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Originally posted by electric6:
"There's an awful lot of white, British kids who have never really gone hungry, always had a roof to live under, but at the same time are desperately unhappy. It's not total poverty, just a poverty of ideas"
Richey Edwards.
This is going to sound waaaaay corny sorry....but the whole bringing kids up in poverty thing - money, tellys, consoles mean nothing as long as they have love, parents that pay attention to them, that read to them, play with them etc. Obviously being able to feed them helps like too...but you know what I mean.
We are skint like but my kids aint poor iykwim.

Dear gawd, I've made myself feel slightly nauseous here. Sick
Originally posted by electric6:

Also another thing that's worth thinking about is poverty is relative.


Very true.
I grew up one of six children...both my parents worked (as soon as the oldest of us were able to look after the young 'uns), my mother made a lot of our clothes, we were no strangers to hand-me-downs and we didn't have money to waste on non-essentials.
But we didn't consider ourselves poor...
with no central heating, no boiler, no phone and no car until i was about 7, I wore hand me downs or clothes from Jumble sales mostly but we didnt go hungry and i was happy

These days there are so many benefits for people with kids - I know a couple who have a baby and neither of em work and they have everything they could want.

I agree that the benefits system in this country means that technically no child should go hungry or without basic means of survival ( housing water etc). Trouble is, the parents of many children in the poorest areas have problems passing these benefits onto their kids. I think to say that in this country poverty is just wanting the lastest computer games and trainers is a bit flippant.
Originally posted by machel:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Not having a computer and an internet connection for school-age kids is poverty of a sort.

when i was at college all my assessments and stuff had to be done on a family couldn't afford a computer. there was an internet cafe...but it was expensive, i had a friend with a computer...but i couldn't be round hers everynight as she was also doing a course and needed it. my parents got e a computer eventually...but it cost "20 and was older than me Laugh...was basically a glorified assignments basically got laughed at as the ink was smudgey the end i stayed at college till the library closed (9pm) and got the late bus home....which wasted half of the travel fee for the college bus my dad paid...but i needed to. i also hardly ate lunch as i would be in the library

i wouldn't say i was in poverty...but it definately was horrible to be the only one in my class without a computer...i had to work twice as hard to do that same work Frowner

my friends son is going to secondary school next year and the maths homework HAS to be completed on the computer, they don't have one at home and so he must give up his lunch hour to complete it, his mum was worried about him being picked on for having free school meals but now she is more conerned about this, all the "low income/poor" kids will be easily identified and they will certainly believe they are in poverty.

I see the point you are both making. I think that any establishment that requires computer work to be done, should supply a computer if you do not have one.
This type of problem comes about when governments bodies make legislation without thinking the whole thing through.
But not having a computer can not be classed as poverty, but more in the realms of disadvantaged.

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