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I think Lisa, Charlie and Karly are slowly realising that the hunters are becoming the hunted!

Lisa has mentioned a couple of times how people in the house are not speaking to her! LOL she's created that all for herself (at least that's what I'm getting from the HL and what little live feed I've seen).

Obviously Kris leaving last week has left their group wounded and feeling vulnerable.

Karly probably knows she's on borrowed time for this Friday. Shame because to begin with I thought she'd be a great housemate. She just alligned herself with the wrong group.

Even Charlie last night was trying to play the victim in the bathroom.

Good for Sophie, she's playing a blinder by befriending the rest of the house. Rodrigo also surpises me - he manages to speak to everyone without attracting too much negative attention for it. Noirin doesn't do so well in that regard.

Oops, I'm rambling. I've just found it fascinating over the last couple of weeks watching the balance of power shifting in the house.

I think BB knew full well what it was doing by punishing Charlie, Kris and Dogface for their nomination talk.

The game is now wide open. It will be very interesting to see which new players we get this week, whether they've seen the show, and which side they'll allign themselves to.

Bring it on!

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