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Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
ALL the peeps registered for this forum are already Registered and Signed-Up for 'over there'.
The question you have to ask yourself is whether you want to Sign-in to the OPTIONAL EXTRAS that are on offer? They are not obligatory and you can keep to the forum only if you wish.

That is incorrect for some of us. Laugh
Actually it is correct for all. However some of you are experiencing some sort of incompatibility in systems and THAT is what is causing the problems. Big Grin

Fluffy it wouldn`t let me register because it wouldn`t accept my password from here. I was told by Lori that the system was only recognising the password we used at our temporary Eve home before we came to Gaga. I forgot it but they sent it and only then I was able to register.
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
I thought I was already in Live Cloud! I am confuddled!!
Yes, you are. All people who are registered for here are on Live Cloud. The trouble seems to arise for some when they try to complete their PROFILE, which I have been led to believe is only needed if you want to participate in the Social Networking side of things. I am of the understanding that when this forum moves over you will be able to go straight to it without having anything to do with the rest of LC at all.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
I'll try but I can't always manage to log in as it doesn't always recognise my password.
The one time that I did make a tentative comment on a thread it sent me an e mail every time someone posted on it (even though I changed my preferences to stop it)
I don't know if its stopped because the thread has disappeared or because my changes in preferences has taken effect as I haven't been over to check.
I don't want to be deluged with anymore piles of unwanted e mails. Big Grin
when signed in click MANAGE then settings and scroll to the bottom and click the vacation box. That should stop all e-mails.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
I thought I was already in Live Cloud! I am confuddled!!
Yes, you are. All people who are registered for here are on Live Cloud. The trouble seems to arise for some when they try to complete their PROFILE, which I have been led to believe is only needed if you want to participate in the Social Networking side of things. I am of the understanding that when this forum moves over you will be able to go straight to it without having anything to do with the rest of LC at all.

You have do go through all the rigramole of signing in and giving out all your personal details even if you have absolutely no intention of doing anything other than posting on the forums.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by *BB*:

You have do go through all the rigramole of signing in and giving out all your personal details even if you have absolutely no intention of doing anything other than posting on the forums.

That's what I thought too. I think its unavoidable. So pleased you are over there now.

Thanks Squiggle. Hug But I honestly don't think I will be spending much time over there under it's present format. I HATE it! Eeker
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Doubt it, as far as I am concerned this is the LAST ever Big Brother, and it will end for me the minute Marcus leaves the house I HOPE thats as the winner, but if not then so be it,
I certainly have NO interest in any of the others,
I knew that this years BB would be a farce, no live feed, the closing of the c4 forums was OBVIOUSLY done to give channel 4 more control over what we see, and to ensure there would NOT be any repeat of "goodie gate" or spit gate or N word gate etc,
so as this BB nears its end, I see little point in bothering to move to yet another home,
for me it will be a case of so long and thanks for all the fish, Wave

You would be sadly missed, I hope you change your mind.
Fluffy it wouldn`t let me register because it wouldn`t accept my password from here. I was told by Lori that the system was only recognising the password we used at our temporary Eve home before we came to Gaga. I forgot it but they sent it and only then I was able to register.
I know that scotty, they did tell us that in the original notice of the log-in system change. Once the switch over happened wee all now use our Eve support forum details or continued using our details from here
if we weren't in the Support Forum. It's the completing of the PROFILE that seems to be causing the most problems. But as far as I understoodit, the profile was only required for THE REST of Live Cloud, but not for this forum when it goes there.
A further problem is, or so it seems to me, some people are going there with an expectation of how things should look/work and if the reality does not match the way they want it to be this then means that it's rubbish in all aspects. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Are we all going to set up home in the Forum bit?
i am flinging myself about in a very cavalier manner. i'm posting here there and everywhere, i read people's blogs, and walls and generally make a nuisance of myself,leaving comments and pearls of wisdom,like an out of work therapist having a panic attack, whether they are wanted or not, Big Grin

tis the best way!
The one thing I would say to everyone is don't give up too quickly. It was absolutely DIRE at first there is no other word. But thanks to the hard work of those who have been pointing out glitches and those who have been working to put those things right it is slowly coming around. I really believe that in the end we will have something usable and that we can still enjoy.
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Fluffy it wouldn`t let me register because it wouldn`t accept my password from here. I was told by Lori that the system was only recognising the password we used at our temporary Eve home before we came to Gaga. I forgot it but they sent it and only then I was able to register.
I know that scotty, they did tell us that in the original notice of the log-in system change. Once the switch over happened wee all now use our Eve support forum details or continued using our details from here
if we weren't in the Support Forum. It's the completing of the PROFILE that seems to be causing the most problems. But as far as I understoodit, the profile was only required for THE REST of Live Cloud, but not for this forum when it goes there.
A further problem is, or so it seems to me, some people are going there with an expectation of how things should look/work and if the reality does not match the way they want it to be this then means that it's rubbish in all aspects. Smiler

I must have missed the original notice of the log in change Fluffy. I believe there was a sticky but it was removed.

