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Especially as I am 39 this the photos will capture the last year of my thirties. 


I told Duds what I planned to do, and his response was "are you trying to depress yourself". I didn't understand what he meant at first, then I realised he thought I was going to take a picture of MYSELF everyday! Cheeky sod!  


Awww... loving the ducks (obviously)  


The coathangers remind me of the school trip I went on on Friday. We went to another (rather posh) school for an Oxbridge Conference. One of the students was really amazed at all the expensive equipment the school had..... and he was listing all the things he seen in a really excited manner, and he ended his list with "they even have coat hangers!!! "




Originally Posted by Ducky:

I can imaging it making me do stuff I don't normally do, just so I can get a good picture for the day....... which can't be a bad thing either.  

Yeah i would have to do that! Or mine would all be of the kids, housework and the school run hehe..... *Goes to sit in the boring corner*


Loving the hangers there Saz

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I anticipate mine being boring too Jen. But that's part of the fun....trying to find something more interesting than just another picture of the cat  

Last month's most popular pic of mine was the one of RADA - I don't get it, it's just the outside of a buliding The snowy ones were quite popular too. Least popular was the closeup of my eyes - conclusion, I scare people in closeup

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Awww... loving the ducks (obviously)  


The coathangers remind me of the school trip I went on on Friday. We went to another (rather posh) school for an Oxbridge Conference. One of the students was really amazed at all the expensive equipment the school had..... and he was listing all the things he seen in a really excited manner, and he ended his list with "they even have coat hangers!!! "





My mam is always happy if the hotel she is staying in has "proper coat hangers" - wooden ones, not the flimsy metal ones

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Yeah i would have to do that! Or mine would all be of the kids, housework and the school run hehe..... *Goes to sit in the boring corner*


Loving the hangers there Saz

Most days I'm just going to work and back, I just take pics of random crap on the way Like you might see some new flowers coming through on the school run, or one of the kids will do something new/different/funny one day Honestly, my life is dead boring

Originally Posted by sparkles:

Wanted to bump this for the folk who are doing it (like me )  I took our garden's first daffodil yesterday, and today I took a pic of a big fat bee sitting on our patio, and earlier in the week, some raindrops sitting on the branches of a tree in our garden.

oohhh I took a pic of daffodils the other day in the park!


Ells, are you on Facebook?


ok Ells, this is yesterday's pic:



Mar14 - I always leave work and think this looks pretty, so thought it should make pic of the day!


I always have a little comment, to try and make it make more sense They can be a bit boring, but I never promised people they would be interesting


Here are a couple of others from this month:



Mar08 - The cycle hire scheme has been extended east and today was the launch - 2 rows of brand new shiny Boris Bikes outside the tube station



Mar10 - Daffodils in Green Park

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Oh, there is one of mine further up the thread too I still love that giant coat hanger one

Me too Saz, i also love to see pretty Daffodils means the nights are getting longer and its not long until summer

Yup, I always get cheered up at the sight of daffodils Roll on Spring!

Originally Posted by Ells:

I was just about to 'like' one of the pics but then I saw that 'I' had already liked it confused me for a sec.  I only know one other person who shares my name but I've been told I'm hard to find on facebook coz there are so many of us!

I couldn't find you just by searching, I had to mooch through people's friend's lists until I spotted you


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