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The set up works fine on my laptop but on my PC there is no left hand margin at all, quite difficult to use, and everytime I want to see how many are online I have to scroll over. Now the difficulty is my settings work fine for everything else so do I want to change them so that the new forum will 'sit' properly on my screen, and will that affect other things I do on the PC?
Originally posted by bobnot:
have you tried livecloud?? its a load of crap......i want a forum to chat about bb not a myspace wannabee
and you will have a forum to chat about BB, THIS FORUM!
And you need never have anything to do with the 'myspace wannabe' side of things.

But if you want to exclude yourself from the forum just because you'll have to go through two doors to get to it instead of the present one, then be my guest, but don't expect the rest of us to give up our enjoyment of the forum just because you don't fancy the look and functionality of the OPTIONAL....yes, optional - NOT obligatory, other stuff.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I don't want all this FB, Twitter, blogs etc., I just want a forum (pref like this one) to post on. So, I will give it a go over there, but I won't be using all the additional features.
Because you are already there and have completed your LC profile, when the forums move over all you have to do is close down your profile, i.e. untick and de-select all options, and then you can happily forget about that side of things and concentrate on a happy (and hopefully prolonged) forum life. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Kaytee:
I'm already there and finding my way around by playing with the's fun Thumbs Up
So am I Kaytee, but some people aren't interested in that side of things and because of all the moaning about it that others are doing it has given a lot of people the WRONG idea about the place and prevented them from realising that you can 'DO' the forum only and DO NOT need to join the Social Networking side of things, EVER! Though the option to do so will always be there if they change their minds.
And those of us who have gone to explore that side of things have the option of closing it down completely and happily forgetting about it, but we also have the option of reviving it later if we so desire.
It is not something being imposed on us, it is just some extras that are there and available to us IF WE SHOULD CHOOSE TO USE THEM.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Ive moved over but im not comfortable there and dont think i will be around once this has gone.
im frightened to do anything over there.
I will have a look once this has gone but doubt i will post.been great here and i will miss it.
Jaf, don't be silly. Just keep forumming as before and ignore the rest!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
I'm already there and finding my way around by playing with the's fun Thumbs Up
So am I Kaytee, but some people aren't interested in that side of things and because of all the moaning about it that others are doing it has given a lot of people the WRONG idea about the place and prevented them from realising that you can 'DO' the forum only and DO NOT need to join the Social Networking side of things, EVER! Though the option to do so will always be there if they change their minds.
And those of us who have gone to explore that side of things have the option of closing it down completely and happily forgetting about it, but we also have the option of reviving it later if we so desire.
It is not something being imposed on us, it is just some extras that are there and available to us IF WE SHOULD CHOOSE TO USE THEM.

Very well put Fluffy Thumbs Up, when we moved here I was all over the place, you, Rafe and lots of others helped everyone, I can't see it being any different over there. We will all pitch in & help. Hug
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
I'm already there and finding my way around by playing with the's fun Thumbs Up
So am I Kaytee, but some people aren't interested in that side of things and because of all the moaning about it that others are doing it has given a lot of people the WRONG idea about the place and prevented them from realising that you can 'DO' the forum only and DO NOT need to join the Social Networking side of things, EVER! Though the option to do so will always be there if they change their minds.
And those of us who have gone to explore that side of things have the option of closing it down completely and happily forgetting about it, but we also have the option of reviving it later if we so desire.
It is not something being imposed on us, it is just some extras that are there and available to us IF WE SHOULD CHOOSE TO USE THEM.

I'm not techy savvy Fluffy, but messing about and popping up in various places means that you soon find your way about. Some of us are using our blogs as meeting places. People need to give LC a sporting chance Thumbs Up
By The Way, you can go over there and have a look around and read things, without 'Signing In' You just wont be able to post a reply or comment. Smiler

Edit: What I mean is, yes, you'll have to Log in (same details as you use for here), but don't click on Sign In, or Sign up. Just use the options on the top black bar and explore.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by fabienne:
I've been over there and can't find a forum. Can anyone give me directions please. Confused

Might not be a useful answer..may even be biased..however

Spend several hours running the interweb like a headless chicken, develop a whole new repettoire of profanity which you can patent, decide you hate computers and throw a mahoosive stroppy fit for a day thereabouts, then return here when you feel better.

Those directions are highly classified at this time - tell no one Ninja
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by fabienne:
I've been over there and can't find a forum. Can anyone give me directions please. Confused

Hi Fabienne,

The forums are not set up yet. We are all playing in the support forum. Big Grin

Oooh, a support forum? Thank you for telling me, Essex Angel. Smiler

I've just posted on your wall. Big Grin
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
I'm already there and finding my way around by playing with the's fun Thumbs Up
So am I Kaytee, but some people aren't interested in that side of things and because of all the moaning about it that others are doing it has given a lot of people the WRONG idea about the place and prevented them from realising that you can 'DO' the forum only and DO NOT need to join the Social Networking side of things, EVER! Though the option to do so will always be there if they change their minds.
And those of us who have gone to explore that side of things have the option of closing it down completely and happily forgetting about it, but we also have the option of reviving it later if we so desire.
It is not something being imposed on us, it is just some extras that are there and available to us IF WE SHOULD CHOOSE TO USE THEM.

Love ya Fluffs. Hug

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