I don`t know much about whether the profile has to be completed or not but it certainly automatically came up when I registered. I filled it in because I thought I had to. It doesn`t say otherwise.

I don`t think it`s rubbish but Livecloud is not as user friendly as here, especially when you`re a technophobe like me and there seems to be lots of us around. Crazy

I`m going to give it a go anyway. I`m learning something new every day. It`s retaining it that`s the problem. Big Grin
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Doubt it, as far as I am concerned this is the LAST ever Big Brother, and it will end for me the minute Marcus leaves the house I HOPE thats as the winner, but if not then so be it,
I certainly have NO interest in any of the others,
I knew that this years BB would be a farce, no live feed, the closing of the c4 forums was OBVIOUSLY done to give channel 4 more control over what we see, and to ensure there would NOT be any repeat of "goodie gate" or spit gate or N word gate etc,
so as this BB nears its end, I see little point in bothering to move to yet another home,
for me it will be a case of so long and thanks for all the fish, Wave

You would be sadly missed, I hope you change your mind.

AWWW its possible that I might show my mug, probably let the OH sus it out first, AND I have to bear in mind I AM tired ATM, as I have been awake for over 24 hrs, so am probably a bit "moody" Big Grin
old hippy guy
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Are we all going to set up home in the Forum bit?
i am flinging myself about in a very cavalier manner. i'm posting here there and everywhere, i read people's blogs, and walls and generally make a nuisance of myself,leaving comments and pearls of wisdom,like an out of work therapist having a panic attack, whether they are wanted or not, Big Grin

tis the best way!

Originally posted by Scotty:
I don`t know much about whether the profile has to be completed or not but it certainly automatically came up when I registered. I filled it in because I thought I had to. It doesn`t say otherwise.

I don`t think it`s rubbish but Livecloud is not as user friendly as here, especially when you`re a technophobe like me and there seems to be lots of us around. Crazy

I`m going to give it a go anyway. I`m learning something new every day. It`s retaining it that`s the problem. Big Grin
Yes, the initial Sticky about it was removed but it was still on the Community announcements Forum, however I see it has been edited. So the original stuff I read can't be checked. You shouldn't have needed to register just SIGN-IN. BY signing in you would have been asked to complete your profile, not make a new one. I hope you all believe me when I say I am not addressing my remarks and comments to anyone specifically, but that it'd an amalgamation of things I have seen and read. Also what I am saying is How things are SUPPOSED to work. I am aware that things have gone wrong for some (for whatever reason), but that does not meen that the basic method I am espousing is wrong, it just means that some people are having problems. We all still need to start off by trying the 'how things are supposed to work' method.

Bear in mind that(assuming all goes as it should)after you get to the home page ( ) you can EXPLORE and read certain things without Signing-in or completing your profile.

I'm sure you're not really a technophobe. It's just that these things come more easily to some than others. Hug

And another thing to bear in mind is that, having opened a full profile you have full control over it and can close it down completely, if you so desire. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Barolo:
Originally posted by Amythist:
Confused how can you be here and there...I thought we had moved there which makes us here....or have I got it completely wrong

I thought exactly the same thing. Confused
At the moment weare still two seperate things (like us being in one house and Live Cloud being in the next door house, but the key to open both doors is the same. (e-mail addy + password). In a very few days now we will be moved into the same house as each other and will have one communal front door that'll open onto the hall (Home Page). Door to one side (Explore>communities)will take us to this forum and all the other doors will take us to aspects of Live Cloud's Social Networking features.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Fluffy it wouldn`t let me register because it wouldn`t accept my password from here. I was told by Lori that the system was only recognising the password we used at our temporary Eve home before we came to Gaga. I forgot it but they sent it and only then I was able to register.
I know that scotty, they did tell us that in the original notice of the log-in system change. Once the switch over happened wee all now use our Eve support forum details or continued using our details from here
if we weren't in the Support Forum. It's the completing of the PROFILE that seems to be causing the most problems. But as far as I understoodit, the profile was only required for THE REST of Live Cloud, but not for this forum when it goes there.
A further problem is, or so it seems to me, some people are going there with an expectation of how things should look/work and if the reality does not match the way they want it to be this then means that it's rubbish in all aspects. Smiler

Simple fact is that this forum works for a lot of people. I find the forums over at LiveCloud in no way to be as good as this one, the style is easy to read, there is a decent amount of margin either side of the page and please do not tell me to adjust my monitor, because it works just fine on every other forum and website I go on to.

We will lose sigs at the end of every post, the type is not as good as here and people can go on until they are blue in the face saying that it is for the better, personally I am of the opinion, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but we are very much in the minority and being cried down by the people who love it are wanting to use the other things that are in place, and I admit that I have and will use the blog and the wall, but I can see, even if some of you can't that BB was getting really upset by the comments and the frustration about not being able to get into LiveCloud.

