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The alternative to the Queen and her family are the armoured tanks and cars travelling into the forecourt of Buckingham Palace, with outriders carrying guns a la a Police State.  The Queen brings stability to this country and because she can trace her ancestors back for nearly a thousand years (save one blip in the 17th Century) the system has to be seen as something that works.  Continuity, tradition and pomp are what the British gain and when likened to other countries who have no monarchy (Italy, France, etc) there is a certain kudos to be gained for having retained something that the majority of people in the country want.  When Charles II returned from exile in 1660, he was welcomed with open arms by his 'subjects' and the British have, since that day, preferred their Monarchy to the alternative .. Oliver Cromwell, and a kind of Police State.

Even though I am Irish, I love watching all the pomp and ceremony.  And I think the Queen is someone to cherish.  She made a speech in her little squeaky 21 year old voice way back then to 'devote her life to the people of Britain'.  She has kept her promise.
Twee Surgeon
Reference: Daniel
I was watching Phil The Greek during the 2 minutes silence at the 'membrance service on TV. No way was he thinking of the fallen! I love that man. He should come fitted with thought bubbles. report · permalink
It's bad enough hearing the things that he allows to come out of his mouth.  I don't think I could take the subconscious ramblings.
It's bad enough hearing the things that he allows to come out of his mouth. I don't think I could take the subconscious ramblings.
I wet myself at his joke when he was giving out awards to British Indian 'achievers' last month.  The people all had name badges on and he told Atul Patel that he'd noticed he had a lot of his family receiving awards that day.  I'm pretty sure he was joking but he knows no fear about stuff like that.  It's such a crap joke but out of his mouth at an official function it's genius. 
Reference:  Deej
I was watching Phil The Greek during the 2 minutes silence at the 'membrance service on TV.  No way was he thinking of the fallen!  I love that man.  He should come fitted with thought bubbles.

I think its a sign of becoming middle aged.... appreciating ol Phil.    I pmsl when he was at Chelsea Flower Show and ask one of the specialist stand holders what type of plants they were.   The stand holder replied using a couple of sentences... to which Phil responds "I only wanted to know what they were, I didn't want a bloody lecture"...

hahaha!  ... someone steer him towards Carol Klein or Monty Cocknose!  

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