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Dave is one of my favourites, based on entertainment value. He entertains me (in a good way) whenever he is on screen, which is more than can be said for many of the others. A few questionable things about him, but then every person I know (including people on this forum) have at least a few questionable things about them. As a housemate, he is somebody I want to see make it to the end.

I also don't think he is anywhere as bad as some people try to make out. I believe his heart is in the right place, even if some of his methods are cause for a raised eyebrow. 
I've only seen Maths say that they like him.

I don't dislike him as much as I disliked Scabby and Keeva (or that gobby dingbat Rachel), but he isn't first on my Get 'Em Out list. But he's definitely on it.
Who's your worse HM Cos?....

This is another year that any certain HM has stood out from the rest. Would have to go back a few years to remember the last one. The only one i can remember was Pete.
I did'nt like that gobstoite either....
Dave is one of my favourites, based on entertainment value. He entertains me (in a good way) whenever he is on screen, which is more than can be said for many of the others. A few questionable things about him, but then, every person I know (including people on this forum) have at least a few questionable things about them. As a housemate, he is somebody I want to see make it to the end. I also don't think he is anywhere as bad as some people try to make out. I believe his heart is in the right place, even if some of his methods are cause for a raised eyebrow.
Each to their own Maths, I can't argue cos I like JJ....
Maffs are you mad????   He apparently baptised his children (is he even ordained or ANYTHING) - GLORY BE..... he loves Ben his best mate (and lazy little coward who never does anything and cant fight his own battles... did I mention that the US drill sargent told Dave WEEKS ago that Ben was a coward and how Dave won the shopping or whatever).  I'm filling up with the GLOOOOORY now... I feel like buying a wheelchair offa EBAY and pretending I cant walk so strangers will talk to me...... oh the GLORY... my belly is getting fat and I'm getting all confused as to my sexuality as well...

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