I shall be sorry to see this style of forum go, it may be old fashioned, but it is very, very userfriendly.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:

Simple fact is that this forum works for a lot of people. I find the forums over at LiveCloud in no way to be as good as this one, the style is easy to read, there is a decent amount of margin either side of the page and please do not tell me to adjust my monitor, because it works just fine on every other forum and website I go on to.

We will lose sigs at the end of every post, the type is not as good as here and people can go on until they are blue in the face saying that it is for the better, personally I am of the opinion, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but we are very much in the minority and being cried down by the people who love it are wanting to use the other things that are in place, and I admit that I have and will use the blog and the wall, but I can see, even if some of you can't that BB was getting really upset by the comments and the frustration about not being able to get into LiveCloud.

I shall be sorry to see this style of forum go, it may be old fashioned, but it is very, very userfriendly.

Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Fluffy it wouldn`t let me register because it wouldn`t accept my password from here. I was told by Lori that the system was only recognising the password we used at our temporary Eve home before we came to Gaga. I forgot it but they sent it and only then I was able to register.
I know that scotty, they did tell us that in the original notice of the log-in system change. Once the switch over happened wee all now use our Eve support forum details or continued using our details from here
if we weren't in the Support Forum. It's the completing of the PROFILE that seems to be causing the most problems. But as far as I understoodit, the profile was only required for THE REST of Live Cloud, but not for this forum when it goes there.
A further problem is, or so it seems to me, some people are going there with an expectation of how things should look/work and if the reality does not match the way they want it to be this then means that it's rubbish in all aspects. Smiler

Simple fact is that this forum works for a lot of people. I find the forums over at LiveCloud in no way to be as good as this one, the style is easy to read, there is a decent amount of margin either side of the page and please do not tell me to adjust my monitor, because it works just fine on every other forum and website I go on to.

We will lose sigs at the end of every post, the type is not as good as here and people can go on until they are blue in the face saying that it is for the better, personally I am of the opinion, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but we are very much in the minority and being cried down by the people who love it are wanting to use the other things that are in place, and I admit that I have and will use the blog and the wall, but I can see, even if some of you can't that BB was getting really upset by the comments and the frustration about not being able to get into LiveCloud.

I shall be sorry to see this style of forum go, it may be old fashioned, but it is very, very userfriendly.

I agree with every word and I don't see how the format can be that old-fashioned when it is in daily use over on Eve Communities' every other forum.
I agree with every word and I don't see how the format can be that old-fashioned when it is in daily use over on Eve Communities' every other forum.

There's nothing gold-fashioned about this forum. You are perfectly correct Squiggle. It's different to the phPbb forums as it's more basic but that can often be a good thing.

The sorry excuse for a forum that they currently have in place on the black cloud website is quite simply awfy! Eeker It's very sad but I think that changing the format of this community will see a steady trickle of members disappearing over the next few weeks and months and eventually the community will die a death. It's inevitable unless something is done to keep the community in it's present format. I've seen this happen over the years on other large communities.
Originally posted by *BB*:
I agree with every word and I don't see how the format can be that old-fashioned when it is in daily use over on Eve Communities' every other forum.

There's nothing gold-fashioned about this forum. You are perfectly correct Squiggle. It's different to the phPbb forums as it's more basic but that can often be a good thing.

The sorry excuse for a forum that they currently have in place on the black cloud website is quite simply awfy! Eeker It's very sad but I think that changing the format of this community will see a steady trickle of members disappearing over the next few weeks and months and eventually the community will die a death. It's inevitable unless something is done to keep the community in it's present format. I've seen this happen over the years on other large communities.

I went traipsing around a lot of Eve forums today, they all have the Eve layout the same as this, thats why I don't understand why the format has to change.
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Fluffy it wouldn`t let me register because it wouldn`t accept my password from here. I was told by Lori that the system was only recognising the password we used at our temporary Eve home before we came to Gaga. I forgot it but they sent it and only then I was able to register.
I know that scotty, they did tell us that in the original notice of the log-in system change. Once the switch over happened wee all now use our Eve support forum details or continued using our details from here
if we weren't in the Support Forum. It's the completing of the PROFILE that seems to be causing the most problems. But as far as I understoodit, the profile was only required for THE REST of Live Cloud, but not for this forum when it goes there.
A further problem is, or so it seems to me, some people are going there with an expectation of how things should look/work and if the reality does not match the way they want it to be this then means that it's rubbish in all aspects. Smiler
I've had some discussions about the profile business and have to admit that either I misread the initial notification or it was sufficiently ambiguous as to enable different interpretations, (Of course I go with the ambiguity option - <It's not my fault miss> Wink > So it now appears that in order to post on this forum once it is 'over there' you WILL need to complete your profile and sign in. Until then you will only be able to read the forums, but everything else I have said about the way Live Cloud functions is true. It is just unfortunate that a few people are experiencing some problems, for whatever reason.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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