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I have always felt Josie was putting on a "performance".
But now I get a feeling in my bones about new housemates Jo and JJ.
I strongly feel that Jo is pretending to be fascinated by what some of the housemates say to her.
"OOing" and "Aaahing" and nodding and ingratiating.
I can't quite believe it is authentic. Does she really mean us to believe she is that interested?
Hamm acting I would say.
Likewise, now that JJ has (temporarily?) stopped talking about himself,  he is pretending to show interest in all the stuff John James is pouring forth. JJ listens and nods eagerly.
I think John James forgets that JJ will have probably seen the programme so can detect lies from truth.
Both Jo and JJ are not very adept at acting "genuine interest" in my opinion; it's more like pretend interest.

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I get the impression that the newbies have a tendency to give stock answers rather than say what they mean - perhaps due to them knowing more than they can (or want) to reveal. Laura, for instance, has already said yes around 16 million times as a contribution towards conversation.

I think it is harder for newbies to be themselves due to outside knowledge and opinion formed across 6 weeks of viewing.
Cold Sweat
For a woman of 40+ she seemed full of "Wow's" and "Amazing's" the other night over minor details.  It was as if she was hearing revelations of mind blowing proportions. Unless she's lived a sheltered life I think she may be full of BS.
Great point! 

Jo's a make-up artist. As with hairdressers, small-talk and feigning interest are part of the job description...
Hmmmm, so you planning any holidays soon?, hmmmm WOW, that's amaaaaazing.
I think JJ has always, to a certain extent, shown alot of interest when talking to people.  For all his bad points, this is one of his good points imo.
It's coz he's building up his dossiers so that he can turn round one day and say "You said this at 10.15 am 3 weeks ago on Thursday that blah blah blah and now you're saying this, I don't like liars mate, I don't like fakers. I have a high moral stance and you made me angry ............................................." ad nauseum

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