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*turns on the waterworks *

Actually I can't turn on the waterworks.... that's why I need help!

I can't un-plumb my old washing machine.... therefore I can't plumb in my new washing machine.

I have been un-plumbing and plumbing for years (I've moved house faaaar too many times) so I know WHAT to do...... but I just can't unscrew the cold water pipe from under the sink. It's stuck fast! I had to saw through the old pipe just so the "men" (don't get me started!) could take the old appliance away. Now I'm stuck with a useless piece of 6 inch pipe on my cold water outlet.  

My gorgeous new machine is glaring at me from the wrong side of the kitchen...... HEEEEEELP!

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I always do the washing machine plumbing in this house...I had the same problem once...the 'men' who had been paid to take out the old one and out the new one in just shook their head at it and left...I ended up doing what you had done and then putting the new cold feed pipe on the new machine and splicing the two pipes together and holding them fast with a couple of jubilee clips,...which worked and never leaked!

Have you no WD40 and a big wrench to try and get the old connection moving?

When I changed my cooked I had to borrow a huge wrench of the neighbour so I was able to get a bit more leverage and get the gas pipe off!

It was a slow job but it moved eventually!
Ducky.. I am assuming that you have a bit of the flexible 'tubing' still attached to the cold feed with the big blue nut thing... if so can you take the hacksaw carefully to the to the plastic 'nut' twice at opposite sides and break if off?
That's exactly the position I'm in Zaph! ANd that's a fab idea! I'm off to try it, wish me luck.
Nice image you gave me there Ditty

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

My son managed to remove the six inch pipe.   So no tutting OH needs to visit! (apparently earlier when I asked him to try he only used his fingers because it hurt his hand )

I attached the new pipe to the water outlet no probs, but when the machine is switched on no water reaches the drum. I've checked the pipe, the water is getting to the machine fine..... I've read, re-read and re-read the instructions and I don't think it's me. I'm going to have to ring the help line.
LOL Ditty! I'm no longer a flustered duck. I spoke to a true genius (of the female kind funnily enough) on the help line....... she said it was a problem with the machine and I had to reset it by following a long winded button sequence. She then said press start...........and TA DA! WATER!!!!!!!!!!

Praise the lord! I can now wash me tea towels.

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