smith!  I was starting to wonder if you'd left your glasses at home  


And I LOVE my bagpuss too!  He's getting very old's a air freshener that I bought when I first got the car 6 years ago.  But I haven't got the heart to rip him off the dash cos I lubbs him so so muchly! 

hahahaha! B didn't notice it either, and even when I pointed it out he wasn't impressed!


And yes, bagpuss must stay!

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

I didn't notice the trickery to start had me thinking you'd had a close encounter with Matt Smith!  I was starting to wonder if you'd left your glasses at home  


And I LOVE my bagpuss too!  He's getting very old's a air freshener that I bought when I first got the car 6 years ago.  But I haven't got the heart to rip him off the dash cos I lubbs him so so muchly! 

hahahaha! B didn't notice it either, and even when I pointed it out he wasn't impressed!


And yes, bagpuss must stay!

I haven't noticed either ...........give us a clue!

Soozy Woo

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