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Considering the other HMs who were rejected for not being 'interesting' enough, it seems a bit tight that a boring little bloke like Preston should get back in.
It's obviously the producers hope that there will be either fireworks or a reunion between him and Chantelle.
I'm annoyed that the show claimed other HMs were rejected because they weren't 'interesting' enough though. Not the case - they just didn't fit in with the 're-kindled showmance' script. doesn't mean they're boring, just not what the producers wanted. Hardly in keeping with C4's promise to bring back our 'favourite' past HMs.
Like others have said, for the possibility of a romance.  And they better have one!

Otherwise my deepest fears for the show might be realised, the production team might be thinking "Chantelle and Preston didn't happen so who's for getting Pete back in for Nikki?  It was great when they got together! I think the viewers would love the return of Pikki "
Otherwise my deepest fears for the show might be realised, the production team might be thinking "Chantelle and Preston didn't happen so who's for getting Pete back in for Nikki? It was great when they got together! I think the viewers would love the return of Pikki "
Thankfully Pete is now married. That's obviously why the producers dropped him, claiming he wasn't 'interesting' enough. Fair play - I don't think he's ineresting either, we'd have been treated to another two weeks of drumming on bin lids. But the producers would rather say something insulting than admit he didn't fit in with their script.
It seems to me that Preston really isn't 'in' to Chantelle anymore.  Yeah, he's nice to her and he's concerned about her, but a romance...?  No way, not in the house at least.

As a HM he's on perpetual dull - like the sort of drone you used to get when the tv finished for the evening.  You know,  that dull, continual, non-effective but not wholly attention grabbing background buzz.  Eventually you realise it's there and that's when you turn it off.

What bothers me is that I'm going to tire of Chantelle working through her divorce/separation in that house.  Les Dennis got pilloried for it;  she could end up being a complete and utter bore if she makes it the focal point of her time in BB.
I feel really, really sorry for Chantelle. As a previous winner, she had every right to expect to be picked to be there in her own right, but Preston must have known he was only ever going to get in if she was there.
Chantelle is clearly still in love with the little weasel, and it's tearing her apart to have to be civilised and 'just friends', when it was him who ended it and her who went off the rails afterwards. She's clearly never got over it - all the surgery and zeleb 'dates' were a reaction to it.
I think it was cruel of BB to put her back in there with Preston. He has already more or less dumped his GF and is teeing himself up for round two with Chantelle, but he's a faithless little turd (he dumped his fiancess for Chantelle last time) and is only going to cause more hassle before he's done.
It seems to me that Preston really isn't 'in' to Chantelle anymore
I don't think he ever was Cosmo. He said himself in the house they both got kind of swept up with the whole romance thing in the BB house and it went from there but really I think he was speaking more for Chantelle than himself. He went with the flow, she was actually in love and obviously still is. He really has no right to be there he brings nothing to the house. I hope if BB goes to C5 they won't be as ridiculously fixated on love interests it's really really boring.
Early on in the show he was talking to someone in the kitchen (can't remember who) they said ................did you simply get carried away by it all? He was most emphatic when he said 'no I really loved her'. I don't think there was any denying that they really did fall in love before our eyes, Unfortunately it didn't last ...........whether that was media pressure or they simply fell out of love -who knows.
Soozy Woo
Early on in the show he was talking to someone in the kitchen (can't remember who) they said ................did you simply get carried away by it all? He was most emphatic when he said 'no I really loved her'
I've heard him say the exact opposite in the house. In fact they showed it on BBLB when the fake psychologist woman was waffling away nonsensically. I don't think he ever loved her you can see his irritation with her when she says certain things, he just sort of 'dismisses' her without actually walking away or asking her to leave though I imagine in private he would be different.
I heard him say he loved her. I guess people can be contrary. I know what I heard though.
I'm sure he said that and he probably does love her in a way but not in that way. I don't doubt at all that he said he really loved her. I'm just saying he 100 per cent stated he got swept along with it all after the house romance and the fake psychologist used this clip from him in UBB to emphasise her non point.
Early on in the show he was talking to someone in the kitchen (can't remember who) they said ................did you simply get carried away by it all? He was most emphatic when he said 'no I really loved her'.
I heard him say that too. I think he WAS in love with her... for all of five minutes. Trouble is, she still is, and he isn't.
she was simply a whole lot nicer and less spoilt than a bunch of self obsessed celebrities
I was quite happy for her to win and would be happy for her to win this one too. I hated Rachel Rice winning who basically acted out a Chantelle persona. I don't think they were ever in love. Chantelle was and is, he never was. We'll have to agree to disagree.
I hated Rachel Rice winning who basically acted out a Chantelle persona.
No, she was herself - nice but dull. She didn't get into a showmance, stayed with her nice BF on the outside and she's now a teacher.
All Rachel did was tell the truth - she didn't want anything from BB except the experience. She shunned all the Nuts shoot offers and went back to her life - if people hate her for that, they'd probably hate her just as much for cashing in.
All Rachel did was tell the truth - she didn't want anything from BB except the experience. She shunned all the Nuts shoot offers and went back to her life - if people hate her for that, they'd probably hate her just as much for cashing in.
I don't hate her at all just found her crushingly boring. All that childish nursery rhyme nonsense with that braindead 'cooookiiiieee' idiot was all for the cameras. Least deserving BB winner ever imo.
I feel bad for slagging Preston off because he does seem to be a nice chap, but IMO he has no business being in Ultimate Big Brother.  And it does kinda annoy me a bit that a better housemate might have lost their place in UBB for the sake of a "will they won't they" storyline between him and Chantelle.
Gotta agree. But both him and Chantelle are only there for the cheque. I'm sick of the will they won't they. Who cares!
I like Preston, i agree he is abit dull but i think he deserves a place in there, him and Chantelle were a big part of the CBB they were in, i agree there's some other people that deserve to be in there, but i think whoever went in there wouldn't be the same as we remeber them, look at this lot, they are all too aware of the cameras this time, Ulrika to me wasn't a great winner, yet she's in there again, i suppose most of it came down to who wanted to do it and how big the pay cheque was

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