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How great it is for us subjects to see our betters, the young royals, partying and having fun. Showing those Yanks that our modern royals aren't stuffy, don't stand on ceremony and can let their hair down with the best of 'em.  What a tonic the young royals are for us all.


Oh sorry, I had an attack of forelock-tugging-lickspittle-itis. 

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

B*gger, I got your name wrong.

Thats ok Tatler



Yellow Rose, If security were doing their jobs they'd have seen who was taking photos at the time.  I'd have thought they'd have the nous to realise the pics were of a naked Harry and therefore open to abuse?


I just don't know why it's such a shock that Harry has sex though 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

B*gger, I got your name wrong.

Thats ok Tatler



Yellow Rose, If security were doing their jobs they'd have seen who was taking photos at the time.  I'd have thought they'd have the nous to realise the pics were of a naked Harry and therefore open to abuse?


I just don't know why it's such a shock that Harry has sex though 

Cosmo I just see it that if Harry's relying on security to prevent him from what could be humiliating to him then he shouldn't be so trusting lol. I totally get he's a young man doing what a lot of young men do  but unlike the majority of young men he's apparently not supposed to be seen as the average young man, but as a Royal who's not supposed to do things like that  pretty daft assumption

Yellow Rose

Ay ye ye. Prince Harry let his guard down and what happened in Vegas didn't stay there. Not the first, but the latest to be caught out. He is already in the hearts of many, he will rebuild 


If the twitter paparazzi internet universe (before censored PathÃĐ news) existed when his grandpapa Philip was single and without palace protection ay ye ye ....sailors are the same all around the world is all I say.

Duchess of Alba
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Obviously there are many opinions and I go for the ones which fit in with my own ideology. News Corp are on the run and some of their former employees are in the dock accused of criminal acts. They are lashing out at all of their enemies and hoping a bit of mud sticks.

Are the royals really the enemies of Murdoch? 


They're not like the BBC, who are a brick wall in the way of his total control of British media.  They're not like the Labour Party, who potentially, could elect a left wing leader to mess up his plans.


I know he's a stated republican, but the Royals are a showbiz circus that helps sell his newspapers. 


The royals are utterly self-serving and will never speak out against the excesses of the right-wing policies or dogma. As long as the free money and the figurehead status is maintained, we could elect a clone of Adolf for all they care.  

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Obviously there are many opinions and I go for the ones which fit in with my own ideology. News Corp are on the run and some of their former employees are in the dock accused of criminal acts. They are lashing out at all of their enemies and hoping a bit of mud sticks.

Are the royals really the enemies of Murdoch? 


They're not like the BBC, who are a brick wall in the way of his total control of British media.  They're not like the Labour Party, who potentially, could elect a left wing leader to mess up his plans.


I know he's a stated republican, but the Royals are a showbiz circus that helps sell his newspapers. 


The royals are utterly self-serving and will never speak out against the excesses of the right-wing policies or dogma. As long as the free money and the figurehead status is maintained, we could elect a clone of Adolf for all they care.  

I know that you are being devil's advocate here Carnelian, however now that I have managed to get a seat in front of a proper PC..........

I'm not concerned too much about the Royal Family, they do fall in with the Marxist idea of Bread and Circuses, but are inoffensive and cheap. Are they the enemies of Murdoch? You bet they are! He declared war on them years ago. Neither does he like our democratic system or intellectuals. He also has zero tolerance for Europe.

Imagine a total market based system of large trans-national companies in a world of token arsehole politicians such as Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Todd Atkin and so on.

Recently Murdoch decided that he had had enough of Cameron and that Boris would make a better PM. We now have arrived at a situation where he decides who rules (Actually a few decades ago)

Why won't anyone take a stand against him? Why doesn't Cameron tell him to take a running jump?

I do hope that our future isn't going to be a MacWorld with decisions made by Murdoch and everything owned by Russian criminals. No doubt the royal family will be a convenient Aunt Sally though.

Garage Joe

If Harry's party was a 'closed' party for mates only (who he could trust) then he should do wot he wants.

But this seems to have been with virtual strangers, no rules and limited thought to the possible consequences

As such I think Harry has been very wreckless.


If no one checked to stop the cameras - could a gun have been sneaked in?

