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Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Erin - I confess I can't begin to understand the excitement, but I know it's really important to you - I hope you're happy with the choice. 

Cheers Kaffy

I swear I am shaking.

   Do you have a preference from the 'nominees'  - or will you just be happy to have a new Pope?  (just heading out, so won't see your answer till I get home - I'm not posting and running.   well, I am I suppose..)

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Erin - I confess I can't begin to understand the excitement, but I know it's really important to you - I hope you're happy with the choice. 

Cheers Kaffy

I swear I am shaking.

   Do you have a preference from the 'nominees'  - or will you just be happy to have a new Pope?  (just heading out, so won't see your answer till I get home - I'm not posting and running.   well, I am I suppose..)

I want a younger Pope ,a Pope that will be similar to  John Paul the second .


format for the announcement when a cardinal is elected Pope is:

Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum: Habemus Papam; Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum Dominum, Dominum [First Name] SanctÃĶ RomanÃĶ EcclesiÃĶ Cardinalem [Last Name], Qui sibi nomen imposuit [Papal Name].

In English, it reads:

I announce to you a great joy: We have a Pope! The most eminent and most reverend Lord, Lord [First Name] Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church [Last Name], Who takes for himself the name of [Papal Name].


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