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Wow who'd have thought it....

reston and Chantelle to land own show?

'Ultimate Big Brother' contestants Chantelle Houghton and Preston are set to get their own reality TV show as producers think they could become the biggest stars in Britain.

15 September 2010 09:00 GMT

Preston and Chantelle to land own show?

Chantelle Houghton and Preston are set to get their own reality TV show.

The pair - whose divorce was finalised in 2007 but grew close again as they appeared in 'Ultimate Big Brother' together, prompting speculation they are to rekindle their romance - are in talks with numerous channels to have their own programme as producers think they could be the next Katie Price and Peter Andre.

A source told the Daily Star newspaper: "Forget Katie, forget Peter and forget Alex. Chantelle and Preston are the biggest reality stars on the block right now.

"They are the ones everyone is talking about. Kate thinks she's a massive star, but people want someone they can actually relate to. And that's Chantelle. She's going to be huge."

ITV2 are said to be the favourites to land the pair as they are desperate to replace Katie - who is now married to cage-fighter Alex Reid - after she signed a ÂĢ10 million deal with Living.

Although Chantelle and Preston - who wed in 2006 after meeting on 'Celebrity Big Brother' in the same year - are yet to officially get back together, it seems the 27-year-old blonde is keen for a reconciliation.

She said: "I didn't know that I wanted him back until very recently. Preston is the love of my life, absolutely. He always will be if I'm honest, whatever happens now."

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God, me too. EE is telly to kick the dog by, truly bliddy awful.
Its the worst acting I've ever witnessed....

If they go ahead with this, I'll never trust my instincts again. I actually thought Chantelle was sincere in her feelings for Preston.. "Fame" fecked up their first marriage so if they get back together they think it's a good idea to do all that under a spotlight again?
I actually think she's genuine in her feelings Kaff but I would'nt trust him as far as I could throw him and he'd talk her into anything for fame....
I find this really hard to believe.  How could any TV company think that this pair of dullards could possibly host a vaguely interesting show?  Preston has the charisma of a potato, and Chantelle would have given even Jade a good run for her money in a competition to find the thickest housemate ever.  I don't think I've ever heard Chantelle string a coherent sentence together, and she must say 'dja know what I mean' at least every 10 seconds.  I can't imagine any couple who would be duller viewing.
I thought they wanted to keep their personal life private. He isn't in love with her he's just worked out he can get more money and publicity from being with her. His singing career went tits up and she's the only option left.
Exactly thats what I Think....

I hope you're right, Stonks - I'd hate to think I was such a bad judge. If we are - then she's just stupid and I already thought that.
I saw by what he said in the house to her, the little pounds signs were popping up in his eye's but not hers....
I don't think I've ever heard Chantelle string a coherent sentence together, and she must say 'dja know what I mean' at least every 10 seconds. I can't imagine any couple who would be duller viewing.

I so agree. As for Preston when he does talk he never gets to the point. I don't know what problems they had when married but lack of good communication must have been one of them.
Yellow Rose
I find this really hard to believe. How could any TV company think that this pair of dullards could possibly host a vaguely interesting show? Preston has the charisma of a potato, and Chantelle would have given even Jade a good run for her money in a competition to find the thickest housemate ever. I don't think I've ever heard Chantelle string a coherent sentence together, and she must say 'dja know what I mean' at least every 10 seconds. I can't imagine any couple who would be duller viewing.
a good title for the show

Chantelle & Preston: D'ya know what I mean
Carnelian online 899 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:31 PM Last Edited: Not that I'll watch it but Chantelle is quite endearing and the couple quite likeable in a 'nice' kind of way - unlike Jordan. Nice and endearing but a little bit boring, If you like listening to a fish wife bicker, nag and bitch to her latest man (and millions must) then Chantelle and Preston is not for you.
I agree.  Chantelle and Preston are muc preferred, imo, then the likes of Jordan and Alex.  I would rather watch Chantelle and Preston any day of the week.  I find them quite sweet and as you say, they are a likeable couple.
Reference: Growly
I find this really hard to believe. How could any TV company think that this pair of dullards could possibly host a vaguely interesting show? Preston has the charisma of a potato, and Chantelle would have given even Jade a good run for her money in a competition to find the thickest housemate ever. I don't think I've ever heard Chantelle string a coherent sentence together, and she must say 'dja know what I mean' at least every 10 seconds. I can't imagine any couple who would be duller viewing.
As a potato, I resent that remark..

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