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me too  i noticed he was twitching more last night as well, i can't understand why no-one has ever mentioned the fee to him before  surely you'd check that 50% was correct before signing anything and he also said at the begining that his managment had got him a tattoo of their logo as a christmas present for him  i like him and i hope he makes the final
I so hope that there is a reasonable explanation. at one point I think i heard him say that the 'management' cover all tour expenses etc. Maybe they just do things differently abroad.
I did feel really really sorry for him though when he said to Nicola that he has two 'rocks' or main things in his life - his family and management and he trusts them both implicitly. it's very sad if he has been ripped off - I hope it's not as bad as it seems.
Soozy Woo
Soozy, it must be awful for him, that he now has doubts about someone he had complete faith in

Yes it must be horrible knowing that he's stuck in there for another week at least without being able to sort it. He looked like a broken man last night .....................I dont think the laughter and ridiculing helped. It was a bit insensitive under the circumstances.
Soozy Woo
Same here JAF, I was sooo upset for him,  espcially when he first went to bed, I think he was crying. And his poor facial ticks were very much in evidence.He then started worrying if he had said too much that could hurt his manager - poor lad. I agree with Yogi regarding the toilet humour but basically I think he is a nice enough chap.I hated the way Sisqo and that numpty Alex were laughing at him, that was cruel and so insensitive.
Reference: Soozy
 He looked like a broken man last night .....................I dont think the laughter and ridiculing helped. It was a bit insensitive under the circumstances.
I think the others were a bit incredulous that Jonas didn't realise 50% was a ridiculous amount to pay, but laughing at him was very insensitive, I agree.
Same here JAF, I was sooo upset for him, espcially when he first went to bed, I think he was crying. And his poor facial ticks were very much in evidence.He then started worrying if he had said too much that could hurt his manager - poor lad. I agree with Yogi regarding the toilet humour but basically I think he is a nice enough chap.I hated the way Sisqo and that numpty Alex were laughing at him, that was cruel and so insensitive.
I think he is a sensitive, trusting soul, Fairfax. It will be unforgivable, if he has been taken to the cleaners.
Awww, poor Jonas!!! I didn't see it but it sounds like uncomfortable viewing..

how dare Alex laugh at him, at least Jonas has his OWN career, as for Dane, i was warming to him but this could change my mind...

I do think Jonas is a good hearted, nice person, maybe a little too trusting which would explain why he was fed up over the Katia thing, and the toilet humour, well, maybe he's just trying to be one of the lads...
The Devil In Diamante
hello No 4
Afternoon no 4..

I think he might be too soft-hearted for his own good Stonks. Sadly, there's always someone prepared to take advantage of trusting, gentle souls.
Exactly but when recording artists get a million pound contract even their dinner is taken out of that so I don't know if he is being ripped off, he might end up laughing at them, when did they last earn?....
Reference: Stonks
Exactly but when recording artists get a million pound contract even their dinner is taken out of that so I don't know if he is being ripped off, he might end up laughing at them, when did they last earn?....
Good point. It would be nice if Jonas got the last laugh.

I'm off to the shops, back in a wee while.

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