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I do like having an unelected head of state and I think it would be wrong to change the monarchy too much under it's present head but I'm not sure I want things carrying on into the next generation in its present form. She's been at it 50-odd years and done a pretty good job. I'd hold of with madame guillotine until she's had her turn.
Teddy Bleads
It's all a bit eccentric which I think does reflect us as a nation.
I'm off to London next week to celebrate our birthdays and I'm heading off to Kengsington Palace and Kew gardens for a wee tour. I have a fasination for the Royal romances through the years and I do believe your Royal family definately generate revenue for the country. However, (just my opinion) I think its just a tad galling when folk in this economy see money being used for security for minor royals.
Monarchy are only a part of our heritage.
I think it is important to preserve history. Many aspects have been adapted for the modern age, but old traditions are important too.
It would be sad if they were lost and gone forever.
I like the dressing up for certain special occasions and the pomp and ceremony.
I would rather wigs and tights than jeans worn underneath the buttocks or a visible thong straining over a tattooed bottom.

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