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Looks like we are heading for another postal strike. Another nail in the coffin for the Post Office.
With the multitude of other companies just waiting for a chance to take over the Post Office, why do the unions think that striking is the answer.
My next door neighbour is a postaman and he does not know anybody who wants to strike at his depot, but says the union reps are really up for it.

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Originally posted by luxor:
Looks like we are heading for another postal strike. Another nail in the coffin for the Post Office.
With the multitude of other companies just waiting for a chance to take over the Post Office, why do the unions think that striking is the answer.
My next door neighbour is a postaman and he does not know anybody who wants to strike at his depot, but says the union reps are really up for it.

I have no idea why they are striking this time, but it seems to be a regular thing. A ridiculous state of affairs, when there are so companies just waiting to take over.
I agree - the postal service sure ain't what it used to be and striking wins no sympathy with me. I knew a couple of postmen years ago - they had to do a reading test before they got the job.... judging by the amount of wrongly and non-delivered mail that I experience now, I'm guessing that's not the case. I long for the days when the postie was recognisable by his uniform (I passed one this morning wearing a sports top, baseball cap and casual trousers half way down his ass... I'd be suspicious if he was walking up my path!) and brought the mail before 4 p.m. (and took his laccy bands back with him!)

This is NOT an attack on posties btw (not all of them anyway) but it is a rant about the service.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
I agree - the postal service sure ain't what it used to be and striking wins no sympathy with me. I knew a couple of postmen years ago - they had to do a reading test before they got the job.... judging by the amount of wrongly and non-delivered mail that I experience now, I'm guessing that's not the case. I long for the days when the postie was recognisable by his uniform (I passed one this morning wearing a sports top, baseball cap and casual trousers half way down his ass... I'd be suspicious if he was walking up my path!) and brought the mail before 4 p.m. (and took his laccy bands back with him!)

This is NOT an attack on posties btw (not all of them anyway) but it is a rant about the service.

We still have a 'regular' postman 'most of the time' and I recognise a few other guys from the days I used to take the kids to school in the mornings - a time when you could set your watch by your post - the days when we had our milk delivered too. God, I sound like Methuselah. Big Grin
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Strange innit. We have had a delivery every day, and all my ebay stuff has got through. Where has tghe strike taken place?

At the moment it is just a few select depots and sorting offices. But the unions are sending out ballot papers today and tomorrow. Wonder if they will use UPS to guarantee they are delivered.
Originally posted by luxor:
The Post Office needs to modernise and become part of the 21st century. To the unions this means change and that is one thing they do not like.

It's a difficult one. We really need the Post to be owned by a state. It doesn't matter which one. Either Germany or Holland would be OK.
The thing we don't need is a privatised firm as anyone who has had dealings with South Africa or Canada will testify.
The bottom line is that there is nothing wrong with our postal system. The usual suspects, corrupt businessmen, see the opportunity to make a quick buck.
Garage Joe
Our postman is sometimes one of my best friends husband. he lives round the corner from me, but does he deliver our mail? NO he delivers a different route every day, sometimes the other side of the city. He spends ages downloading maps off google to see where he is going the night is that good organising????
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by luxor:
The Post Office needs to modernise and become part of the 21st century. To the unions this means change and that is one thing they do not like.

It's a difficult one. We really need the Post to be owned by a state. It doesn't matter which one. Either Germany or Holland would be OK.
The thing we don't need is a privatised firm as anyone who has had dealings with South Africa or Canada will testify.
The bottom line is that there is nothing wrong with our postal system. The usual suspects, corrupt businessmen, see the opportunity to make a quick buck.

Not all business men are corrupt. Just like all poiliticians are not money grabbing barstewards (I know thats a hard one to believe)and some union leaders are reasonable.
It just that state owned services are more likely to be called out on strike because they have a monopoly or at least the vast majority of the market.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Strange innit. We have had a delivery every day, and all my ebay stuff has got through. Where has tghe strike taken place?
We've had a series of one day strikes in many parts of London for several weeks. I have got loads of eBay stuff which I posted two and three weeks ago which hasn't arrived yet, so it looks as though I'm going to have to start giving people refunds Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Strange innit. We have had a delivery every day, and all my ebay stuff has got through. Where has tghe strike taken place?
We've had a series of one day strikes in many parts of London for several weeks. I have got loads of eBay stuff which I posted two and three weeks ago which hasn't arrived yet, so it looks as though I'm going to have to start giving people refunds Roll Eyes

Ah! I wondered.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by luxor:
It just that state owned services are more likely to be called out on strike because they have a monopoly or at least the vast majority of the market.

But not all monopolies are bad.

You are correct. I believe water should be under state control. But having a monopoly that is essential to the public should also bring responsibilities.
Binding arbitration for disputes and a no strike policy should be the order of the day for those who work in essential areas.
The Armed forces and the Police have it so why can't others.
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
I don't know anything about the UK postal strike, but imho anyone who strikes during a time of high unemployment deserves to be unceremoniously fired.

Alas! The market economy is not an exact science.
In fact it's not a science at all.
(See also Directors of large businesses who pay themselves huge price hikes after being responsible for the biggest crash in recent decades.)
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Strange innit. We have had a delivery every day, and all my ebay stuff has got through. Where has tghe strike taken place?
We've had a series of one day strikes in many parts of London for several weeks. I have got loads of eBay stuff which I posted two and three weeks ago which hasn't arrived yet, so it looks as though I'm going to have to start giving people refunds Roll Eyes

Apparently they have a massive backlog Ghost
Originally posted by SazBomb:
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Strange innit. We have had a delivery every day, and all my ebay stuff has got through. Where has tghe strike taken place?
We've had a series of one day strikes in many parts of London for several weeks. I have got loads of eBay stuff which I posted two and three weeks ago which hasn't arrived yet, so it looks as though I'm going to have to start giving people refunds Roll Eyes

Apparently they have a massive backlog Ghost

They should see their pharmacist. Nod
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
I don't know anything about the UK postal strike, but imho anyone who strikes during a time of high unemployment deserves to be unceremoniously fired.

Alas! The market economy is not an exact science.
In fact it's not a science at all.
(See also Directors of large businesses who pay themselves huge price hikes after being responsible for the biggest crash in recent decades.)

The responsibilities for the recent crash is on everyones shoulders. Those who lived of their credit cards and needed the newest of everything are just as responsible as those who gave them the money.
A little more restraint and a little less greed on everyones part would have saved a lot of pain.
it does seem badly managed as whole though.

Our local post office has about 3 people working there despite there being 12 counters and the queues in there are ridiculously long especially on a Saturday.

We have a mate who has recently become a postman and they keep him on contract only and never keep him updated on if it will be renewed or anything.

In fact his contract has expired and he hasnt been offered a new one but he just keeps turning up for work Laugh

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