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I don't know who she thinks she is. All that rubbish with Wagner last night, it was a conversation she should have had in private, let alone say 'ooh well you're the lucky one just being able to stand on that stage' as if she's a friggin musical institution. She's paid a hell of a lot of money to do not much of a job that she's under-qualified for.

She really is up her own arse and her attitude this year absolutely stinks. The stupid bint needs a reality check.
I don't know who she thinks she is. All that rubbish with Wagner last night, it was a conversation she should have had in private, let alone say 'ooh well you're the lucky one just being able to stand on that stage' as if she's a friggin musical institution. She's paid a hell of a lot of money to do not much of a job that she's under-qualified for.
She has started to believe her own hype sadly.
..she only got the 'tag' after the fist time Ashley cheated on her, poor Cheryl...she stayed with him until he humiliated her even more, and strangely keep s his name......she is a lovely person but she's hardly gonna change the world is she....a mediocre singer who just happens to be very who's better?....there's only one way to find out.....FIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
The Devil In Diamante
I really liked her but went right off her when she refused to make a choice thus sending the only good singer in the show home and saving Katie who is only marginally better than the worst singer in the show (Wagner).

I've had no time for her at all after that. She should have been booted from the show, as should that braindead plonker Louis who keeps putting people who can't sing through to the last stages.
By being in the wrong place at the wrong time I caught about 10 minutes of that Poor Me rubbish she did with (I think) Piers Morgan.
I was in dire need of a sick bucket. It was so staged and pathetic, absolute contrived drivel. And I wondered if her performance was being coached by the same person who did Diana for that Bashir interview.
Cole needs a reality check
Biffa can't sing, but thinks she can. She's very pretty but is in danger of disappearing up her own backside these days. She's very lucky to be where she is and should be thanking the gods for it every day
Yes! I agree with this. I don't consume any of her stuff but the public have bought into it. She is very lucky having all this attention. Eat yer heart out Oscar Wild!!
I also suspect that Katie  Price is not a huge fan.
Garage Joe
Her outburst was unprofessional and embarrassing. Even worse, she sat there like a self-satisfied ....when Wagner offered an explanation. Still the same old Cheryl, attacking those less powerful than herself. No point in being 'pretty' on the outside and ugly within, Don't need role models like her, whereever they come from.
Agree with all of this ^^^^

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