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Recently I read a Private Eye [issue 1360]  online article about the Welsh NHS / ABMU health board's neglect of a patient called Lillian Williams. That's my health board and I've had problems both with poor care and my medical records.


Apparently the latest issue [1361] has more info on alleged falsification of records - but its only in the magazine proper, not online.


Can anyone tell me what issue 1361 says, please?

Much appreciated xx 

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Went to read the article, it's left me sad and angry.


One family claims pensioner Lilian Williams was repeatedly neglected during four stays at two of the trust’s hospitals ­before she died last November

'Neglect': Lillian Williams

A probe has been launched into a hospital trust over alleged neglect after police were called about a dying patient.

And a number of those ­affected are consulting lawyers over poor treatment said to have taken place in 2012.

One family claims pensioner Lilian Williams was repeatedly neglected during four stays at two of the trust’s hospitals ­before she died last November.

And they said they were lied to that a joint police, social ­services and NHS investigation was taking place.

Son Gareth Williams, 54, a retired school teacher, told the Sunday People: “We have it on record that the hospital trust lied when it said it was carrying out an investigation.

"We were appalled such a deception could be perpetrated.”

He alleges other patients were neglected on the wards of Bro Morgannwg Health Board in South Wales which has hospitals in Swansea, Bridgend, Port Talbot and Neath.

Lilian was admitted to Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend, and Neath Port Talbot Hospital four times from August 2010 to November 2012, when she died.

Her family claim Lilian, an 82-year-old amputee from Neath who helped raise five children single-handed and saw them through university after her ­husband left, was neglected on two more visits.

Gareth said: “Mum was in Bridgend Hospital three times in two different wards and at Port Talbot Hospital once.

"Each time horribly neglected.”

Her last stay in the Princess of Wales hospital lasted a month, before she died.

Gareth added: “We stayed with her round the clock because of previous neglect.

"But she was still neglected, we couldn’t ­believe what we were seeing.

“We all saw it happening. My sister, brother and nieces.”

At one point the family contacted police to say Lilian was being “killed” by the Princess of Wales hospital and other ­patients were at risk.

Initially officers refused to investigate saying it was a hospital ­responsibility.

The Williams family claim her dentures were “welded” to the roof of her mouth because they weren’t taken out at night by nurses, causing horrific ulcers.

They also say staff failed to take off an artificial leg at night so she didn’t develop sores.

Hospitals Princess of Wales HospitalClaims: Princess of Wales Hospital


On one occasion she was put on nil by mouth in error and because it was the weekend no doctor could be found to change the instructions.

Gareth said: “By Monday she was dehydrated, her lips were cracked and she was starving.

“She needed insulin but tests were never carried out.

“She was just given insulin randomly sending her close to a coma on many occasions. Either she didn’t get enough, or she got too much.”

After more than a month in hospital in 2012 she got very weak and doctors told the family she had pneumonia and that they were going to withdraw support, all food, drink and drugs.

They say her death was ­painful and agonising.

The family ­queried the pneumonia diagnosis by a consultant. And they say two junior doctors told them they doubted the diagnosis.

The pensioner died in November 2012 four days after having medical support withdrawn.

A post mortem revealed her death was not due to ­pneumonia. It was put down to a heart ­attack, probably caused by withdrawal of anti-blood clot medication.

Gareth said: “When we ­registered her death in Bridgend we told the registrar what had happened.

“She told us that we weren’t the first to complain about deaths at Bridgend Hospital.

“Other families had raised concerns about their care and the cause of death.”

An unannounced inspection at the Princess of Wales hospital in July 2012 raised concerns.

Following these and other allegations, the NHS is reviewing the care of patients at the trust.

This week more than 100 ­people are expected at a public meeting called to calm fears over neglect claims.

Peter Walsh, the chief executive of Action Against Medical Accidents, said: “We have heard from a number of people with serious concerns about care at the hospital and the way that complaints have been handled.

“And we’re concerned that the review which has been ordered is inadequate and will not get to root causes of the problem.”

The trust said: “We would like to again offer sincere ­condolences to the family of Mrs Williams and apologise for poor care we have identified that Mrs Williams received from ABMU Health Board.

“We are currently unable to comment on specific aspects of this case due to ongoing police investigations.

"We apologise sincerely to patients and families who we have let down at the Princess of Wales Hospital.

“While there are many examples of excellent care, we are very aware that this has not been the case for everyone.

"This is clearly not acceptable. All patients have the right to expect consistent, high quality care.”

Three nurses at the Princess of Wales hospital have been ­arrested on suspicion of neglect involving falsification of entries in patients’ notes.

The two women, aged 29 and 40, and a 44-year-old man remain on police bail ­pending inquiries.

Last week a separate investigation was launched into the Princess of Wales hospital after the death of another patient.



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