I think it could have

Unless he has two cocks or something of an similar nature, the public interest argument is spurious, as is the security debate. If he has made any mistake it was going to a seedy place such as the USA where people were bound to be trying to catch him out. On a brighter note.... Given that the sale of Ben wa, butt plugs, and other devices have rocketed after the publication of those books, we might now see an increase in the sale of British Billiard tables.
Garage Joe

I don't give a toss whether Harry *frolics* with a clutch of slappers, but I do care that photos were allowed to be taken by his security guards who we pay to protect him

Also as a 27 yr old he did show  either a lack of judgement or commonsense in getting into such a situation in the first place with people he didn't really know


Originally Posted by Saint:

The Sun has become the first British newspaper to publish naked photos of Prince Harry, arguing the move was in the public interest and a "crucial" test of Britain's free press.

Is it in the public interest to see a naked Prince Harry?  Is democracy or the free press enriched by seeing him nude?  That's like the Sun saying it's in the public interest to see Tulisa's sex tape.  I have no time for the monarchy but I don't see what explicit pictures add to the debate.  Either you are bothered about Harry's conduct or you aren't. 


That filthy lying, rightist propaganda and hatchet job rag doesn't fool me for one second with its noble announcements on the freedom of the press.  The Sun doesn't give a crap about journalism or about public service.  The Sun is Murdoch's sleazy attack dog solely interested in redeeming its discredited reputation.  How typical that such a sleazy, salacious rag should be the first to claim what really amounts to soft porn to be in the public interest.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Obviously there are many opinions and I go for the ones which fit in with my own ideology. News Corp are on the run and some of their former employees are in the dock accused of criminal acts. They are lashing out at all of their enemies and hoping a bit of mud sticks.

Are the royals really the enemies of Murdoch? 


They're not like the BBC, who are a brick wall in the way of his total control of British media.  They're not like the Labour Party, who potentially, could elect a left wing leader to mess up his plans.


I know he's a stated republican, but the Royals are a showbiz circus that helps sell his newspapers. 


The royals are utterly self-serving and will never speak out against the excesses of the right-wing policies or dogma. As long as the free money and the figurehead status is maintained, we could elect a clone of Adolf for all they care.  

I know that you are being devil's advocate here Carnelian, however now that I have managed to get a seat in front of a proper PC..........

I'm not concerned too much about the Royal Family, they do fall in with the Marxist idea of Bread and Circuses, but are inoffensive and cheap. Are they the enemies of Murdoch? You bet they are! He declared war on them years ago. Neither does he like our democratic system or intellectuals. He also has zero tolerance for Europe.

Imagine a total market based system of large trans-national companies in a world of token arsehole politicians such as Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Todd Atkin and so on.

Recently Murdoch decided that he had had enough of Cameron and that Boris would make a better PM. We now have arrived at a situation where he decides who rules (Actually a few decades ago)

Why won't anyone take a stand against him? Why doesn't Cameron tell him to take a running jump?

I do hope that our future isn't going to be a MacWorld with decisions made by Murdoch and everything owned by Russian criminals. No doubt the royal family will be a convenient Aunt Sally though.

I can't disagree with your assessment of Murdoch and his motivations.  I think the right wing proprietors and their pet opinion formers have had enough of Cameron.  The Express and Mail are doing the same as Murdoch.  Our right wing media is almost uncannily unified in singing from the same hymn-sheet.  Makes me wonder if they know something we don't!


As for the Royals, I'm sure you're right that the Royals would be considered by Murdoch as the last bastion of welfarism once the BBC's been bought out by Sky, stuffed with costume dramas and re-branded a Sky heritage channel. 


However, the Royals are no opposition to the hard right's end game of turning the nation into a tax haven for oligarchs, oil barons, arms dealers and playboys.  They would be more than happy to cash in on the investment opportunities that such a nation would give them.  They would emulate the roles of royal families in nations such as Liechtenstein and Monaco.


The right wing and its media is a little put out that austerity it isn't hurting the poor as much as they'd hoped, so by their thinking, it's not working enough. 


Cameron isn't throwing enough class hate red meat for the right wing's liking. 


You only have to read some of the lunatic opinions in the DM where Cameron is described (with no hint of sarcasm) as a left winger.  Not enough unemployed, not enough repossessions, not enough homeless for their liking.  The useful idiot Tory working class don't understand that the hard right actually gets off on seeing people like them ground into the dirt.

Last edited by Carnelian



 The useful idiot Tory working class don't understand that the hard right actually gets off on seeing people like them ground into the dirt.

I love that expression "useful idiot!" I previously thought it was one of Stalin's expressions, but no-one can find it in his work or Lenin's.

I am reminded of someone telling Stalin that the Pope did not approve of his methods, to which he replied, "How many divisions does the pope have?"

Likewise it is wrong to class Harry as part of "the elite."

Murdoch, Coca Cola, Mucky D, and many others have more divisions than the royal family......... as it were.

Garage Joe

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