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Forgive me if this has all been said before - I've not been on here much since the "upgrade" a couple of weeks back.
However, I've noticed a good few people (including myself ) not knowing how to quote another post since the upgrade - why can we no longer do it? (I notice some people are still quoting so maybe they can enlighten us? - unless of course they are typing out the other person's quote )
I've now noticed that my post count has gone as well - is there any reason for this? I liked to see whether members are new or whether they are "old timers" whose threads I haven't been in much.
Usually upgrades mean improvements, but I haven't seen any.
Sorry to rant - maybe on the days I have been on there have been threads about how to work the new system, but I've missed them.
I shall not be leaving with a hissy fit and an "I'm leaving"  thread though, so your'e stuck with me, albeit intermittently - sorry!!

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It seems some of us can quote if using Firefox or Google Chrome, and IE users are sometimes finding they cant quote.

I think Lori was trying to sort it out, and not sure how far they have with this ...

As for the post count, in your livecloud account it is still showing there , but i wouldn't know where to find it, so that would be helpful if someone can say where.
Ev (Peachy)
ello Moomin...

you can't get a post count as such...   but you can get the number of 'community points' an fm has...  which gives you an indication of how long they have been about/how active they have been.

click on the gingerbread man beside the posters name, and then click on community details.

As for quoting...  ermmmm that ones a bit more complex.    

May be best to start with asking what browser you're using?
Moomin, I've posted this elsewhere as a temporary way for IE users to quote. Before opening the Post Reply box, hightlight the text to quote and press Ctrl-C to copy the text. Open the Post Reply Box, then I suggest you type "Quote from " then the user name then press Ctrl-V to paste the text you copied. It will appear as ordinary text as part of your comment which is why it's best to type who you are quoting.
El Loro
Quote from El Loro -
Moomin, I've posted this elsewhere as a temporary way for IE users to quote. Before opening the Post Reply box, hightlight the text to quote and press Ctrl-C to copy the text. Open the Post Reply Box, then I suggest you type "Quote from " then the user name then press Ctrl-V to paste the text you copied. It will appear as ordinary text as part of your comment which is why it's best to type who you are quoting.

El Loro!!   It works!!  A bit more complicated than before, but at least I can do it now!!
Thank you!!
Moomin, I've posted this elsewhere as a temporary way for IE users to quote. Before opening the Post Reply box, hightlight the text to quote and press Ctrl-C to copy the text. Open the Post Reply Box, then I suggest you type "Quote from " then the user name then press Ctrl-V to paste the text you copied. It will appear as ordinary text as part of your comment which is why it's best to type who you are quoting.

But I want it in a flippin box! Copy and paste my arse..
Hi Ditty - long time no speak (how is Ditty daughter doing with uni applications btw?)

its done now (the UCAS thing)...    she was ahead of the game... til she went down with Glandular Fever..  that put everything on hold.    But.... to her credit, she's caught up all the work now (she had to drop DT... which she was only doing as her "fun" lesson anyway...  but that freed up the time so she could catch up the half terms work she missed cos she was ill).

So..   UCAS application went off last week...   had acknowledgements from all the Uni's except Imperial...   which is the one she wants to go to (typical).   Also..   the school sorted out some sort of special circumstances thing (supported by a med certificate) cos of the Glandular Fever.

So..... all we can do is wait now!

She is still planning on having a gap year though...   despite tuition fees going up n all that.   (TBH she isn't that concerned about the fees...    in her words "I'm going to uni so that I can get a well paid job...   I haven't got a problem paying back the money that opportunity cost when I am earning".    And we don't have a problem with it, cos for once its not us paying for it!

hows your boy doing?
My oldest (the one I had all the drama with 18 months ago on results day) is loving it at Lancaster, and like you I am going through the application process with youngest son - he got his appliaction into UCAS 2 weeks ago - had acknowlegements but nothing else as yet. He is not taking a gap year however - I think the competition will be more fierce this year as a lot will not take the gap year though your daughter has a very good point about the repayment of her fees.
is loving it at Lancaster

YAY!!!!   result!!

I think the competition will be more fierce this year as a lot will not take the gap year
Yep...  I think so too!     Loads of her friends at school have cancelled the [very expensive] gap years their parents had booked for them because of the fee's increase.

My daughter has always been adamant she is having a gap year..  she made a decision when she was 14 to work her ass off...   and not do alot of the things her friends were doing, but instead save them all up and have a year off after her a levels.   Add to that the Glandular Fever...  even I can see she needs a year to recharge her batteries.  She just wants to get a casual job, and live a little bit before embarking on the next 4 years of full on studying (the course she is applying for at uni is a 4 year course.... typical her! )

So....   we'll be doing the group hug thing again in the summer then....  starting two weeks before results day! 

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